• | window_id—Valid window identifier. |
• | point—Window space 3D coordinates given by ProArray of the Pro3dPnt object. |
• | yes—Always displays the accessory window above the active window. |
• | no—Does not display the accessory window above the active window. Here, whichever is the active window is displayed on top. |
• | model—Handle to the object. The supported object types are drawing, part, and assembly. |
• | view—Handle to the view, which is used to display the object. If the object is a solid model, and is displayed in the current
window, you can pass the argument as NULL. If the object is a drawing, pass the handle to the background view. Use the function ProDrawingBackgroundViewGet() to get the handle to the background view.
• | The matrix output by ProViewMatrixGet() is not the same as the one you previously input to the function ProViewMatrixSet(), although its orientation is the same. |
• | Each row of the matrix you provide to ProViewMatrixSet() must have a length of 1.0, and the bottom row must be 0, 0, 0, 1. |
• | The matrix you provide to ProViewMatrixSet() must be normalized—it cannot include scaling or shift. Example 1: Saving Three Views shows how to normalize a matrix. |
• | inMatrix—The matrix to be converted to orthonormal. |
• | intended_scale—Scale factor to be applied on the matrix. |
• | model—Specifies the handle to the part or assembly associated with the drawing, or to the drawing that contains the view. This argument cannot be NULL. |
• | view_name—Specifies the name of the view. This argument cannot be NULL. |
• | model—Specifies the handle to a part, assembly, or drawing. This argument cannot be NULL. |
• | p_view—Specifies the handle of the view. |
• | p_name—Specifies the name of the view. |
• | model—Specifies the handle to a part, assembly, drawing. This argument cannot be NULL. |
• | p_view—Specifies the handle of the view. |
• | model—The handle to a part or assembly. |
• | view_name—The name of the view that is created in the object database. |
• | Graphics text—User custom text drawn by the ProGraphicsTextDisplay. Graphics text is by default displayed using PRO_COLOR_LETTER. |
• | Graphics—User custom graphics drawn by ProGraphics function, which is by default displayed using PRO_COLOR_DRAWING. |
• | DEFAULT—use the default Creo Parametric color entry for new graphics or text. |
• | TYPE—use a predefined ProColortype color. |
• | RGB - use a custom RGB value. This method should be used for any graphics which should not be allowed to change color (for example; if an application wants a yellow line on the screen that should always be yellow and not depend on the chosen color scheme. |
• | PRO_COLORMAP_ALT_BLACK_ON_WHITE—Displays black entities shown on a white background. |
• | PRO_COLORMAP_ALT_WHITE_ON_BLACK—Displays white entities shown on a black background. |
• | PRO_COLORMAP_ALT_WHITE_ON_GREEN—Displays white entities shown on a dark green background. |
• | PRO_COLORMAP_OPTIONAL1—Represents the color scheme with a dark background. |
• | PRO_COLORMAP_OPTIONAL2—Represents the color scheme with a medium background. |
• | PRO_COLORMAP_CLASSIC_WF—Resets the color scheme to the light to dark grey background (default upto Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0). |
• | PRO_COLORMAP_ALT_DEFAULT—Resets the color scheme to the default color scheme of light to dark blue gradient background (from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 onwards). |
• | PRO_LINESTYLE_SOLID—Solid line |
• | PRO_LINESTYLE_DOT—Dotted line |
• | PRO_LINESTYLE_CENTERLINE—Alternating long and short dashes |
• | PRO_LINESTYLE_PHANTOM—Alternating long dashes and two dots |
• | title – Specifies the title of the selection dialog box. If this argument is NULL, the default value RGB will be used. |
• | default_rgb_color – Specifies the default RGB values that will be displayed when the dialog box is opened. The color black is selected, if the value specified for this argument is invalid. |
(1 << 24)
(1 << 25)
#define PRO_UI_COLOR_RGB(r,g,b)
(((r) & 0xff) | (((g) & 0xff) << 8) | (((b) & 0xff) << 16) | PRO_UI_COLOR_RGB_FLAG)
#define PRO_UI_COLOR_IS_RGB(c)
((c) & 0xff)
(((c) >> 8) & 0xff)
(((c) >> 16) & 0xff)
(((c) >> 24) & 0xff)
• | The font identifier |
• | The text height, in screen coordinates |
• | The ratio of the width of each character (including the gap) as a proportion of the height |
• | The angle of rotation of the whole text, in counterclockwise degrees |
• | The angle of slant of the text, in clockwise degrees |
• | obj_type—Specifies the type of object on which the text style must be applied. The enumerated data type ProTextStyleObjectType defines the object type. |
• | r_text_style—Specifies the text style that should be applied on the specified object type. |
• | ProSurfaceAppearancepropsGet() |
• | ProSurfaceAppearancepropsSet() |
• | ProSurfaceTextureplacementpropsGet() |
• | ProSurfaceTextureplacementpropsSet() |
• | ProSurfaceTexturepropsGet() |
• | ProSurfaceTexturepropsSet() |
typedef struct pro_surf_appearance_props
double ambient;
double diffuse;
double highlite;
double shininess;
double transparency;
ProVector color_rgb;
ProVector highlight_color;
double reflection;
ProPath name;
ProPath label;
ProPath description;
ProPath keywords;
} ProSurfaceAppearanceProps;
• | ambient—Specifies the indirect, scattered light the model receives from its surroundings. The valid range is 0.0 to 1.0. |
• | diffuse—Specifies the reflected light that comes from directional, point, or spot lights. The valid range is 0.0 to 1.0. |
