• | Attributes—Defines the names and functions that affect attributes on the UI component. Each component supports its own set of unique attributes; however, some attributes are supported by more than one component. Because of the fact that attributes typically work on more than one component, detailed documentation for the attributes is included in a master table at the end of this chapter. |
• | Operations—Defines the component-specific functions that make more detailed modifications to the components. |
• | Actions—Defines the functions that register action callbacks on a component. |
• | Establish the main UI container object. This is either a dialog or a dashboard. Optionally, this can be read from a resource file to prepopulate the container with specific components. |
• | Add components to the container (if they do not already exist). |
• | Set attributes on components in the container. |
• | Execute operations on components in the container. Operations also modify the component, but typically make more detailed or sophisticated changes than setting an individual attribute. |
• | Establish action function callbacks on components in the container. Action functions are called when the user interacts with the component in some way. They allow the application to react to user events. |
• | Show the dialog or dashboard. |
• | Based on user actions, eventually you will need to close the container. |
• | "Destroy" the container to free up the resources it uses. Note
The functions described in this section do not support using Creo TOOLKIT to modify standard Creo Parametric dialogs.
• | Tab—part of a dialog that can contain several groups of components, formatted such that only one group is visible at a time. A Tab component must always contain a set of Layout components; each layout contains the components that must displayed at one time. The Figure - ‘All Components Dialog’ shows a decorated Tab which displays a handle on each layout to allow the user to select which layout is visible. |
• | Layout—an area of a dialog which can contain any number of other dialog components. A Layout can be used to better control the relative position of components in a dialog, by allowing the grids in different parts of the dialog to adopt unaligned rows or columns. A layout can also be used inside a Tab component. |
• | Check Button—a button which toggles between a TRUE and FALSE state each time the user selects it. |
• | Drawing Area—a component which allows points, lines, shapes, images and text (including symbols) to be drawn in a variety of colors. |
• | Input Panel—a box containing a single line of text. The Input Panel may be set to expect text in different formats, for example a real number or an integer. The Input Panel may also be set to be read-only, when it is used by the application to show information to the user. |
• | Label—a text string used to label the other components. |
• | List—a box containing a list of text strings, which can be selected by the user. Users can set the List to allow selection of only one item at a time, or more than one. |
• | Option Menu—a single-line box which allows selection of a single text string from a list of options. The selection is done using a pull-down menu, which appears when a button next to the text box is selected. |
• | Progress Bar—a component which shows the progress of a time-consuming action. |
• | Push Button—a button which performs some action when it is selected. It does not contain any remembered state. Push Buttons appear on almost every dialog as OK and Cancel buttons. |
• | Radio Group—a set of buttons which individually act like check buttons, but which are connected to each other such that only one can be set to TRUE at any time. Selecting one button sets that button and unsets all others in the group. |
• | Separator—a separator is for cosmetic purposes only, and helps to visually divide components into logical groups. |
• | Slider—a device which allows the user to set a value in a predefined range by moving a handle with the mouse. Use sliders in situations where an exact value may not be needed. A slider should usually be tied programmatically with a read-only input panel to show the current value. |
• | Spin-Box—a box containing a single numerical value that can be directly edited. The spin box also has up- and down-arrow buttons for increasing or decreasing the value in steps. A single click increments or decrements by a single step. Holding a button down makes the value change in repeated steps, first small steps and then large steps. The step sizes can be set for each spin box. |
• | Table—a set of tabulated rows and columns containing text and other components. |
• | Text Area—a box containing unformatted text containing any number of lines. It may be set to be read-only and used by the application to output information to the user. |
• | Thumbwheel—a thumbwheel is similar to slider but provides finer control over a wider range of values. Unlike the slider, it does not provide a visual indication of the current value. |
• | Tree—a tree contains nodes which are structured and displayed in a hierarchical formation. |
• | A to Z (uppercase) |
• | a to z (lowercase) |
• | 0 to 9 |
• | Underscore( _ ) |
• | Hypen(-) |
• | Menubar—The menubar itself is just a container for the menu panes. A dialog can contain only one menubar, and it must contain at least one other component at the top level. |
• | MenuPane—A menu pane describes a button on a menubar and also acts as a container for the components on the pull-down menu that appears when the user selects the menu pane button. |
• | Cascade button—A button on a pull-down menu that contains its own menupane. Selecting the cascade button pulls out the menu described by the menupane. |
• | Check Button—This looks like a regular menu button, but in fact toggles its state. When TRUE, it shows a check mark next to the label. |
• | Push Button—When added to a menu pane a pushbutton represents a command that causes some action. |
• | Radio Group—A radio group on a menu pane behaves exactly as it would in the body of a dialog, although the appearance is rather different, as shown in the picture above. |
• | Separator—A separator can be used to group buttons on a menu pane. |
• | session_dialog_name—Name of the dialog. |
• | resource—Name of the resource file. |
• | The function ProUIDialogCreate() requires that the resource file name input matches the case of the actual resource file. |
• | The dialog name specified in the resource file should match both the input argument resource and the name of the resource file without adding the suffix name. |
• | Resource names of dialogs resources must not coincide with the resources that are defined by PTC. |
• | Dialog instance or session names must not coincide with the instance or session names that are defined by PTC. |
• | You can ensure uniqueness in the dialog resource and session names by adding a prefix that specifies the name of the Creo TOOLKIT application. |
• | action—Specifies call to the action callback function ProUITimerAction(). You can invoke the action callback only once from the function ProUIDialogTimerStart(). To run the action again, you must call ProUIDialogTimerStart() again. |
• | appdata—Specifies the data that will be passed to the action callback. |
• | timer_name—Specifies the name of the timer. |
• | dialog—Specifies the name of the dialog box. You can invoke only one timer at a time for a dialog box. |
• | timer_id—Specifies the ID of the timer, which was returned by the function ProUITimerCreate(). |
• | duration—Specifies the time interval in milliseconds after which the action must be executed. The minimum value is set to 500 milliseconds. |
• | write_in_trail_file—Specifies if the timer action must be recorded in a trail file. |
• | dialog—Specifies the name of the dialog box. |
• | name—Name of the menupane to be added. |
Component Name
Add Function
Remove Function
Default Value
The column of the grid into which the component should be added. A value of PRO_UI_INSERT_NEW_COLUMN indicates that the component should be added to a newly created column to the left of any existing columns.
