Object ProCurve

Datum curve

The following objects are attributes of this object:


This object is an attribute of the following objects:


A datum curve is a geometric item that can belong to any feature. Datum curves allow you to create a 2D section that can be used to create many other features such as extrusion or revolve. This object contains all the properties of a datum curve such as its ID, color, type, linestyle, curve tessellation, and the normalized parameter on the curve.

ProCurve Functions:

ProCurveColorGet(), ProCurveColorSet(), ProCurveCompAction(), ProCurveCompFilter(), ProCurveCompVisit(), ProCurveDataFree(), ProCurveDataGet(), ProCurveFilterAction(), ProCurveIdGet(), ProCurveInit(), ProCurveLengthEval(), ProCurveLengthT1T2Eval(), ProCurveLinestyleGet(), ProCurveLinestyleSet(), ProCurveParamByLengthEval(), ProCurveParamEval(), ProCurvePersistentColorGet(), ProCurvePersistentColorSet(), ProCurvePersistentLinestyleGet(), ProCurvePersistentLinestyleSet(), ProCurveTessellationGet(), ProCurveToGeomitem(), ProCurveToNURBS(), ProCurveTypeGet(), ProCurveVisitAction(), ProCurveXyzdataEval()

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Techniques of Conversion and Mixing
  2. Production Applications: Cabling: Connectors Parameters
  3. Fundamentals: Object Handles
  4. Core: 3D Geometry: Geometry Objects
  5. Core: 3D Geometry: Visiting Solid Geometry
  6. Core: 3D Geometry: Visiting Solid Geometry
  7. Production Applications: Piping: Segments