Object ProSelection

Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: WSelection


The following objects are attributes of this object:

ProAsmcomppath, ProModelitem, ProView

This object is an attribute of the following objects:


A selection object is commonly generated as a result of selecting any Creo Parametric object. The selection object contains not only the information of the object selected, but also other useful pieces of information, such as the location of this Creo Parametric object in the assembly hierarchy, the coordinates of the selection, and so on. Selections are used to represent actual user-selected items, but also are used to represent geometric references of features and annotations.

ProSelection Functions:

ProSelect(), ProSelectExternalhighlightRegister(), ProSelectExternalselectionRecord(), ProSelectionAlloc(), ProSelectionAsmcomppathGet(), ProSelectionCollectionGet(), ProSelectionCopy(), ProSelectionDepthGet(), ProSelectionDimArrowGet(), ProSelectionDimArrowSet(), ProSelectionDimWitnessLineGet(), ProSelectionDimWitnessLineSet(), ProSelectionDisplay(), ProSelectionDrawingGet(), ProSelectionDtlsyminstEntityGet(), ProSelectionDtlsyminstEntitySet(), ProSelectionDwgtableGet(), ProSelectionDwgtblcellGet(), ProSelectionEndNotify(), ProSelectionEnvAlloc(), ProSelectionEnvFree(), ProSelectionExtHighlightAct(), ProSelectionFree(), ProSelectionHighlight(), ProSelectionModelitemGet(), ProSelectionPipelineGet(), ProSelectionPoint3dGet(), ProSelectionPoint3dSet(), ProSelectionPostFilter(), ProSelectionPostSelact(), ProSelectionPreFilter(), ProSelectionSet(), ProSelectionStartNotify(), ProSelectionTableGet(), ProSelectionToReference(), ProSelectionUnhighlight(), ProSelectionUvParamGet(), ProSelectionUvParamSet(), ProSelectionVerify(), ProSelectionViewGet(), ProSelectionViewSet(), ProSelectionWindowIdGet(), ProSelectionWithOptionsDistanceEval()

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Techniques of Conversion and Mixing
  2. Task Based Application Libraries: ProArgument and Argument Management
  3. Assembly: Basic Assembly Access: Structure of Assemblies and Assembly Objects
  4. Assembly: Basic Assembly Access: Properties Related to Component Purpose
  5. Assembly: Basic Assembly Access: Embedded Components and Inseparable Assemblies
  6. Assembly: Kinematic Dragging and Creating Snapshots: Snapshot Constraints
  7. User Interface: Curve and Surface Collection: Interactive Collection
  8. User Interface: Curve and Surface Collection: Accessing Collection object from Selection Buffer
  9. Assembly: Assembling Components: Assembling a Component Parametrically
  10. Core: Cross Sections: Extracting Cross-Sectional Geometry
  11. Core: Cross Sections: Creating and Modifying Cross Sections
  12. Event-driven Programming: Foreign Datum Curves: Providing an Evaluation Function
  13. Production Applications: Cabling: Measuring Harness Clearance
  14. Drawings: Listing Drawing Views
  15. Drawings: Modifying Views
  16. Drawings: Auxiliary Views
  17. Drawings: Revolved Views
  18. Drawings: View Orientation
  19. Drawings: Visible Areas of Views
  20. Drawings: Sections of a View
  21. Drawings: Draft Entity Data
  22. Drawings: Detail Attachments and Leaders
  23. Drawings: Drawing Dimension Attachments and Dimension Creation
  24. Event-driven Programming: External Objects: Selection Data for External Objects
  25. Event-driven Programming: External Objects: Selecting the Node from the External Application Tree
  26. Event-driven Programming: External Objects: Creating External Object References
  27. Event-driven Programming: Toolkit-Based Analysis: Interactive Creation of Toolkit-Based Analysis Feature
  28. Event-driven Programming: Toolkit-Based Analysis: Analysis Callbacks
  29. Core: Family Tables: Operations on Family Table Items
  30. Core: Features: UDF References
  31. Element Trees: Principles of Feature Creation: Feature Creation
  32. Element Trees: Principles of Feature Creation: Feature Element Values
  33. Element Trees: Principles of Feature Creation: Calling ProFeatureCreate()
  34. Element Trees: Principles of Feature Creation: Example of Complete Feature Creation
  35. Element Trees: Principles of Feature Creation: XML Representations for Common Elements
  36. Fundamentals: Expandable Arrays
  37. Fundamentals: Example 3: Listing Holes in a Model
  38. Element Trees: References: Overview of Reference Objects
  39. Element Trees: References: Reading References
  40. Core: 3D Geometry: Ray Tracing
  41. Core: 3D Geometry: Measurement
  42. Annotations: Geometric Tolerances: Reading Geometric Tolerances
  43. Annotations: Geometric Tolerances: Attaching the Geometric Tolerances
  44. Core: Models and Model Items: Identifying Models
  45. Element Trees: Patterns: Table Patterns
  46. Element Trees: Patterns: Axis Patterns
  47. Production Applications: Piping: Objects
  48. Assembly: Simplified Representations: Retrieving and Expanding LightWeight Graphics Simplified Representations
  49. Element Trees: Sketched Features: Reference Entities and Use Edge
  50. Element Trees: Sketched Features: Creating Geometry by Offsetting
  51. Core: Solids, Parts, and Materials: Mass Properties
  52. Annotations: Annotation Features and Annotations: Creating Datum Targets
  53. Annotations: Annotation Features and Annotations: Visiting Dimensions
  54. Annotations: Annotation Features and Annotations: Accessing Reference and Driven Dimensions
  55. Annotations: Annotation Features and Annotations: Modifying 3D Note Attachments
  56. Model-Based Definition and Drawing Tables: Reading MBD or DrawingTables
  57. User Interface: Selection: The Selection Object
  58. User Interface: Selection: Unpacking a ProSelection Object
  59. User Interface: Selection: Unpacking a ProSelection Object
  60. User Interface: Selection: Building a ProSelection Object
  61. User Interface: Selection: ProSelection Function Examples
  62. User Interface: Selection: ProSelection Function Examples
  63. User Interface: Selection: Interactive Selection
  64. User Interface: Selection: Highlighting
  65. User Interface: Selection: Reading the Contents of the Selection Buffer