The row of the grid into which the component should be added. A value of PRO_UI_INSERT_NEW_ROW indicates that the component should be added to a newly created row to the left of any existing rows.
The number of cells which the component should occupy in the existing grid in a horizontal direction.
The number of cells which the component should occupy in the existing grid in a vertical direction.
A flag indicating whether the grid cell containing the component should resize horizontally.
A flag indicating whether the grid cell containing the component should resize vertically.
Attach the item to the top neighbor
Attach the item to the bottom neighbor
Attach the item to the left neighbor
Attach the item to the right neighbor
Offset to the top neighbor. The default value PRO_UI_USE_DEVICE_OFFSET inherits the offset from the owning dialog.
Offset to the bottom neighbor. The default value PRO_UI_USE_DEVICE_OFFSET inherits the offset from the owning dialog.
Offset to the left neighbor. The default value PRO_UI_USE_DEVICE_OFFSET inherits the offset from the owning dialog.
Offset to the right neighbor. The default value PRO_UI_USE_DEVICE_OFFSET inherits the offset from the owning dialog.
• | The dialog must not be the current foreground application. |
• | The dialog (when it is not the foreground application) is activated using one of the following methods:
• | dialog—Name of the dialog. The action is associated with the dialog and is automatically cancelled if the dialog is destroyed. The value can be NULL. |
• | function—Function to be called when you return to an event loop. |
• | data—Action data passed to the callback function. The value can be NULL. |
• | dialog—Name of the dialog passed to the function ProUIDialogAppActionRemove(). |
• | function— Function passed to ProUIDialogActionSet(). |
• | data—Action data passed to ProUIDialogActionSet(). |
Component Name
Adding Functions
Removing Functions
Component Name
Adding Functions
Removing Functions
Component Name
Adding Functions
Removing Functions
Component Name
Adding Functions
Removing Functions
Attribute Name
Get Function
Set Function(s)
Component Name
Adding Functions
Removing Functions
Resource File Attribute
Permitted Values
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default)
Flag indicating whether a RETURN key press should generate a UI_ACTIVATE_ACTION callback or whether it should cause the default button in the Dialog to be pressed.
Enumerated type ProUIArcDirection
The direction to use when drawing arcs in a drawing area: PROUIARCDIR_CLOCKWISE draws in a clockwise direction between the two line segments in order to form the arc.PROUIARCDIR_COUNTERCLOCKWISE Draws in a counterclockwise direction between the two line segments in order to form the arc.
Enumerated type ProUIArcFillMode
The type of fill to generate for an arc drawn in a drawing area: PROUIARCFILL_PIE—Fills the arc bounded by two line segments joining the endpoints of the arc and its center point. PROUIARCFILL_CHORD—Fills the arc bounded by a single line segment that joins the two endpoints of the arc.
Enumerated type ProUIAlignment.Default is "left"
The alignment of the text:
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default), FALSE
The four Attach attributes specify to which sides of its grid location a component is attached. If it is attached to none
the component will float inside the area available without changing size when the dialog is resized. If it is attached to
the left only, for example, it will stay at the left of the area available. If it is attached both left and right, it will
stretch horizontally to fit the space available. If it is attached both top and bottom it will stretch vertically.
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default), FALSE
The Mixed value is an intermediate mixed state set by the application. Attempts to get the state of the check button by ProUICheckbuttonGetState will fail when the check button is in a mixed state. The mixed state is reset automatically when the user activates the check
Of Boolean type
FALSE (default)
Flag indicating whether to highlight the entire row when a selection is made in a cell in the row.
Integer type based on ProUIColorType or a user defined color type.
The background color of the component as a user specified color or a window color of ProUIColorType.
Integer type based on ProUIColorType or a user defined color type.
The background drawing color of the component as a user specified color or a window color of ProUIColorType. This cannot be set in a resource file.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
The four Offset attributes describe the minimum gap, in pixels, between the component and the edge of the area available to
it. The maximum value of an offset is 20. The default, -1, is equivalent to no offset. It is usual in Creo Parametric to put an offset of 4 around each component, so the minimum distance between components is 8 pixels. If you have a vertical
column of components such as input panels in a single layout, you can reduce the overall vertical gap between them to 4 pixels.
Of String type
The icon of the component.
This may be a PNG, PCX, GIF, BMP, ICO or CUR file. The file must be visible to Creo Parametric by residing in Creo Parametric's text directory or in the Creo TOOLKIT application's text directory.
Enumerated type ProUIButtonStyle
Following are the available types:
1. PROUIBUTTONSTYLE_CHECK—The horizontal and vertical margins are equal, no shadow border is drawn and by default, the button accepts keyboard input.
2. PROUIBUTTONSTYLE_TOGGLE—The horizontal margin is twice as wide as the vertical margin, the shadow border is always drawn and by default, the button
accepts keyboard input.
3. PROUIBUTTONSTYLE_TOOL—The horizontal and vertical margins are equal, the shadow border is always drawn and by default, the button does not accept
keyboard input.
4. PROUIBUTTONSTYLE_FLAT—The horizontal and vertical margins are equal, the shadow border is only drawn when the pointer is moved over the component
and by default the button does not accept keyboard input.
