Category Drawings and detail, Object ProDrawing

Function ProDrawingOrdbaselineCreate

Creates an ordinate baseline dimension from an existing linear dimension. Available only in drawing mode. The drawing must be displayed.
#include <ProDrawing.h>
ProDrawing drawing
/* (In)
the drawing.
ProDimension* dimension
/* (In)
the linear dimension from which the ordinate baseline is to be created. As a side-effect, this dimension will be converted to ordinate.
ProVector location
/* (In)
a point on one of the extension lines of the linear dimension.
ProDimension* base_dimension
/* (Out)
the newly created ordinate baseline dimension.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSone or more of the input arguments are invalid.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORfailed to create an ordinate baseline using the specified dimension and point.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORsuccessfully created an ordinate baseline dimension.

Manual References:

  1. Drawings: Ordinate Dimensions
  2. Drawings: Ordinate Dimensions

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestDimension.c )
  2. pt_userguide ( UgDrawingDimensions.c )
  3. pt_userguide ( UgDrawingDimensions.c )