• | intf_type—Specifies the type of file to import. The valid format files from which the user can create the import features are specified in the enumerated data type ProIntfType: |
Type Constant
Import Format
Neutral file
IGES 3D file
STEP file
VDA file
SET file
PDGS file
ICEM file
ACIS format file
DXF file
CDRS file
STL file
VRML file
Parasolid-based CADDS system file
AI file
CATIA (.CATpart) file
UG file
Creo View (.ol) files
CATIA V5 Assembly file
CATIA Graphical Representation (CGR) format
JT Open Interface
Inventor Part (.ipt) file
Inventor Assembly (.iam) file
Solid Edge part (.par) file
Solid Edge Sheet metal (.psm) file
3D Manufacturing Format (3MF)
• | p_source—the name of the file with extension. The specified format file should exist in the current working directory or in a path specified in the search_path configuration option. |
• | p_solid —Specifies the part in which the user wants to create the import feature. |
• | data_source—Specifies a pointer to the interface data source. Use the function ProIntfDataSourceInit() to get the handle to the ProIntfDataSource object. |
• | p_csys — Specifies the coordinate system of the part with which the user wants to align the import feature. If this is NULL, the function uses the default coordinate system in the Creo Parametric model and the import feature will be aligned with respect to this coordinate system. |
• | p_attributes—Specifies the attributes for the creation of the new import feature. Please see the section Import Feature Attributes for more information. Note
From Creo Parametric 2.0 M200 onward, the function ProImportfeatCreate() imports a JT file to Creo Parametric only if the license INTF_for_JT is available. If the license is not available the function returns the error PRO_TK_NO_LICENSE.
• | p_solid—Pointer to the solid part. Assembly case is not supported. |
• | data_source—Source of data to create the import feature. |
• | p_csys—Pointer to the reference coordinate system. If this is NULL, the function uses the default coordinate system. |
• | profile—Path to the import file. If this value is NULL, the function ProImportfeatureWithProfileCreate() works same as ProImportfeatCreate(). Note
An import profile is an XML file with the extension dip (Dex In Profile) and contains the options that control an import operation. It contains all the options for the supported
3D import formats. Refer to the Creo Parametric Help for more information on creation and modification of import profiles.
• | cut_or_add—Set to PRO_B_TRUE for imported geometry representing a cut or PRO_B_FALSE otherwise. |
• | body_use_opt—Generic body options. |
• | body_arr—ProArray of bodies. Size of ProArray must be 1. |
• | The function ProImportfeatureWithProfileCreate()( cannot create an import feature using an import profile for the STL and VRML formats. Once a profile is set, it remains valid for the entire session unless it is reset with another profile. |
• | From Creo Parametric 2.0 M200 onward, the function ProImportfeatureWithProfileCreate() imports a JT file to Creo Parametric only if the license INTF_for_JT is available. If the license is not available the function returns the error PRO_TK_NO_LICENSE. |
• | p_solid—Specifies the part in which you create the import feature. |
• | full_file_name—Specifies the name of the file from which you create the import feature. |
• | file_type—Specifies the file type to import. It is given by the ProIntfType enumerated type. The file types supported by this function are as follows.
For all other file types that are not supported, the function ProDatumcurveFromfileCreate() returns PRO_TK_INVALID_TYPE.