5. PROUIBUTTONSTYLE_LINK—The button works like a hyperlink.
Enumerated data type ProUIModalOverride
ModalOverride determines whether the component is also blocked when its Dialog is blocked. It determines if there is an attempt
to dismiss a blocking Dialog and menu before processing the action callbacks for the component. The following are the valid
Enumerated type ProUICascadeDirection
The direction in which the MenuPane should cascade when the CascadeButton is activated. Following are the possible values:
Of String array type
Names of the children of the component. Read Only. This cannot be specified in a resource file.
Of String type
Name of the class of the component. It is Read-only type. These are defined in the ProUI.h file. This cannot be specified in a resource file.
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default), FALSE
Flag indicating whether drawing operations within a DrawingArea are clipped so that they do not overlap any children contained
within the DrawingArea.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 16
The width of the InputPanel, in character widths. Column widths are determines by the widest possible character in the font
of the component (typically 'W'). Thus, a component with a width of 16 will likely hold words with more than 16 characters.
Of WideString type
The tab-separated labels to be displayed as the column headers of a List.
Of WideString type
The labels of the columns of a table.
Of String Array type
The names of the columns of a table.
Of Integer Array type
Default Value is 0
The resizing factors of the columns of a Table.
Enumerated type ProUISelectionpolicy
The types of selection supported for the columns of a table:
Press SHIFT or CTRL keys, to select multiple items.
Press SHIFT key to select a range of items.
Press CTRL key to select multiple items. You can click to select and clear an item.
Of Integer Array type
Default Value is the value of DefaultColumnWidth
The widths of the columns of a Table, in character widths. You can refer to .Columns
Boolean, default is true
Flag indicating whether the component has a decorated shadow border.
Of String type
The name of the component of the dialog which is to be treated as the default button of the dialog. The default button is
automatically activated when the user hits RETURN or presses the middle mouse button within the Dialog.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 8
The default column width if no widths are specified or if any of the ColumnWidths members are less than or equal to 0.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 1
The denominator value of the fractional contents of the InputPanel.
Enumerated type ProUIDialogStyle
The options defined by the enumerated data type ProUIDialogStyle control the blocking behavior of Creo Parametric window. The dialog style types that are supported by Creo TOOLKIT application are as follows:
Other dialog style values should not be used in Creo TOOLKIT dialogs. The only purpose of the other dialog style values is to be returned by the function ProUIDialogDialogstyleGet() on a dialog created by Creo Parametric.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
The number of digits to be displayed if the contents are being treated as a number.
A value of 0 indicates that this attribute should be ignored when formatting the value.
Of Float type
Default Value is 0
The double value of the contents of the component.
Of String type
Default Value is "%.*lf"
The format of the contents of the component if they are being treated as a double. The value of this attribute is a C formatting
string, which can handle the precision and value of the contents of the InputPanel.
Note: the formatting is not applied to values entered into the component until the component's Double value is accessed programmatically.
Of Float type
Default Value is 1
Slow increment to be used when Spinbox value is a double.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 100
Height in pixels of the drawing area.
Enumerated type ProUIDrawingMode
The drawing mode of the DrawingArea. Following are the possible values:
PROUIDRWMODE_COPY—Draw using the foreground drawing color.
PROUIDRWMODE_NOT—Draw, inverting the existing pixels of the component.
PROUIDRWMODE_AND—Draw using a combination of the foreground drawing color AND the existing pixels.
PROUIDRWMODE_OR—Draw using a combination of the foreground drawing color OR the existing pixels.
PROUIDRWMODE_XOR—Draw using a combination of the foreground drawing color XOR the existing pixels.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 100
Width in pixels of the drawing area.
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default), FALSE
Flag indicating whether the text contents of the component may be modified by the user.
Of Float type
Default Value is 10
The fast increment to be used when the SpinBox value is a double
Of Integer type
Default Value is 10
The fast increment to be used when the SpinBox value is an integer.
Enumerated type ProUIFillMode
The current drawing fill mode of the DrawingArea. Following are the possible values:
PROUIFILLMODE_SOLID—Fill using the foreground drawing color.
PROUIFILLMODE_LIGHT_STIPPLE— Fill using a 75% stipple of the foreground and background drawing colors.
PROUIFILLMODE_MEDIUM_STIPPLE— Fill using a 50% stipple of the foreground and background drawing colors.
PROUIFILLMODE_HEAVY_STIPPLE— Fill using a 25% stipple of the foreground and background drawing colors.
Of String type
The name of the component on which the cursor is positioned when the dialog is activated. If the Dialog is already active
then this specifies the name of the component within the Dialog on which on which the focus is set and the cursor is positioned.
Enumerated type ProUIFontClass
The base font class to be used to draw text in the component.
Of Float type
Default Value is 0
Point size of the font used to draw text in the component.
Enumerated type ProUIFontStyle
A bitwise OR of the styles of the font used to draw text in the component.
Note: All styles are not supported for a given font class and platform.
Integer type based on ProUIColorType or a user defined color type.
The foreground color of the component.
Integer type based on ProUIColorType or a user defined color type.
The foreground drawing color of the component as a user specified color or a window color of ProUIColorType.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
Height in pixels of the component.
Of WideString type
The popup help-text to be displayed whilst the pointer is over the component.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 0
The horizontal location from the existing dialog to which a new dialog is being positioned horizontally. The possible alignment
types are left/ center/right.
Of String type
The name of the dialog to which the existing dialog is relatively being positioned horizontally.
Enumerated type ProUIHorzPosition
Horizontal positioning method of the dialog.
Enumerated type ProUIHorzPosition.
