• | Cross section view |
• | Simplified representation |
• | Dimensions On or Off |
• | Repeat regions (tables based on BOM balloons) |
• | New drawing name |
• | Name of existing template to use |
• | Solid model to use when creating drawing Note
In the function ProDrawingFromTemplateCreate(), the object ProMdlnameShortdata supports a file name of 31 characters or less for a model.
• | Drawing output options that specify how you want to view drawings output. Chose any or all from the following list:
• | Error type |
• | Name of view where error occurred |
• | Name of drawing sheet where error occurred |
• | Name of the invalid or missing object |
If you set context to PRO_RBNCONTEXT_DWG_NONE, all actions for the selected object are available in all contexts, except the contexts in which selection is not allowed.
For example, the publish context.
• | drawing—Handle to the drawing that contains the drawing tree. |
• | window_id —ID of the Creo Parametric window in which you want to refresh, expand, or collapse the drawing tree. Note
Use PRO_VALUE_UNUSED to refresh, expand, or collapse the drawing tree in the active window.
• | drawing—Handle to the ProDrawing object. |
• | sheet—Sheet number. |
• | sheet_name—Name of the sheet. If this argument is passed as NULL, the default sheet name is used. |
• | drawing—The drawing model handle. Set it to NULL to copy a sheet from the current drawing. |
• | sheet_to_copy—The sheet number of the sheet to be copied. Set it to a value less than 1 to create a copy of the currently selected sheet. |
• | sheet_copy (optional)—The sheet number of the newly created sheet. Set it to NULL, if you do not want the new sheet number. |
• | drawing—Specifies the name of the drawing. |
• | drawing_sheet—Specifies the number of the drawing sheet where the drawing format must be set. |
• | size—Specifies the size of the drawing using the enumerated data type ProPlotPaperSize. |
• | width—Specifies the width of the drawing in inches, when size is set to VARIABLE_SIZE_PLOT. It specifies the width of the drawing in millimeters, when size is set to VARIABLE_SIZE_IN_MM_PLOT.
This argument is ignored for all the other sizes of the drawing except VARIABLE_SIZE_PLOT and VARIABLE_SIZE_IN_MM_PLOT. In such cases specify the argument as PRO_VALUE_UNUSED.
• | height—Specifies the height of the drawing in inches, when the size is set to VARIABLE_SIZE_PLOT. It specifies the width of the drawing in millimeters, when the size is set to VARIABLE_SIZE_IN_MM_PLOT.
This argument is ignored for all the other sizes of the drawing except VARIABLE_SIZE_PLOT and VARIABLE_SIZE_IN_MM_PLOT. In such cases specify the argument as PRO_VALUE_UNUSED.
• | PRO_VIEW_GENERAL—Specifies a general drawing view. |
• | PRO_VIEW_PROJECTION—Specifies a projected drawing view. |
• | PRO_VIEW_AUXILIARY—Specifies an auxiliary drawing view. |
• | PRO_VIEW_DETAIL—Specifies a detailed drawing view. |
• | PRO_VIEW_REVOLVE—Specifies a revolved drawing view. |
• | PRO_VIEW_COPY_AND_ALIGN—Specifies a copy and align drawing view. |
• | PRO_VIEW_OF_FLAT_TYPE—Specifies a flat type drawing view. |
• | eye_dist—Specifies the eye-point distance from model space. |
• | view_dia—Specifies the view diameter in paper units such as mm. |
• | style—Whether wireframe, hidden line, or shaded. |
• | quilt_hlr—Whether hidden-line-removal is applied to quilts. |
• | tangent_edge_display—Style of line used for tangent edges. |
• | cable_display—Whether cables are shown by centerline, as thick, or using the current default. |
• | concept_model—Whether the skeleton is displayed. |
• | weld_xsec—Whether welds are included in the cross-section. |
• | PRO_VIEW_MODEL_COLOR—Specifies that the drawing colors are determined by the model settings. |
• | PRO_VIEW_DRAWING_COLOR—Specifies that the drawing colors are determined by the drawings settings. |
• | drawing—Specify the drawing using the ProDrawing handle. |
• | view—Specify the view using the ProView handle. |
• | view_reference—Specifies the reference view to which the drawing view is aligned. |
• | align_style—Specifies the alignment style in terms of the enumerated type ProDrawingViewAlignStyle. The alignment style can be either horizontal or vertical. In case of horizontal alignment, the drawing view and the view it is aligned to lie on the same horizontal line. In case of vertical alignment, the drawing view and the view it is aligned to lie on the same vertical line. |
• | align_ref_1—Specifies the alignment reference of the referenced view. If this is set to NULL, the reference view is aligned according to its view origin. |
• | align_ref_2—Specifies the alignment reference of the aligned view. If this is set to NULL, the aligned view is aligned according to its view origin. |