• | p_csys — Specifies the coordinate system of the part with which you align the import feature If this is NULL, the function uses the default coordinate system and the import feature is aligned with respect to this coordinate system. |
• | You can create virtually non-parametric user-defined geometry at a desired location. This is sometimes an alternative to parametric feature creation, which can be more complicated. |
• | Import features are regenerated more quickly than corresponding groups of parametric features. |
• | You can integrate Creo Parametric with non-Creo Parametric supported geometry file formats. |
• | Allocate the interface data. |
• | Add surfaces, edges, quilts, and datums. |
• | Create the import feature from the interface data. |
• | Surface_type—Specifies the type of surface to be created. The types of surfaces are:
The type of the surface determines the function to be used to initialize the surface data structure.For example, if the type
of surface to be created is PRO_SRF_PLANE, then the function ProPlanedataInit() should be used to initialize the surface data structure
• | surf_uv_min—Specifies the minimum uv extents of the surface. |
• | surf_uv_max—Specifies the maximum uv extents of the surface. |
• | surf_orient—Specifies the orientation of the surface. By default the value is PRO_SURF_ORIENT_OUT |
• | p_surf_shape—The data containing the information about the shape of the surface. |
• | Surface_Id—Specifies a unique identifier of the Surface. |
• | ProPlanedataInit() |
• | ProCylinderdataInit() |
• | ProConedataInit() |
• | ProTorusdataInit() |
• | ProSrfrevdataInit() |
• | ProTabcyldataInit() |
• | ProRulsrfdataInit() |
• | ProSplinesrfdataInit() |
• | ProCylsplsrfdataInit() |
• | ProBsplinesrfdataInit() Note
Set the configuration option intf_in_keep_high_deg_bspl_srfs to YES to preserve the B-spline surfaces returned by ProBsplinesrfdataInit() in the ProIntData data structure. If this configuration option is not set, these surfaces are interpreted as spline surfaces.
• | ProFilsrfdataInit() |
• | p_surf_data—Specifies the surface data to which the array of contour data is to be set. |
• | contour_array—Specifies an array of contours on the surface. The ProContourdata handle can be obtained by using the following functions in sequence: ProContourdataAlloc()
• | contour_trav — Specifies the contour traversal. This parameter has the following values:
• | p_contour_data—Specifies the contour data to which the array of edge identifiers have to be set. |
• | edge_id_arr—Specifies the array of edge identifiers. These identifiers must be same as those provided in the ProEdgedata structures described below. For example, if the surface is bounded by 4 edges, then the identifier of each edge should be assigned to each element of
an array of integers of size 4.
• | edge_id — Specifies a unique identifier of the edge. |
• | edge_surf_ids—Specifies the ID of the surfaces on either side of the edge. |
• | edge_directions —Specifies the edge directions on the surface. |
• | edge_uv_point_arr —Specifies an array of UV points on the surfaces. The value can be NULL. |
• | p_edge_uv_curve_data—Specifies the edge UV curves on the surfaces. The value can be NULL. |
• | p_edge_curve_data—Specifies the curve data handle in the form of the ProCurvedata structure. This data handle is returned by the functions ProLinedataInit(), ProArcdataInit(), ProEllipsedataInit(), ProSplinedataInit(), or ProBsplinedataInit(). Use the function ProCurvedataFree to free the ProCurvedata data handle. Note
PTC recommends that you split the closed loop edge into two or more continuous edges while specifying the inputs to the function
ProEdgedataInit(). For example, to create a circular edge, instead of specifying the start angle as 0 and the end angle as 360, split the circular
edge into 2 or more edges. The angular measurements of the split edges could be 0 to 30 for the first split and 30 to 360
for the second split. The function ProEdgedataInit() must be called for each split.
• | ProLinedataInit() |
• | ProArcdataInit() |
• | ProEllipsedataInit() |
• | ProSplinedataInit() |
• | ProBsplinedataInit() |
• | vector1—Specifies the first vector of the arc coordinate system. |
• | vector2—Specifies the second vector of the arc coordinate system. |
• | origin—Specifies the center of the arc coordinate system |
• | start_angle—Specifies the starting angle (in radians) of the arc. |
• | end_angle —Specifies the end angle (in radians) of the arc. |
• | radius —Specifies the radius of the arc. |
• | center—Specifies the center of the ellipse. |
• | x_axis—Specifies the first (x) axis vector of the ellipse. |
• | plane_normal—Specifies the axis vector that is normal to the plane of the ellipse. |
• | x_radius—Specifies the radius of the ellipse in the direction of ‘x’ axis. |
• | y_radius—Specifies the radius of the ellipse in the direction of ‘y’ axis. The ‘y’ axis can be found as a vector product of the plane_normal on x_axis. |
• | start_ang—Specifies the starting angle (in radians) of the ellipse. |
• | end_ang—Specifies the end angle (in radians) of the ellipse. |
• | par_arr —Specifies an array of spline parameters |
• | pnt_arr—Specifies an array of spline interpolant points |
• | tan_arr—Specifies an array of tangent vectors at each point |
• | num_points—Specifies the size for all the arrays |
• | degree—Specifies the degree of the basis function. |
• | params —Specifies an array of knots on the parameter line. |
• | weights —In the case of rational B-splines, it specifies an array of the same dimension as the array of c_pnts. Else, the value of this argument is NULL. |
• | c_pnts—Specifies an array of knots on control points. |
• | num_knots—Specifies the size of the params array. |
• | num_c_points—Specifies the size of the c_pnts and the size of weights if it is not NULL. Note
Although ProBsplinedataInit() returns B-spline curves, these curves are interpreted as spline curves in the ProIntData data structure used by the function ProImportfeatCreate() while creating the import feature.