The horizontal location on thedialog which is used for positioning.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
Desired horizontal position of the dialog. This is the absolute position.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
The desired horizontal offset between the dialog to which it is being relatively positioned and the existing dialog.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
The desired width of the dialog.
Of String array typeDefault Value is NULL
The names of the images, which will be drawn in a DrawingArea. Each image may be a PNG, PCX, GIF, BMP, ICO or CUR file.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 1
The slow increment to be used when the SpinBox value is an integer.
Of Integer typeDefault Value is 0
The integer value of the contents of the component.
Enumerated type ProUIInputtype
Datatype of the contents of the input panel.
Following are the possible types:
Of WideString Array type
The popup help-text to be displayed for the items of the component whilst the pointer is over the component. The array size
should match the number of items in the component.
Of String Array type
The images of the items of the component. Each image may be a PNG, PCX, GIF, BMP, ICO or CUR file. The array size should match the number of items in the component.
Of WideString type
The text shown on the component.
(For dialogs: this is the dialog title).
Of WideString type
The user visible text for each of the items of the component.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 2
The justification of the label of the Tree if the Tree has an attribute window and can be as follows:
The name of the item, which was last pointed to by the pointer.
The name of the node indicates the window to be scrolled where the named item appears at a defined location.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 8
The length of the Slider, in character widths.
Of Integer Array type
The state of each of the items of the List.
Enumerated type ProUILineStyle
The current line drawing style of the DrawingArea.
Following are the available types:
Enumerated type ProUIListtype
The possible list types are as follows:
PROUILISTTYPE_STANDARD—No column headers or check marks.PROUILISTTYPE_TABULATED—Display column headers, but do not display check marks.
PROUILISTTYPE_CHECK—Display check marks, but do not display column headers. The value of the check mark for each item is accessed by ProUIListStateGet() and ProUIListStateSet()
Of Integer type
Default Value is 0
The number of locked columns of the table.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 0
The number of locked rows of the Table.
Of Boolean type
FALSE (default)
For a dialog component this flag indicates whether the dialog is visible on the screen or not. For all other components this
flag indicates whether the component occupies any space when it is invisible.
Of Float type
The maximum double value of the contents of the component.
Of Integer type
The maximum integer value of the contents of the component.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 32
The maximum length of the text contents of the component.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 4
The minimum width of the component, in character widths.
Of Float type
The minimum double value of the contents of the component.
Of Integer type
The minimum integer value of the contents of the component.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 1
The minimum number of visible rows of the component.
Of Integer Array type
The indeterminate state of the items in a Tree.
Of String Array type
The names of the items of the component.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 0
The numerator value of the fractional contents of the InputPanel.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 0
The ordinal value of the fractional contents of the InputPanel.
Enumerated type ProUIOrientation
The orientation of the component. It is of the following types:
Of String type
The name of the parent component of the component.
Of Boolean type
FALSE (default)
Flag indicating whether the component is used for password entry.
Enumerated type ProUIPolygonFillMode
The fill mode to be used when drawing Polygons in the DrawingArea.
Of String type
Allows you to designate the popup menu for a component This is the name of a MenuPane component to use as a popup menu for
the given component.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the component should display its popup menu when it is insensitive (TRUE) or whether no popup menu should be displayed at such times (FALSE).
Enumerated type ProUIProgressstyle
The display style of the ProgressBar. It is of the following types:
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default), FALSE
Controls whether Creo Parametric should store the location of the dialog when it is destroyed, and apply the position to the dialog again if it is shown again.
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default), FALSE
Controls whether Creo Parametric should store the size the dialog when it is destroyed, and apply the size to the dialog again if it is shown.
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default), FALSE
Identifies whether a component is allowed to resize based on changing of content. If the content is larger than the component,
set this to TRUE to resize to contain the new content. Set it to FALSE to truncate or shorten the content.
Of Boolean type
TRUE (default), FALSE
Flag indicating whether the Tree columns may be resized using the column headers as draggable sashes.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 8
The number of rows of the component.
Of WideString Array type
The labels of the rows of the component. If labels are specified then the table will display row headers, otherwise no row
headers are displayed.
Of String Array type
The names of the rows of the component.
Enumerated type ProUISelectionpolicy
The types of selection supported for the rows of a table:
Press SHIFT or CTRL keys, to select multiple items.
Press SHIFT key to select a range of items.
Press CTRL key to select multiple items. You can click to select and clear an item.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether scrollbars should only be displayed when they are required (TRUE) or whether they should always be displayed (FALSE).
Of String Array type
The names of the items of the component that may be selected. An empty array indicates that every item is currently selectable.
Of String Array type
The names of the currently selected items of the component. An empty array indicates that no item of the component is selected.
This attribute may not be set in the resource file.
Of String Array type
The names of the currently selected columns of the Table. This attribute may not be set in the resource file.
Of String Array type
The names of the currently selected rows of the Table. This attribute cannot be set through the resource file.
Enumerated type ProUISelectionPolicy
The type of selection allowed for items in the component:
Press SHIFT or CTRL keys, to select multiple items.
Press SHIFT key to select a range of items.
Press CTRL key to select multiple items. You can click to select and clear an item.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the Tree attribute window allows selection by cell (TRUE) or whether all the cells of the selected node of the Tree are selected when a node is selected (FALSE).
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the Tree should generate a UI_SELECT_ACTION callback when the currently selected item is re-selected (TRUE) or whether such a selection should be ignored as the state has not changed.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the component is disabled (FALSE) or sensitive to user input (TRUE).
Of Integer type
Default Value is 0
The state of the component.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether to display the grid lines of the Table.
