Object ProCurvedata

Datum curve data




ProArcdata, ProBsplinedata, ProCompositeCurvedata, ProEllipsedata, ProLinedata, ProSplinedata, ProSurfcurvedata

This object is an attribute of the following objects:


Curve data contains the geometric details for an edge, curve, or entity is arranged (types include line, arc, and spline, NURBS, and ellipse..)

ProCurvedata Functions:

ProCurvedataAlloc(), ProCurvedataArrayFree(), ProCurvedataFree(), ProCurvedataMemoryFree(), ProCurvedataTypeGet()

Functions inherited from ProGeomitemdata:

ProGeomitemdataFree(), ProGeomitemdataGet()

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Techniques of Conversion and Mixing
  2. Drawings: Detailed Views
  3. Drawings: Visible Areas of Views
  4. Drawings: Sections of a View
  5. Drawings: Creating, Modifying and Reading Detail Items
  6. Drawings: Draft Entity Data
  7. Drawings: Drawing Dimension Attachments and Dimension Creation
  8. Event-driven Programming: External Objects: Display Data for External Objects
  9. Event-driven Programming: Toolkit-Based Analysis: Results Data
  10. Core: 3D Geometry: Geometry Equations
  11. Core: 3D Geometry: Geometry of Solid Edges
  12. Core: 3D Geometry: Geometry of Datum Curves
  13. Core: 3D Geometry: Geometry as NURBS
  14. Interface: Importing Features: Adding Edges
  15. Interface: Importing Features: Adding Datums