• | PRO_PIPINGDISP_DEFAULT—Displays the default appearance of pipes for the piping assembly. |
• | PRO_PIPINGDISP_CENTERLINE—Displays pipes as centerlines without insulation. |
• | PRO_PIPINGDISP_THICK_PIPES—Displays thick pipes without insulation. |
• | PRO_PIPINGDISP_THICK_PIPES_AND_INSULATION—Displays thick pipes and insulation. |
• | drawing—Specify the drawing using the ProDrawing handle. |
• | view—Specify the view using the ProView handle. |
• | The X, Y, and Z coordinate directions match the world space. |
• | The coordinate point (0,0,0) maps to the reference point. |
• | The scaling unit is of one inch relative to the top model of the view. If two points in the spline are at a distance of '1' from each other, then in the actual view, the points will be one inch distant from each other, if measured in the scale of the top model. For example, if one of the points in the spline definition has coordinates (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), then the position of that point is not half an inch to the right of the reference point on the paper. Instead, when projected as a point in the space of the top model of the view, it is half an inch to the right of the reference point when measured in the space of that model. |
• | PRO_DETAIL_BOUNDARY_CIRCLE—Draws a circle in the parent view. |
• | PRO_DETAIL_BOUNDARY_ELLIPSE—Draws an ellipse in the parent view. |
• | PRO_DETAIL_BOUNDARY_HORZ_VER_ELLIPSE—Draws an ellipse with a horizontal or vertical major axis. |
• | PRO_DETAIL_BOUNDARY_SPLINE—Displays the spline boundary drawn by the user in the parent view. |
• | PRO_DETAIL_BOUNDARY_ASME_CIRCLE—Displays an ASME standard-compliant circle as an arc with arrows and the detailed view name. |
• | drawing—Specify the drawing in which the draft view exists. |
• | view —Specify the view using the ProView handle. |
• | drawing—Specify the drawing in which draft view is to be created. |
• | entities—Specify at least one daft entity using the ProDtlentity object. Entities might or might not be related to any view. |
• | PRO_VIEW_ORIENT_NAME—The drawing view is oriented using saved views from the model. |
• | PRO_VIEW_ORIENT_GEOM_REF—The drawing view is oriented using geometric references from the model. |
• | PRO_VIEW_ORIENT_ANGLE—The drawing view is oriented using angles of selected references or custom angles. Note
The drawing view must be displayed before applying any orientation to it.
• | mdl_view_name—Specifies the name of the saved view in the model. |
• | orientation_name—Specifies the name of the user-defined orientation for the saved view. |
• | x_angle—Specifies the X angle in degrees for the user-defined orientation. |
• | y_angle—Specifies the Y angle in degrees for the user-defined orientation. |
• | ref_name_1—Specifies the name of the first geometric reference. |
• | ref_sel_1—Specifies the first reference selection on the model in terms of the ProSelection object. |
• | ref_name_2—Specifies the name of the second geometric reference. |
• | ref_sel_2—Specifies the second reference selection on the model in terms of the ProSelection object. |
• | sel—Specifies the reference selection in terms of the ProSelection object. It can be an axis or NULL for other type. |
• | angle—Specifies the angle in degrees with the selected reference. |
• | rot_ref_name—Specifies the name of the rotational angle. |
• | index—Specifies the index of the angle setting. |
• | PRO_VIEW_FULL_AREA—The complete drawing view is retained as the visible area. |
• | PRO_VIEW_HALF_AREA—A portion of the model from the view on one side of a cutting plane is removed. |
• | PRO_VIEW_PARTIAL_AREA—A portion of the model in a view within a closed boundary is displayed. |
• | PRO_VIEW_BROKEN_AREA—A portion of the model view from between two or more selected points is removed, and the gap between the remaining two portions is closed within a specified distance. |
• | plane_ref—Specifies the selection reference in terms of the ProSelection object that divides the drawing view. The cutting plane can be a planar surface or a datum, but it must be perpendicular to the screen in the new view. |
• | keep_side—Specifies the half side of the model that is to be retained. |
• | line_standardProDrawingLineStandardType
• | ref_point—ProSelection |
• | curve_data—ProCurvedata |
• | show_boundaryProBooleanPRO_B_TRUE |
• | dir—Specifies the direction of the broken lines that define the broken area to be removed. The direction is given by the enumerated
type ProViewBrokenDir and takes the following values:
• | first_sel—Specifies the selection point in terms of the ProSelection object for the first break line. |
• | second_sel—Specifies the selection point in terms of the ProSelection object for the second break line. |
