Category Custom user interface, Object ProUITranslation

Function ProUITranslationFilesEnable

Sets this application to use the newer organization of translated UI dialog resource files. In the default organization, a copy of the resource file containing translated labels and messages must be provided for each text/[language]/resource directory supported by the application. When using the new translation system, the resource file is provided only once, in text/resource; a text file containing only the translated entities and the the translations, in the format used for ProMessageDisplay(), should be provided in text/resource/[language] for each additional language that the application supports. The translation file should identify the component and attribute for each translated item in line #1, the English text in line #2, and the translation in line #3, and line #4 left blank.

This function should be called before any call is made to another ProUI function; usually it should be called early in the application's user_initialize().

For an example of an application using this approach to dialog translation, see the pt_install_test directory in the loadpoint.

#include <ProUI.h>
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORUnable to make the switch to the new translation system.

Manual References:

  1. User Interface: Dialogs: Location and Translation of Resource Files

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_install_cxx ( TestInstall.cxx )
  2. pt_install_test ( TestInstall.c )