Enumerated type ProUIStartLocation
Following are the possible user defined start locations and anchor positions for a UI component:
PROUITOP_LEFT—top left-hand corner
PROUITOP_RIGHT—top right-hand corner
PROUIMIDDLE_LEFT—left-hand edge
PROUIMIDDLE_RIGHT—right-hand edge
PROUIBOTTOM_LEFT—bottom left-hand corner
PROUIBOTTOM_RIGHT—bottom right-hand corner
Of String type
The contents of the InputPanel as a string
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating the behavior of the input panel when the TAB key is pressed. If the value is True, inserts a TAB key press into the text of input panel as a tab character. If the value is False, uses the TAB key press for focus traversal. The input panel ignores the tab key press. This attribute may not be set in the resource file.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the DrawingArea generates a UI_MOVE_ACTION whenever the pointer is moved over the visible region of the component.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the Tree has an attribute window.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the nodes of the Tree should be displayed with a bounding rectangle.
Of WideString type
The text entered by the user which caused a UI_TREE_CELL_INPUT_ACTION to be generated. This cannot be specified in the resource file.
Of String type
The name of the column of the selected cell of the attribute window of the Tree. This cannot be specified in the resource
Of String type
The name of the node of the selected cell of the attribute window of the Tree. This cannot be specified in the resource file.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 1
The method used to order the children of a parent node of the Tree.
Of Integer Array type
The justifcations of the text of the columns of the attribute window of the Tree.
Of String Array type
The names of the columns of the attribute window of the Tree.
Of WideStringArray type
The labels of the column headers of the attribute window of the Tree.
Of Integer Array type
The widths of the columns of the attribute window of the Tree.
Of String Array type
The display order of the columns of the attribute window of the Tree. An empty array indicates that the columns should be
displayed in the order in which they were created.
Of String type
The name of the current node of the Tree. This is the node which is drawn with a dotted focus rectangle if the Tree component
has the keyboard input focus. This cannot be specified in the resource file.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the root node of the Tree should be displayed (TRUE) or whether it should be hidden from view (FALSE).
Of String type
The name of the node of the Tree which was expanded or collapsed to generate a UI_EXPAND_ACTION or a UI_COLLAPSE_ACTION, respectively. This cannot be specified in the resource file.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the nodes of the Tree should be displayed with a "..." suffix to indicate that they have children
when the nodes themselves are not expanded.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 50
The initial percentage position of the sash of the Tree between the Tree hierarchy and the attribute window of the Tree.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the attribute window of the Tree should respond to keyboard input and generate a UI_TREE_CELL_INPUT_ACTION.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 2
The link-style used to indicate the children of a parent node of the Tree.
Of WideStringArray type
The text to be appended to the labels of the nodes of the node types of the Tree.
Of String Array type
The image to be displayed with the collapsed nodes of the node types of the Tree.
Of String Array type
The image to be displayed with the expanded nodes of the node types of the Tree.
Of WideStringArray type
The help text of the nodes of the node types of the Tree.
Of String Array type
The names of the node types of the Tree.
Of WideStringArray type
The text to be prepended to the labels of the nodes of the node types of the Tree.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether redraws are allowed in the Tree. This cannot be specified in the resource file.
Of String type
The name of the root node of the Tree. This cannot be specified in the resource file.
Of Integer Array type
The state of each of the items in the Tree.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 3.
The position of the vertical scrollbar of the Tree.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether to truncate the labels of newly created cells in the Table to the size of their cell.
Modifying this after adding rows and columns will have no effect on any existing cell's appearance.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 360.
The amount by which the value of the thumbwheel should be incremented for each complete revolution of the wheel.
Of WideString type
The text contents of the component.
Enumerated type ProUIVertPosition.
The vertical location from the existing dialog to which a new dialog is being positioned vertically.
Of String type
The name of the dialog to which the existing dialog is relatively being positioned.
Enumerated type ProUIPositioninMethod
Vertical positioning method of the dialog.
Enumerated type ProUIVertPosition.
The vertical location on the dialog, which is used for positioning.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
The desired vertical offset between the dialog to which it is being relatively positioned and the existing dialog.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
The desired height of the dialog.
Of Boolean type
Flag indicating whether the component is shown (TRUE) or hidden (FALSE).
Of String Array type
The names of the visible items of the component. An empty array indicates that every item of the component is visible.
Of Integer type
Default Value is 4
The number of visible rows of the component.
Of WideString type
The contents of the InputPanel as a wide-string.
Of Integer type
Default Value is -1
Width of the component, in pixels.
