Category Selection, Object ProSelection

Callback ProSelectionPreFilter

This is the user-defined, pre-filter function. Every selection candidate will be called.
#include <ProSelection.h>
ProSelection selection
/* (In)
The selection handle.
Pro3dPnt point
/* (In)
The selected point in screen coords.
ProMatrix transform
/* (In)
The current view matrix.
char* option
/* (In)
Tells how far through the Creo Parametric selection process to go. The value is the same as is passed to ProSelect() with the addition to a view, part, or assembly.
int level
/* (In)
The current depth of the assembly hierarchy.
ProAppData app_data
/* (In)
The user data passed to ProSelect().
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORAccept the selection.
OtherIgnore the selection.