Functions Introduced:
The functions in this section enable you to programmatically manipulate instances that appear in a family table.
The function ProFaminstanceValueGet() retrieves the value of the family table item for the specified family table instance. Use the function ProFaminstanceValueSet() to change the value of the specified family table item.
For the specified instance, use the function ProFaminstanceFamtableItemIsDefault() to determine if the specified item has the default value, which is the value of the specified item in the generic model.
The functions ProFaminstanceValueGet(), ProFaminstanceValueSet(), and ProFaminstanceFamtableItemIsDefault() require the instance and the item handles as input values, both of which are available via the visit functions.
The function ProFaminstanceAdd() adds an instance to a family table. Note that you must initialize the handle to the new instance (using ProFaminstanceInit()) before adding the instance to the table.
Use the function ProFaminstanceRemove() to remove the specified instance from the family table.
The function ProFaminstanceMdlGet() retrieves the handle to the instance model for the given instance that is in session.
To erase an instance model from memory, call the function ProFaminstanceErase().
The function ProFaminstanceCheck() checks the existence and lock status of the specified instance. Use the function ProFaminstanceLock() to make changes to the lock status of an instance.
The function ProFaminstanceIsModifiable() checks whether the given instance of a family table can be modified.
Given the instance handle, the function ProFaminstanceRetrieve() retrieves an instance of a model from disk. Note that you must allocate space for the resulting ProMdl object. In addition, you must call ProSolidDisplay() to display the instance model.
The function ProFaminstanceGenericGet() retrieves the generic model handle for a given instance model. This function includes the ability to choose between the immediate
and the top-level generic models.
From Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 onwards, the behavior of the function ProFaminstanceGenericGet() has changed as a result of performance improvement in family table retrieval. When you now call the function ProFaminstanceGenericGet() with the flag immediate set to TRUE, the function returns a new error code PRO_TK_CANT_OPEN if the immediate generic is currently not in session. Use the function ProFaminstanceImmediategenericinfoGet() to get the name and model type of the immediate generic model. This information can be used to retrieve the immediate generic
If you wish to turn-off this behavior and continue to run legacy applications in the pre-Wildfire 4.0 mode, set the configuration option retrieve_instance_dependencies to instance_and_generic_deps.
The function ProFaminstanceIsVerified() identifies whether the instance has been verified, and whether the verification succeeded or failed.
The function ProFaminstanceIsExtLocked() identifies whether the instance has been locked by an external application.
The function ProFaminstanceIsFlatState() identifies whether an instance is a sheetmetal flat state instance.