• | Overall attributes of the dialog box. |
• | A list of components it contains. |
• | Attributes of the components themselves and the relative positions of the components. |
• | Rules for how they behave when the user resizes the dialog box. |
• | The component and attribute for each translated item in line 1 |
• | The English text in line 2 |
• | The translated entities and translated text in line 3 |
• | Line 4 should be left blank |
Dialog dialog_name (other statements... )
Layout layout_name (other statements... )
(componentname.attributename value)
• | Rows statement—lists the rows in the grid. |
• | Cols statement—lists the columns in the grid. |
• | Values list—specify the contents of each grid location in turn, reading left-to-right, top-to-bottom. Each of the values can
be either
(Dialog allcomponents
(PushButton PushButton1)
(PushButton PushButton2)
(Tab Tab3
(Label Label16)
(PushButton1.Label "OK")
(PushButton1.TopOffset 4)
(PushButton1.BottomOffset 4)
(PushButton1.LeftOffset 4)
(PushButton1.RightOffset 4)
(PushButton2.Label "Cancel")
(PushButton2.TopOffset 4)
(PushButton2.BottomOffset 4)
(PushButton2.LeftOffset 4)
(PushButton2.RightOffset 4)
(Tab3.Decorated True)
(Label16.Label "Push Buttons")
(.Label "All Components")
(Grid (Rows 1 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1 1)
(Layout Layout11
(SubLayout Layout1)
(.Label "Tab with two layouts")
(.Decorated True)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1)
(Layout Layout1
(InputPanel InputPanel1)
(Label Label1)
(CheckButton CheckButton1)
(Label Label2)
(Label Label3)
(Label Label4)
(List List1)
(Label Label5)
(OptionMenu OptionMenu1)
(Label Label6)
(Label Label8)
(RadioGroup RadioGroup1)
(Slider Slider1)
(Label Label9)
(TextArea TextArea1)
(Label Label10)
(CheckButton CheckButton3)
(Label Label7)
(Label Label11)
(ThumbWheel ThumbWheel1)
(ProgressBar ProgressBar1)
(SpinBox SpinBox1)
(Label Label14)
(Separator Separator1)
(Label Label13)
(Table Table1)
(Label Label17)
(InputPanel1.InputType 2)
(Label1.Label "Input Panel")
(Label1.AttachLeft True)
(CheckButton1.Label "Check2")
(CheckButton1.Set True)
(CheckButton1.TopOffset 4)
(CheckButton1.BottomOffset 4)
(CheckButton1.LeftOffset 4)
(CheckButton1.RightOffset 4)
(Label2.Label "Check Buttons")
(Label2.AttachLeft True)
(Label2.TopOffset 4)
(Label2.BottomOffset 4)
(Label2.LeftOffset 4)
(Label2.RightOffset 4)
(Label3.Label "Label")
(Label3.AttachLeft True)
(Label4.Label "Label Text")
(List1.Names "n1"
(List1.Labels "Value 1"
"Value 2"
"Value 3"
"Value 4"
"Value 5")
(Label5.Label "List")
(Label5.AttachLeft True)
(OptionMenu1.Names "n1"
(OptionMenu1.Labels "Option 1"
"Option 2"
"Option 3"
"Option 4"
"Option 5")
(Label6.Label "Option Menu")
(Label6.AttachLeft True)
(Label8.Label "Radio Group")
(Label8.AttachLeft True)
(RadioGroup1.Orientation True)
(RadioGroup1.AttachLeft False)
(RadioGroup1.AttachRight False)
(RadioGroup1.AttachTop False)
(RadioGroup1.AttachBottom False)
(RadioGroup1.Names "n1"
(RadioGroup1.Labels "Rad1"
(RadioGroup1.Alignment 2)
(Label9.Label "Slider")
(Label9.AttachLeft True)
(Label10.Label "Text Area")
(Label10.AttachLeft True)
(CheckButton3.Label "Check1")
(Label7.Label "Thumbwheel")
(Label7.AttachLeft True)
(Label11.Label "Progress bar")
(Label11.AttachLeft True)
(Label14.Label "Spinbox")
(Label14.AttachLeft True)
(Label13.Label "Separator")
(Label13.AttachLeft True)
(Table1.RowNames "r1"
(Table1.RowLabels "1"
(Table1.ColumnNames "c1"
(Table1.ColumnLabels "- A -"
"- B -"
"- C -")
(Table1.ColumnWidths 4
(Table1.VisibleRows 4)
(Table1.ShowGrid True)
(Label17.Label "Table")
(Label17.AttachLeft True)
(.Label "Decorated layout")
(.Decorated True)
(.TopOffset 4)
(.BottomOffset 4)
(.LeftOffset 4)
(.RightOffset 4)
(Grid (Rows 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) (Cols 1 1)
(Grid (Rows 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Layout Layout8
(Label Label15)
(Label15.Bitmap "ptc_logo")
(.Label "Second layout")
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1)
(Dialog Simple
(PushButton OK)
(PushButton Cancel)
(Label RadioLabel)
(RadioGroup Tolgroup)
(OK.Label "OK")
(OK.TopOffset 4)
(OK.BottomOffset 4)
(OK.LeftOffset 4)
(OK.RightOffset 4)
(Cancel.Label "Cancel")
(Cancel.TopOffset 4)
(Cancel.BottomOffset 4)
(Cancel.LeftOffset 4)
(Cancel.RightOffset 4)
(RadioLabel.Label "Value to use")
(RadioLabel.TopOffset 4)
(RadioLabel.BottomOffset 4)
(RadioLabel.LeftOffset 4)
(RadioLabel.RightOffset 4)
(Tolgroup.Orientation True)
(Tolgroup.Names "Top"
(Tolgroup.Labels "Upper limit"
"Lower limit")
(.Label "Simple Dialog")
(Grid (Rows 1 1) (Cols 1 1)
(Dialog subgrid
(PushButton OK)
(PushButton Cancel)
(InputPanel FeatNamePanel)
(Label FeatNameLabel)
(OK.Label "OK")
(OK.TopOffset 4)
(OK.BottomOffset 4)
(OK.LeftOffset 4)
(OK.RightOffset 4)
(Cancel.Label "Cancel")
(Cancel.TopOffset 4)
(Cancel.BottomOffset 4)
(Cancel.LeftOffset 4)
(Cancel.RightOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.TopOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.BottomOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.LeftOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.RightOffset 4)
(FeatNameLabel.Label "Feature name")
(.Label "Subgrid")
(Grid (Rows 1 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1 1)
(Dialog subgrid
(PushButton OK)
(PushButton Cancel)
(InputPanel FeatNamePanel)
(Label FeatNameLabel)
(OK.Label "OK")
(OK.TopOffset 4)
(OK.BottomOffset 4)
(OK.LeftOffset 4)
(OK.RightOffset 4)
(Cancel.Label "Cancel")
(Cancel.TopOffset 4)
(Cancel.BottomOffset 4)
(Cancel.LeftOffset 4)
(Cancel.RightOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.TopOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.BottomOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.LeftOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.RightOffset 4)
(FeatNameLabel.Label "Feature name")
(.Label "Subgrid")
(Grid (Rows 1 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1 1)
(FeatNameLabel.Label "Feature name")
(FeatNameLabel.AttachLeft True)
(FeatNameLabel.TopOffset 4)
(FeatNameLabel.BottomOffset 4)
(FeatNameLabel.LeftOffset 4)
(FeatNameLabel.RightOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.HelpText "Enter the Feature name here.")