• | line_style—Specifies the line style for the broken lines in terms of the enumerated type ProViewBrokenLineStyle. It can be one of the following types:
• | curve_data—Specifies the spline curve data in terms of the ProCurvedata object when the line_style is of the type PRO_VIEW_BROKEN_LINE_SKETCH. |
• | X, Y, and Z coordinate directions match the X, Y and Z of the world space. |
• | The coordinate points (0,0,0) maps to the detail view’s reference point |
• | The scaling unit is of one inch relative to the top model of the view. |
• | Scale the spline by inch to top model unit. |
• | Scale the spline by top model unit to world unit, which is the scale of the transform from ProDrawingViewTransformGet() (view_to_drawing = TRUE), |
• | Translate the curve to place (0,0) at the reference point. |
• | Translate the spline by the reference point to place that point at (0,0). |
• | Scale by world-to-model (inverse of the scale of the view's transformation matrix) |
• | Scale by top-model-unit-to-inch. |
• | PRO_VIEW_NO_SECTION—Specifies no section. |
• | PRO_VIEW_TOTAL_SECTION—Specifies the complete drawing view. |
• | PRO_VIEW_AREA_SECTION—Specifies a 2D cross section. |
• | PRO_VIEW_3D_SECTION—Specifies a 3D cross section. |
• | PRO_VIEW_PART_SURF_SECTION—Specifies a section created out of a solid surface or a datum quilt in the model. |
• | sec_name—Specifies the name of the 2D cross section. |
• | sec_area_type—Specifies the type of section area. The section area is given by the enumerated type ProDrawingViewSectionAreaType and can be of the following types:
• | ref_sel—Specifies the selection reference in terms of the ProSelection object. |
• | curve_data—Specifies the spline curve data in terms of the ProCurvedata handle. |
• | arrow_display_view—Specifies the drawing view, that is, either the parent or child view, where the section arrow is to be displayed. Note
For a section area of type PRO_VIEW_SECTION_AREA_FULL in the above function, you can pass the input arguments ref_sel, curve_data, and arrow_display_view as NULL.
• | Planar cross section—The boolean value:
• | Offset cross section—The integer value:
• | sec_name —Specifies the name of the 3D cross section. |
• | show_x_hatch—Specifies a ProBoolean value that determines whether X-hatching is displayed in the 3D cross-sectional view. Set this argument to PRO_B_TRUE to display X-hatching. |
• | Draft entities—Contain the graphical items created in Creo Parametric using the options under the Sketch tab, in the Sketching group. Some of the items are as follows:
• | Notes—Textual annotations created in Creo Parametric using the command . They can also contain special symbols. |
• | Symbol definitions—Named groups of other detail items that the Creo Parametric user can save to disk. You create them in Creo Parametric using the options in the command. |
• | Symbol instances—Instances of a symbol. |
• | Draft groups—Groups of detail items such as draft entities, notes, symbol instances, and drawing dimensions. You create them in Creo Parametric using the command . |
• | OLE objects—Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) objects embedded in the Creo Parametric drawing file from the Insert Object dialog box that opens when you click . |
• | PRO_DRAFT_ENTITY—This type is used for draft entities and OLE objects. Special functions exist to distinguish OLE objects from other detail entities. |
• | PRO_NOTE |
• | ProDtlentity |
• | ProDtlnote |
• | ProDtlsymdef |
• | ProDtlsyminst |
• | ProDtlgroup |
• | ProDtlentitydata—A draft entity |
• | ProCurvedata—The 2D geometry of the entity (described in the Core: 3D Geometry section) |
• | ProDtlnotedata—A detail note |
• | ProDtlnoteline—A line of text in a note |
• | ProDtlnotetext—A segment of text in a line that may have it's own cosmetic properties, such as font, height, and so on |
• | ProDtlattach—One structure for the attachment of the note itself, and one per leader on the note |
• | ProDtlsymdefdata—A symbol definition |
• | ProDtlsymdefattach—The types of attachment support for an instance of this symbol |
• | ProDtlsyminstdata—A symbol instance |
• | ProDtlvartext—A variable text substitution |
1. | ProDtlentitydataAlloc()—Allocate the entity data (see the section on Draft Entity Data). |
2. | ProCurvedataAlloc()—Allocate memory for a curve structure |
3. | ProLinedataInit()—Set the curve structure to describe the required line by initializing a line data structure. |
4. | ProDtlentitydataCurveSet()—Add the curve data to the entity data (see the section on Draft Entity Data). |
5. | ProDtlentityCreate()—Create the entity (see the section on Creating, Modifying and Reading Detail Items). Note
You must set the drawing view before attempting to create a detail entity, unless you are creating entities in a symbol definition.