The values PRO_TK_BSPL_UNSUITABLE_DEGREE and PRO_TK_BSPL_NON_STD_END_KNOTS returned by ProBsplinedataInit() should be treated as warnings. These values indicate that the geometry finally imported in Creo Parametric is different from the geometry initially supplied to the function. The geometry is not rejected by ProBsplinedataInit() and is used to generate the ProCurvedata data structure.
• | p_quilt_data—Specifies a handle to the quilt data to which we want to assign the set of surfaces. |
• | arr_p_surf—Specifies an array of surfaces that will be defined as a quilt. |
• | p_intfdata —Specifies a handle to the interface data to which you want to append the quilt data. |
• | p_quiltdata —Handle to the quilt data. |
• | datum_id—Specifies a unique identifier of the datum. |
• | datum_type—Specifies the datum type. The types of datums are:
• | datum_name—Specifies the name to be assigned to the datum. |
• | p_datum_ob j—The datum object that contains the geometrical information about the datum. Depending on the type of the datum to be created,
one of the following functions must be used to create the ProDatumobject data structure.
The value PRO_TK_BSPL_MULTI_INNER_KNOTS returned by ProDatumCurvedataInit() should be treated as a warning. This value indicates that the geometry finally imported in Creo Parametric is different from the geometry initially supplied to the function. The geometry is not rejected by ProDatumCurvedataInit() and is used to generate the ProCurvedata data structure.
• | p_intfdata—Specifies the interface data to which the datum data must be appended. |
• | p_datumdata —Specifies a handle to the datum data obtained from the function ProDatumdataInit(). |
• | Repeat the sequence for each datum member required to be in the import feature. |
• | intf_type—Specifies the type of the interface. Since the user builds all the data required by the interface, the value should be PRO_INTF_NEUTRAL. |
• | p_source—Specifies the handle to the interface data source. |
• | p_solid—Specifies the part or assembly in which the user wants to create the import feature. |
• | data_source—Specifies a pointer to the interface data source. Use the function ProIntfDataSourceInit() to get the handle to the interface data source. |
• | p_csys—Specifies the co-ordinate system of the part with which you want to align the import feature. If this is NULL, the function uses the default coordinate system in the Creo Parametric model and the import feature will be aligned with respect to that coordinate system. |
• | p_attributes—Specifies the attributes for the creation of the new import feature. Refer to the section Import Feature Attributes for more information. |
• | attempt_make_solid—Specifies whether the import feature is to be created as a solid or a surface type. Set the value to 1 to create an import feature of solid type. Set it to 0 to create a surface type of import feature. Note
If the import feature is an open surface, setting attempt_make_solid to 1 does not make the import feature of solid type.
• | cut_or_add—Specifies whether the solid type of import feature is to be created as a cut or a protrusion. This argument is valid only
if attempt_make_solid is set to 1. Set the value to 1 to cut the solid import feature from the intersecting solid. Set it to 0 to create it as a protrusion. Note
When attempt_make_solid is set to 0, the value assigned to cut_or_add is not considered.
• | join_surfaces—Specifies whether the import feature is created as a single quilt (joined surface) or separate surfaces (as it was in the original file) if it is of surface type. This argument is valid only if attempt_make_solid is set to 0. If the value is set to 1, all surfaces that can be joined are joined to form a single quilt. |
• | add_bodies— Creates the same body structure as is present in the source file. |
• | body_use_opt—Specifies the body options you can use while importing a feature and is defined by the enumerated data type ProImportBodyUseOpts. The valid values are as follows:
• | body_arr—ProArray of bodies to be selected. By default, the size is 1. Set this value as NULL if you do not want to use any bodies in the import operation. |
• | Redefine the attributes of any import feature. Note
When redefining the attributes of the import feature, Creo Parametric will not use the value of the attribute join_surfaces, because this attribute is valid only for import feature creation.
