Category Drawings and detail, Object ProDrawing

Function ProDrawingViewOrientationFromAngleSet

Set the view orientation of a general view from the angle
#include <ProDrawingView.h>
ProDrawing drawing
/* (In)
Drawing handle
ProView view
/* (In)
The view handle
ProName rot_ref_name
/* (In)
Rotational angle reference name It can be "Normal" or "Horizontal" or "Vertical" or "Edge/Axis"
ProSelection sel
/* (In)
Selection of the axis or edge, can be NULL for other type
double angle
/* (In)
angle with the reference
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORThe orientation from angle could not set

Manual References:

  1. Drawings: View Orientation