The view can be a traditional drawing view obtained through ProDrawingViewsCollect(), or the drawing sheet background view obtained from ProDrawingBackgroundViewGet().
• | symdef—Specifies the symbol definition. |
• | data—Specifies the symbol definition data. |
• | By color index, that is, by choosing one of colors predefined in Creo Parametric, represented by the values of ProColortype in ProToolkit.h |
• | By choosing the default color for this type of detail item. (For entities, the default is PRO_COLOR_DRAWING and for notes the default is PRO_COLOR_LETTER.) |
• | By specifying the three RGB color values. |
• | data—The draft entity data. |
• | periodic—Specify the value PRO_B_TRUE if the draft entity is to be periodic. |
• | p_draw—Specifies the drawing that owns the draft entity. |
• | p_sel_draft—A ProSelection object that represents the selection of type as draft. |
• | note—Specifies the note for which the wrap status is to be set. |
• | wrap—Specifies if the text is wrapped. To wrap the text, specify the value as Pro_B_True. |
• | wrapwidth—Specifies the width of the wrapped text line, if the input argument wrap is set to Pro_B_True. |
• | If the string in a Text Line you put in a note contains one or more parameters, Creo Parametric will divide the Text Line into several Text Items to ensure that each parameter has its own Text Item. |
• | When you look at the text in an existing note by using the function ProDtlnoteDataGet() with the mode option set to SYMBOLIC (that is, to see the text before substitution of the parameters), you will see the text bracketing and text item identifiers
that you also see when you edit a text line in Creo Parametric. For example, if you make a text line containing a single text item with the text "model = &model_name" Creo Parametric will put the &model_name into a separate text item when the note is created. If you then use ProDtlnoteDataGet() on the created note with the mode option set to SYMBOLIC, you will see the following two text items in the relevant text line
"model = " "&model_name" If you set mode to NUMERIC, you see these text items:
"model = " "MODEL" where MODEL is the name of the model.
Creo Parametric does not resolve and replace symbolic callouts for notes which are not displayed. Therefore, if the note is not displayed
or is hidden in a layer, the text retrieved may contain symbolic callouts, even when the mode is set to NUMERIC.
Note that ProDtlnotetextStringGet() does not return the brackets and numbers for each individual text entity. In addition, the function does not return the special
escape characters (such as \}) to represent characters previously provided.
Refer to the section Creating a Symbol Definition for a description of how to find which Creo Parametric model owns the parameter referred to by parameterized text.
• | The way in which a drawing note or a symbol instance is attached to the drawing. |
• | The way in which a leader on a drawing note or symbol instance is attached. |
• | type—The type of attachment to the drawing view. The detail attachment types are as follows:
You cannot attach a symbol to 3D model annotation using the OFFSET attachment type.