• | Redefine the geometry of an import feature created from a geometric file. Import features created from memory may not be redefined. |
• | operation—Specifies the type of operation to use when redefining the import feature. |
• | p_source—Specifies the handle to the new interface data or the new attributes structure. |
• | p_feat_handle—Specifies the handle for the import feature to be redefined. |
• | p_source—The handle to be used for redefinition from the function ProImportfeatRedefSourceInit(). Note
ProImportfeatRedefine() does not support ATB-enabled features. It returns PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXT while accessing such features.
• | p_feat_handle—Specifies the handle of the import feature. |
• | user_id—Specifies the identifier of the geometry item. |
• | item_type—Specifies the type of the geometry item. The types of geometry are:
• | p_feat_handle—Specifies the handle of the import feature. |
• | item_id—Specifies the identifier of the geometry item. |
• | item_type—Specifies the type of the geometry item. The types of geometry are:
• | Information about the interface type of the import feature. |
• | The filename from which the import feature is created. This is applicable for import features created from a file. |
• | The coordinate system with respect to which the import feature is aligned. |
• | The attributes of the import feature. |
• | ptk_part—The ProPart data structure that needs to be converted. |
• | p_cnv_opts—The options for the conversion defined by the structure ProPartConversionOptions. |
• | CADDS 5 |
• | CATIA V4 |
• | CATIA V5 |
• | Creo Elements/Direct |
• | Creo View |
• | Creo Granite file |
• | ICEM |
• | Neutral |
• | SolidWorks |
• | NX |
• | Inventor |
• | A Translated Image Model (TIM) representation of a model imported from the ATB interface, such as, CADDS or CATIA. |
• | A Creo Parametric assembly containing one or more components which are models imported from an ATB Interface, such as, CADDS or CATIA. |
• | A Creo Parametric part containing an Import Feature that is imported from an ATB Interface such as, ICEM. |
• | Check the status of the TIMs or the ATB-enabled features. |
• | Update TIMs or ATB-enabled features that are identified as out-of-date. |
• | Change the link of a TIM or ATB-enabled feature. |
• | Break the association between a TIM or the ATB-enabled feature and the original reference model. |
• | Model—Specify a Creo Parametric Part or Assembly that is—
• | feat_ids—Specify an array of feature ids for the ATB-enabled features in the model. If a model contains more than one ATB-enabled feature, the verify function works only on the specified feature. If you do not specify a feature id, the ProATBMdlnameVerify() function verifies the entire model including TIMs from non-native CAD models. |
• | search_paths—Specify the complete location to the source CAD model. You can specify multiple directories to search for the model. If no search path is specified, then the function will search in current working directory or locations set in config-option atb_search_path. |
• | models_out_of_date—Specifies an array of TIMs or the ATB-enabled features that are out-of-date with the source model and require an update. These models are represented by a red icon in the Model Tree in the Creo Parametric user interface. |
• | models_unlinked—Specifies an array of TIMs or the ATB-enabled features that have missing links because the reference model is missing from the designated search path. These models are represented by a yellow icon in the Model Tree in the Creo Parametric user interface. |
• | models_old_version—Specifies an array of TIMs for which the source CAD model is older than the one with which the TIM was last updated. These models are represented by a yellow icon in the Model Tree in the Creo Parametric user interface. Use the function ProArrayFree() to free the array of output arguments. |
• | If the link of a TIM or ATB-enabled feature is broken, you cannot re-establish the link or update the part that is independent and has lost its association with the reference model. |
• | The geometry added or removed from the model before the update is added or removed from the TIM after the update. |
• | The geometry added or removed from the model before the update is added or removed from the TIM after the update. |
• | ATB incorrectly identifies the imported geometry as up-to-date based on the old reference file which is found before the updated reference file. |