• | highlite—Specifies the intensity of the light reflected from a highlighted surface area. The valid range is 0.0 to 1.0. |
• | shininess—Specifies the properties of a highlighted surface area. A plastic model would have a lower shininess value, while a metallic model would have a higher value. The valid range is 0.0. to 1.0. |
• | transparency—Specifies the transparency value, which is between 0 (completely opaque) and 1.0 (completely transparent). |
• | color_rgb[3]—Specifies the color, in terms of red, green, and blue. The valid range is 0.0. to 1.0. |
• | highlight_color—Specifies the highlight color, in terms of red, green, and blue. The valid range is 0.0 to 1.0. |
• | reflection—Specifies how reflective the surface is. The valid range is 0 (dull) to 100 (shiny). |
• | keywords—Mandatory field. Specifies how to set the texture on a model surface. If you do not want to set a value for this field, set a NULL string to it. |
• | item—Specifies the ProModelitem object that represents the part, assembly component, subassembly, quilt, or surface. |
• | surface_side—Specifies the direction of the side for the surface or quilt. Pass the value as 0 to specify the side which is along the surface normal. Pass 1 to specify the side opposite to the surface normal. |
typedef struct pro_surface_texture_props
ProCharPath decal;
ProCharPath texture_map;
ProCharPath bump_map;
} ProSurfaceTextureProps;
• | decal—Specifies the full path to the texture map with the alpha channel (transparency). Otherwise, use NULL. |
• | texture_map—Specifies the full path to the texture map. |
• | bump_map—Specifies the full path to the bump map. A bump map enables you to create bumps on the surface of the texture map. |
typedef struct pro_surface_texture_placement_props
ProTextureProjectionType projection;
ProTextureType texture_type;
ProLineEnvelope local_csys;
double horizontal_offset;
double vertical_offset;
double rotate;
double horizontal_scale;
double vertical_scale;
double bump_height;
double decal_intensity;
ProBoolean flip_horizontal;
ProBoolean flip_vertical;
} ProSurfaceTexturePlacementProps;
• | projection—Specifies the projection type—planar, spherical, cylindrical, or box. |
• | texture_type—Specifies the type of texture. |
• | local_csys—Specifies the direction (for planar projection), or the whole coordinate system (which defines the center for the other projection types). |
• | horizontal_offset and vertical_offset—Specifies the percentage of horizontal and vertical shift of the texture map on the surface. |
• | rotate—Specifies the angle to rotate the texture map on the surface. |
• | horizontal_scale and vertical_scale—Specifies the horizontal and vertical scaling of the texture map. |
• | bump_height—Specifies the height of the bump on the surface of the texture map. |
• | decal_intensity—Specifies the alpha or transparency mask intensity on the surface. |
• | flip_horizontal and flip_vertical—Specifies that the texture map on the surface should be flipped horizontally or vertically. |
typedef struct pro_tk_light
wchar_t name[PRO_NAME_SIZE];
ProLightType type;
ProBoolean status; /* active or inactive */
double rgb[3]; /* for all types */
double position[3]; /* for point and spot */
double direction[3]; /* for direction and spot */
double spread_angle; /* for spot, in radian */
ProBoolean cast_shadows;
} ProLightInfo;
• | name—Specifies the name of the light source. |
• | type—Specifies the light type—ambient, direction, point, or spot. |
• | status—Specifies whether the light source is active or inactive. |
• | rgb—Specifies the red, green, and blue values, regardless of the light type. |
• | position—Specifies the position of the light, for point and spot lights only. |
• | direction—Specifies the direction of the light, for direction and spot lights only. |
• | spread_angle—Specifies the angle the light is spread, for spot lights only. |
• | cast_shadows—Specifies whether the light casts shadows. This applies to Creo Render Studio only. Refer to the Creo Render Studio Help for more information on Creo Render Studio. |
• | object_name—Specifies the name of the display object. The name must be unique. |
• | flag—Specifies a bitmask that is used to set the property of the display object. The bitmask has the following bit flags:
• | num_strips—Specifies the number of triangle strips that will contain the triangle data. |
• | strip_size—Specifies the number of vertices in each triangle strip. It is a ProArray of size num_strips. |
• | strips_array—Specifies a ProArray of ProTriVertex structure. The structure contains information about the position and normals of the vertices for triangles. |
• | window—Specifies the ID of the window in which the display object must be attached to a Creo Parametric scene. |
• | obj—Specifies the handle to the display object. |
• | key_list—Specifies a ProArray which contains the member identifier table of the component to which the display object will be attached. Specify NULL if you want to attach the display object to the top level component. |
• | new_key—Specifies the ID of the new node in the scene graph where the display object will be attached. |
• | transform—Specifies the position of the display object relative to its parent as a ProMatrix object. |
• | window—Specifies the ID of the window from which the display object will be detached from a Creo Parametric scene. |
• | key_list—Specifies a ProArray which contains the member identifier table of the display object ProDispObject which will be detached from the scene. Pass as input key_list along with new_key defined in the API ProDispObjectAttach(). |