• | view—The drawing view. If the type is FREE, the attachment is relative to the drawing view, that is the attachment moves when the drawing view is moved. This is NULL, if the detail attachment is not related to the drawing view, but is placed at a specified location in the drawing sheet, or if the attachment is offset to a model item or to a 3D model annotation. |
• | location—If the type is FREE or OFFSET, this argument provides the location of the attachment. This location is in screen coordinates for drawing items, symbol instances and surface finishes on flat-to-screen annotation planes, and in model coordinates for symbols and surface finishes on 3D model annotation planes. The distance from this location to the location of the item to which the detail item is attached (given by the argument attach_point) is saved as the offset distance for an OFFSET attachment. |
• | attach_point—If the type is PARAMETRIC or OFFSET, this ProSelection structure provides the location of the item to which the detail item is attached. This includes the drawing view in which the attachment is made. If you are building this structure using ProSelectionAlloc(), set the location using ProSelectionUvParamSet(), and the drawing view using ProSelectionViewSet(). |
• | type—The type of attachment to the drawing view. The detail attachment types are as follows:
• | view—If the type is FREE or UNIMPLEMENTED, this argument specifies the drawing view. This is NULL, if the detail attachment is not related to the drawing view, but is placed at a specified location in the drawing sheet, or if the attachment is offset to a model item or to a 3D model annotation. |
• | location—If the type is FREE, OFFSET, or UNIMPLEMENTED, this argument specifies the location of the attachment. This location is in screen coordinates for drawing items, symbol instances and surface finishes on flat-to-screen annotation planes, and in model coordinates for symbols and surface finishes on 3D model annotation planes. The distance from this location to the location of the item to which the detail item is attached (given by the argument attach_point) is saved as the offset distance for an OFFSET attachment. |
• | attach_point —If the type is PARAMETRIC or OFFSET, this argument provides the location of the item to which the detail item is attached. This includes the drawing view in which the attachment is made. |
• | table—Specifies the table. |
• | p_row—Specifies the indexed row that starts at 0. |
• | p_col—Specifies the indexed column that starts at 0. |
• | FREE—The symbol will have no leaders, and will be attached by a specified location. |
• | ON_ITEM—The symbol will be attached to an entity in the drawing. |
• | NORM_ITEM—The symbol will be attached to an entity, and be rotated to be normal to that entity. |
• | LEFT_LEADER—The attachment is by a leader to a point on an entity at the left of the symbol. |
• | RIGHT_LEADER—T he attachment is by a leader to a point on an entity at the right of the symbol. |
• | RADIAL_LEADER—The attachment is by a leader attached to a circular entity in the symbol. |
• | type—The type of attachment |
• | entity_id—The id of the entity in the symbol definition which has the attachment point, if the attachment type is *_LEADER.entity_parameter The “t” value of the location on the entity which forms the attachment point, if the attachment type is *_LEADER. |
• | position—The location in the symbol coordinate system which forms the attachment point, if the attachment type is FREE, ON_ITEM, or NORM_ITEM. |
• | FIXED—The symbol instance height is fixed. |
• | VARIABLE—The symbol instance height may be modified by the Creo Parametric user. |
• | TEXTRELATED—The symbol instance height is related to the height of a text item in the definition. |
• | Allocate a description — ProDtlsymdefdataAlloc() |
• | Add a FREE attachment — ProDtlsymdefattachAlloc(), ProDtlsymdefdataAttachAdd() |
• | Create the symbol—ProDtlsymdefCreate() |
• | Add the notes and entities (as for creating notes and entities in the drawing) |
• | Add any leader attachments—ProDtlsymdefattachAlloc(), ProDtlsymdefdataAttachAdd() |
• | op_elbow_length—Specifies the elbow length in model units for annotation plane symbols. |
• | elbow_direction—Specifies the elbow direction in the model's coordinate system. This is the direction from the symbol text to the symbol leaders that is defined by ProVector. |
• | if the symbol is in a draft group, which is marked as suppressed |
• | if the symbol is a BOM balloon, and the repeat region cannot find an appropriate model |
• | if the symbol is a weld symbol, and its feature is suppressed |
• | if the symbol is a datum target symbol, and its feature is suppressed |
• | Interactive—prompt the user to select the groups to activate |
• | All—activate all groups |
• | None—do not activate any group |
• | Custom—activate only those groups included in the array of ProDtlsymgroup handles passed to this function. |
• | syminst—Symbol. |
• | drawing—Drawing. The value for this input argument must be passed only if the solid symbol is shown in the drawing. Else, pass it as NULL. |
• | path—If the value of the input argument drawing is not NULL, then the path points to a part in an assembly whose drawing is passed here. This part is the owner of the symbol instance. |
• | syminst—Specifies the symbol to which the semantic references are to be added. |
• | refs—Specifies the array of semantic references using the enumerated data type ProAnnotationReference.