(FeatNamePanel.TopOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.BottomOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.LeftOffset 4)
(FeatNamePanel.RightOffset 4)
• | .GIF |
• | .PNG |
• | .PCX |
• | .BMP |
• | .ICO |
• | .CUR |
(Dialog confirm
(Label Question)
(PushButton OK)
(PushButton Cancel)
(Question.Label "Dummy label")
(Question.TopOffset 4)
(Question.BottomOffset 4)
(Question.LeftOffset 4)
(Question.RightOffset 4)
(OK.Label "OK")
(OK.TopOffset 4)
(OK.BottomOffset 4)
(OK.LeftOffset 4)
(OK.RightOffset 4)
(Cancel.Label "Cancel")
(Cancel.TopOffset 4)
(Cancel.BottomOffset 4)
(Cancel.LeftOffset 4)
(Cancel.RightOffset 4)
(.Label "Confirm")
(Grid (Rows 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1 1)
OK Cancel
(Dialog ug_uilist
(SubLayout ug_uilist_layout1)
(SubLayout ug_uilist_layout2)
(.Label "UI List")
(Grid (Rows 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Layout ug_uilist_layout1
(List ug_uilist_comp)
(Label ug_uilist_label_1)
(TextArea ug_uilist_txtarea)
(Label ug_uilist_lable_2)
(ug_uilist_label_1.Label "List area")
(ug_uilist_txtarea.FontStyle 4)
(ug_uilist_lable_2.Label "Text Area")
(.Decorated True)
(.DecoratedStyle 3)
(Grid (Rows 1 1 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Layout ug_uilist_layout2
(PushButton ug_uilist_ok)
(PushButton ug_uilist_cancel)
(ug_uilist_ok.Label "Ok")
(ug_uilist_ok.TopOffset 4)
(ug_uilist_ok.BottomOffset 4)
(ug_uilist_ok.RightOffset 20)
(ug_uilist_cancel.Label "Cancel")
(ug_uilist_cancel.TopOffset 4)
(ug_uilist_cancel.BottomOffset 4)
(ug_uilist_cancel.LeftOffset 20)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1 1 1)
(Pos 1 3)
(Dialog menus
(MenuBar MenuBar1
(TextArea TextArea1)
(TextArea1.Rows 10)
(TextArea1.Columns 25)
(.Label "Menubar dialog")
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1)
(MenuPane MenuPane1
(PushButton PushButton1)
(PushButton PushButton2)
(.Label "MenuPane1")
(PushButton1.Label "Button1")
(PushButton2.Label "Button2")
(MenuPane MenuPane2
(PushButton PushButton3)
(Separator Separator1)
(RadioGroup RadioGroup1)
(RadioGroup RadioGroup2)
(Separator Separator2)
(CascadeButton CascadeButton2
(CheckButton CheckButton1)
(.Label "MenuPane2")
(PushButton3.Label "Pushbutton")
(RadioGroup1.Names "RG1"
(RadioGroup1.Labels "Radio group 1"
"Radio group 2")
(CascadeButton2.Label "Cascade button")
(CheckButton1.Label "Checkbutton")
(MenuPane MenuPane4
(PushButton PushButton5)
(PushButton PushButton6)
(PushButton5.Label "Pushbutton")
(PushButton6.Label "Pushbutton")
(Dialog progressbars
(ProgressBar ProgressBar2)
(ProgressBar ProgressBar3)
(ProgressBar ProgressBar4)
(ProgressBar ProgressBar5)
(Label Label2)
(Label Label3)
(Label Label4)
(Label Label5)
(Separator Separator1)
(SpinBox SpinBox1)
(SpinBox SpinBox2)
(ThumbWheel ThumbWheel1)
(ProgressBar2.ProgressStyle 0)
(ProgressBar2.TopOffset 4)
(ProgressBar2.BottomOffset 4)
(ProgressBar2.LeftOffset 4)
(ProgressBar2.RightOffset 4)
(ProgressBar3.ProgressStyle 1)
(ProgressBar3.TopOffset 4)
(ProgressBar3.BottomOffset 4)
(ProgressBar3.LeftOffset 4)
(ProgressBar3.RightOffset 4)
(ProgressBar4.TopOffset 4)
(ProgressBar4.BottomOffset 4)
(ProgressBar4.LeftOffset 4)
(ProgressBar4.RightOffset 4)
(ProgressBar5.ProgressStyle 3)
(ProgressBar5.TopOffset 4)
(ProgressBar5.BottomOffset 4)
(ProgressBar5.LeftOffset 4)
(ProgressBar5.RightOffset 4)
(Label2.Label "No text")
(Label2.AttachLeft True)
(Label3.Label "Value")
(Label3.AttachLeft True)
(Label4.Label "Percentage")
(Label4.AttachLeft True)
(Label5.Label "Interval")
(Label5.AttachLeft True)
(Separator1.Orientation True)
(SpinBox1.Columns 8)
(SpinBox1.Editable False)
(SpinBox1.IntegerBase 8)
(SpinBox1.Rate 1)
(SpinBox1.InputType 3)
(SpinBox1.Digits 3)
(SpinBox1.DoubleFormat "%12.*le")
(ThumbWheel1.DecoratedStyle 4)
(ThumbWheel1.InfiniteRange False)
(Grid (Rows 1 1 1 1 1 1) (Cols 1 1 1)
(Pos 1 2)
(Pos 2 2)
(Pos 3 2)
(Pos 5 1)
(Dialog uguivisibility
(SubLayout PushbuttonVisibility)
(PushButton CloseButton)
(CloseButton.Label "Close")
