Object ProAsmcomppath

Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: ComponentPath

Assembly component path



This object is an attribute of the following objects:


In an assembly of arbitrary levels (an assembly that contains a subassembly and so forth), the assembly component path enables you to reference a particular component in the assembly.

ProAsmcomppath Functions:

ProAsmcomppathDispCsysVisit(), ProAsmcomppathDispCurveVisit(), ProAsmcomppathDispPointVisit(), ProAsmcomppathDispQuiltVisit(), ProAsmcomppathInit(), ProAsmcomppathMdlGet(), ProAsmcomppathTrfGet(), ProAsmcomppathTrfSet()

Manual References:

  1. Assembly: Basic Assembly Access: Structure of Assemblies and Assembly Objects
  2. Assembly: Basic Assembly Access: Properties Related to Component Purpose
  3. Assembly: Basic Assembly Access: Locations of Assembly Components
  4. Assembly: Basic Assembly Access: Flexible Components
  5. Assembly: Basic Assembly Access: Accessing Exploded States
  6. Assembly: Kinematic Dragging and Creating Snapshots: Connecting to a Kinematic Drag Session
  7. Assembly: Assembling Components: Assembling a Component Parametrically
  8. Production Applications: Cabling: Finding Harness Connectors
  9. Assembly: Data Sharing Features: Variant Feature Model
  10. Element Trees: Patterns: Visiting and Creating a Pattern
  11. Production Applications: Piping: Networks
  12. User Interface: Selection: Unpacking a ProSelection Object
  13. User Interface: Selection: Building a ProSelection Object
  14. User Interface: Selection: ProSelection Function Examples