When a reference includes more than one collection, the function ProDtlsyminstReferencesAdd() returns the error PRO_TK_MAX_LIMIT_REACHED and no reference is added.
• | syminst—Symbol from which the additional semantic references are to be deleted. |
• | index_ref—Specifies the index of the references that need to be deleted. Indices start from 0. Get the existing references from ProDtlsyminstReferencesGet(). |
• | syminst—Symbol to which the semantic references are to be added using the ProDtlsyminst object. |
typedef struct pro_dtlvargroup
ProDtlsymdef symbol_def;
int var_group_id;
} ProDtlsymgroup;
• | All—retrieve all groups in the definition of the symbol instance |
• | Active—retrieve only those groups which are actively shown in this symbol instance |
• | Inactive—retrieve only those groups which are not shown in this symbol instance |
• | pro_drawing—Specifies the name of the drawing. |
• | pro_table—Specifies the name of the table that contains the repeat region and the bill of material. |
• | region_id—Specifies the ID of the repeat region that contains the bill of material. If the ID of the repeat region in the table is -1, use the repeat region with ID as 0 in the table. |
• | pro_view—Specifies the view where the balloons must be added. |
• | pro_drawing—Specifies the name of the drawing. |
• | pro_table—Specifies the name of the table that contains the repeat region and the bill of material. |
• | region_id—Specifies the ID of the repeat region that contains the bill of material.If the ID of the repeat region in the table is -1, use the repeat region with ID as 0 in the table. |
• | pro_view—Specifies the view where the balloons must be added. Specify this argument to create the balloons without a leader. |
• | table_record_index—Specifies the record in the BOM table. The balloons are created at the first component that matches the specified record. |
• | reference_memb_id_tab—Specifies the path to the component. This path is used as reference for the leader of the balloon. |
• | reference_id—Specifies the ID of the component. When the ID is set to K_NOT_USED, the balloons are attached without leaders. |
• | reference_type—Specifies the type of component using the enumerated data type ProType. |
• | attach_note_location—Specifies a ProArray of the attachment point for the balloons on the component. |
• | pro_drawing—Specifies the name of the drawing. |
• | pro_view—Specifies the view where BOM balloons have been added. |
• | clean_pos—Specifies a boolean value to indicate if the balloon must be cleaned. |
• | existing_snap_lines—Specifies a boolean value to indicate if the existing snap lines must be used for the clean up. |
• | offset_from_view_outline—Specifies the offset distance for the balloon placement from the view outline. |
• | stagger—Specifies a boolean value to indicate if the balloons must be staggered at different offset distance from the view outline. |
• | create_stagger_snap_lines—Specifies the incremental value for the stagger distance between the snap lines. |
• | interballoons_distance—Specifies the distance between the BOM balloons. |
• | attach_to_surface—Specifies if the leaders of the balloon must point to edges or surfaces. To attach the leader to a surface specify the value as PRO_B_TRUE. |
• | attachments_arr—Specifies a ProArray of entities to which a dimension is attached. Each attachment point is described by two consecutive array elements, of which the second one may be NULL. If both elements are not NULL, then the attachment point refers to the intersection of the elements. If the second element is NULL, then the attachment point refers to the first one. |
• | dsense_arr—Specifies a ProArray of ProDimSense that gives more information about how the dimension attaches to the entities. |
typedef struct pro_dim_sense {
ProDimSenseType type;
int sense;
ProDimAngleSense angle_sense;
ProDimOrient orient_hint;
} ProDimSense;
• | PRO_DIM_SNS_TYP_NONE — In this case, no other information is needed to describe the attachment points. For example, if there is a single attachment which is a straight line, the dimension is the length of the line; if the attachments are two parallel lines, the dimension is the distance between them. |
• | PRO_DIM_SNS_TYP_PNT — In this case the sense field is set to a value of the enum ProPointType (declared in the header ), which specifies the part of the entity to which the dimension is attached. The possible values
are these:
• | PRO_DIM_SNS_TYP_SPLN_PNT — This means that the attachment is to a point of a spline. The sense field is set to the index of the spline point. |
• | PRO_DIM_SNS_TYP_TGT_IDX — The dimension attaches to a tangent of the entity, which is an arc or circle. The sense field is set to the index of the tangent in a list of all possible tangents ordered by the “t” value at which they touch the entity. |