(CloseButton.TopOffset 4)
(CloseButton.BottomOffset 4)
(CloseButton.LeftOffset 4)
(CloseButton.RightOffset 4)
(.Label "Component Visibility")
(Grid (Rows 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Layout PushbuttonVisibility
(PushButton TargetBtn)
(CheckButton VisibleCheck)
(CheckButton SensitiveCheck)
(InputPanel ButtonLabel)
(TargetBtn.Label "PushButton")
(TargetBtn.TopOffset 4)
(TargetBtn.BottomOffset 4)
(TargetBtn.LeftOffset 4)
(TargetBtn.RightOffset 4)
(TargetBtn.Resizeable True)
(VisibleCheck.Label "Visible")
(VisibleCheck.Set True)
(VisibleCheck.TopOffset 4)
(VisibleCheck.BottomOffset 4)
(VisibleCheck.LeftOffset 4)
(VisibleCheck.RightOffset 4)
(SensitiveCheck.Label "Sensitive")
(SensitiveCheck.Set True)
(SensitiveCheck.TopOffset 4)
(SensitiveCheck.BottomOffset 4)
(SensitiveCheck.LeftOffset 4)
(SensitiveCheck.RightOffset 4)
(ButtonLabel.Value "PushButton")
(ButtonLabel.TopOffset 4)
(ButtonLabel.BottomOffset 4)
(ButtonLabel.LeftOffset 4)
(ButtonLabel.RightOffset 4)
(.Label "PushButtons")
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1 1 1 1)
(Dialog angle
(SubLayout Layout1)
(SubLayout Layout2)
(.Label "Angle")
(.DefaultButton "OK")
(Grid (Rows 1 1) (Cols 1)
Layout1 Layout2
(Layout Layout1
(Slider Slider)
(InputPanel InputPanel)
(Label Prompt)
(Slider.MinInteger -180)
(Slider.MaxInteger 180)
(Slider.Length 12)
(Slider.Tracking True)
(Slider.TopOffset 4)
(Slider.BottomOffset 4)
(Slider.LeftOffset 4)
(Slider.RightOffset 4)
(InputPanel.Columns 4)
(InputPanel.AttachLeft False)
(InputPanel.AttachRight False)
(InputPanel.MinInteger -180)
(InputPanel.MaxInteger 180)
(InputPanel.TopOffset 4)
(InputPanel.BottomOffset 4)
(InputPanel.LeftOffset 4)
(InputPanel.RightOffset 4)
(InputPanel.InputType 2)
(Prompt.Label "Dummy text")
(Grid (Rows 1 1) (Cols 1)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1 1)
(Layout Layout2
(PushButton OK)
(PushButton Cancel)
(OK.Label "OK")
(OK.TopOffset 4)
(OK.BottomOffset 4)
(OK.LeftOffset 4)
(OK.RightOffset 4)
(Cancel.Label "Cancel")
(Cancel.TopOffset 4)
(Cancel.BottomOffset 4)
(Cancel.LeftOffset 4)
(Cancel.RightOffset 4)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1 1)
OK Cancel
(Dialog uguitableexample
(SubLayout TableLayout)
(SubLayout ButtonLayout)
(OptionMenu ToCopy)
(ToCopy.Visible False)
(ToCopy.AttachTop True)
(ToCopy.AttachBottom True)
(ToCopy.Names "ONE"
(ToCopy.Labels "Select One"
"Select Many")
(.Label "UG Tables")
(Grid (Rows 1 0 1) (Cols 1)
(Layout TableLayout
(Table LargeTable)
(LargeTable.Columns 40)
(LargeTable.MinRows 4)
(LargeTable.TopOffset 4)
(LargeTable.BottomOffset 4)
(LargeTable.LeftOffset 4)
(LargeTable.RightOffset 4)
(LargeTable.RowNames "A"
(LargeTable.ColumnNames "1"
(LargeTable.RowLabels "Alpha"
(LargeTable.ColumnLabels "One"
(LargeTable.ShowGrid True)
(.AttachLeft True)
(.AttachRight True)
(.AttachTop True)
(.AttachBottom True)
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1)
(TableLayout LargeTable
(PushButton BaseButton)
(CheckButton BaseCheckButton)
(InputPanel BaseInputPanel)
(BaseButton.Label "Table Button")
(BaseCheckButton.Label "Table Check Button")
(BaseInputPanel.Value "Table Input Panel")
(Layout ButtonLayout
(PushButton CloseButton)
(PushButton ModifySelectButton)
(Label Label1)
(CloseButton.Label "Close")
(CloseButton.TopOffset 4)
(CloseButton.BottomOffset 4)
(CloseButton.LeftOffset 4)
(CloseButton.RightOffset 4)
(ModifySelectButton.Label "Toggle cells")
(ModifySelectButton.Visible False)
(ModifySelectButton.TopOffset 4)
(ModifySelectButton.BottomOffset 4)
(ModifySelectButton.LeftOffset 4)
(ModifySelectButton.RightOffset 4)
(Grid (Rows 1 1) (Cols 1 1 1)
(Pos 1 3)
(Dialog uguitablecomponents
(PushButton ExternalButtonToCopy)
(ExternalButtonToCopy.Label "From other dialog...")
(Grid (Rows 1) (Cols 1)
• | To contain application defined content. For example, a Win32 HWND object whose content is not being ported. |
• | To have precise control over child position. |
Component Name
Get Functions
Set Functions