• | PRO_DIM_SNS_TYP_LIN_AOC_TGT — The dimension is the perpendicular distance between a line and a tangent to an arc or a circle which is parallel to the line. The value of sense is one of the values of the enum ProDimLinAocTgtSense. If the two possible tangents are on different sides of the line entity (because the distance from the line to the center is less than the radius) then the two tangents are distinguished as left or right of the line (with respect to its natural direction). If the two tangents are on the same side of the line (because the distance from the line to the center is more than the radius), the two tangents are distinguished as on the same side of the arc/circle center (0) or on the opposite side (1). There is an enum value for each of the four possible combinations of ways to identify a tangent, though of course only two are possible for a particular line and arc/circle pair. |
• | PRO_DIM_LIN_AOC_TGT_LEFT0—The tangent is to the left of the line, and on the same side of the center of the arc/circle as the line. |
• | PRO_DIM_LIN_AOC_TGT_RIGHT0—The tangent is to the right of the line, and on the same side of the center of the arc/circle as the line. |
• | PRO_DIM_LIN_AOC_TGT_LEFT1—The tangent is to the left of the line, and on the opposite sid of the center of the arc/circle to the line. |
• | PRO_DIM_LIN_AOC_TGT_RIGHT1—The tangent is to the right of the line, and on the opposite side of the center of the arc/circle to the line. |
• | PRO_DIM_SNS_TYP_ANGLE — The dimension is the angle between two straight entities. The field angle_sense is given by the structure ProDimAngleSense which contains three boolean fields. They have the following meaning:
• | PRO_DIM_SNS_TYP_PNT_ANGLE—The dimension is the angle between a line entity and the tangent to a curved entity at one of its ends. The curve attachment is of this type. (The line attachment is of the type PRO_DIM_SNS_TYP_PNT described above.) In this case both the angle and angle_sense fields must be set: sense shows which end of the curve the dimension is attached to; angle_sense shows the direction in which the dimension rotates and in which side of the tangent it attaches. |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_NONE—No orientation information is needed or provided. |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_HORIZ—The dimension is horizontal |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_VERT—The dimension is vertical |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_SLANTED—The dimension is slanted |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_ELPS_RAD1—The major diameter of an ellipse |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_ELPS_RAD2—The minor diameter of an ellipse |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_ARC_ANG—The angle of an arc |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_ARC_LENGTH—The length of an arc |
• | PRO_DIM_ORNT_LIN_TANCRV_ANG—If the dimension is attached to a line and an end point of a curve, the default dimension will be a linear dimension showing the distance between the line and the curve point. If you want the dimension to show instead the angle between the line and the tangent at the curve point, set “orient_hint” to this value. |
• | drawing—Handle to the drawing in which the dimension was created. |
• | dimension— The dimension type PRO_REF_DIMENSION or PRO_DIMENSION. |
• | attachments_arr—ProArray of entities to which a dimension is attached. |
• | dsense_arr—ProArray of a dimension sense. |
• | orient_hint—The orientation hint for the dimension. |
• | attachments_arr—Specifies a ProArray of entities to which a dimension is attached. Each attachment point is described by two consecutive array elements, out of which the second one may be a NULL. If both elements are not NULL, the attachment point refers to the intersection of the elements. If the second element is NULL, the attachment point refers to the first one. |
• | dsense_arr—Specifies a ProArray of ProDimSense that provides more information on how the dimension attaches to the entities. |
• | type—From Creo Parametric onward, this argument is no longer supported. Specifies the type of display for primary and secondary dimension using the
enumerated data type ProDualDimensionDisplayType. The valid values are:
• | secondary_unit—From Creo Parametric onward, this argument is no longer supported. Specifies the name of the unit for secondary dimension. |
• | dim_decimals—Specifies the number of decimal places for the secondary dimension. |
• | tol_decimals—Specifies the number of decimal places for tolerance in the secondary dimension. |