• | PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME—Specifies the feature name. |
• | PRO_E_MIRROR_REF_ITEMS—A multivalued element that includes the mirror item reference. It must be references of the following types: PRO_CURVE, PRO_COMP_CRV, PRO_AXIS, PRO_QUILT, PRO_PART. |
• | PRO_E_MIRROR_REF_PLANE—Specifies the mirror plane and is a mandatory element and must be PRO_DATUM_PLANE or PRO_SURFACE (only planar surfaces). |
• | PRO_E_COPY_NO_COPY—Specifies the option to create a copy or not and is a mandatory element. It can have either of the following values:
• | Translate mode—Translate surfaces, datum curves, and axes in a direction perpendicular to a reference plane. You can also translate along a linear edge, axis, perpendicular to plane, two points, or coordinate system. |
• | Rotate mode—Rotate surfaces, datum curves, and axes about an existing axis, linear edge, perpendicular to plane, two points, or coordinate system. |
• | Linear curve |
• | Linear edge |
• | Axis |
• | Axis of a coordinate system |
• | Plane |
• | Two points Note
The direction reference is always perpendicular to the direction in which you want to move.
• | Linear curve |
• | Edge |
• | Axis |
• | Axis of a coordinate system |
• | Two points Note
You can flip the direction of the move in the Rotate mode.
• | PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME—Specifies the feature name. |
• | PRO_E_SRF_TR_SURF_SELECTION—Specifies whether to move or copy the selected geometry. Curves, composite curves, axes and quilts are eligible to for this element. |
• | PRO_E_MOVE_NO_COPY—Specifies an option to control copy of the original geometry. |
• | Provides the ability to transform geometry with or without a copy. |
• | PRO_E_MOVE_WITH_COPY—Specifies whether to hide or display the original geometry after copy. |
• | PRO_E_MOVE_GEOM_TRF_ARR—Contains an array of movements applied to the selected entities. This can be a combination of translational and rotational transformations. |
• | PRO_E_DIRECTION_COMPOUND—Specifies the direction reference for the translation or rotational movement. This compound element is a standard Creo Parametric element subtree and is described in ProDirection.h. |
• | PRO_E_FEATURE_FORM—Specifies feature form and should be of PRO_FLAT type only. |
• | PRO_E_STD_SECTION—Specifies a sketched section. Refer to the section Creating Features Containing Sections for details on how to create features that contain sketched sections. |
• | PRO_E_BODY—Compound element for body options.
• | PRO_E_SMT_NEW_BODY_LINKED—Specifies if the sheetmetal body is linked to a part. Mandatory if PRO_E_BODY_USE is set to PRO_BODY_USE_NEW. |
• | For a successful merge, the selected quilts must be ordered based upon their adjacency. |
• | The merge operation fails in case of intersecting quilts, and quilts that are not adjacent to any other input quilt. In either case, remove the problematic quilt to complete the merge. |
• | PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE—Specifies the feature type; must be PRO_FEAT_DATUM_QUILT. |
• | PRO_E_SRF_MRG_QUILT_ARR—Specifies an array of the following compound element. The array must have atleast two elements to create the Merge feature.
• | PRO_E_SRF_MRG_TYPE—Specifies the merge type and can have following merge type options:
• | PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME—Specifies the merge feature name. |
• | Use Quilts—Cuts a piece from a surface using an intersecting quilt. Creo Parametric consumes the quilt that is used to trim a surface and allows you to keep either or both sides of the trimmed surface. You
can trim quilts in the following ways:
• | Use Curves—Trims a surface using selected curves and edges. The rules for defining a surface trim using a datum curve are as follows:
• | Silhouette—Trims a surface at its silhouette edge from a specified direction. |
• | PRO_E_FEATURE_FORM—Specifies feature form and is a mandatory element applicable only for use quilt and thin types. It has PRO_USE_SURFS and PRO_NOTYPE as their valid values. |
• | PRO_E_SRF_TRIM_TYPE—Specifies trim type identity and is a non-redefinable mandatory element. The trim type determines the required structure
for the remaining elements in the element tree. Each type requires different mandatory elements. The different trim types
are as follows:
• | PRO_E_TRIM_QUILT—Specifies trimmed quilt and should be of type PRO_SURFACE or PRO_QUILT only. |
• | PRO_E_STD_USEQLT_QLT—Specifies trimming quilts and trimming planes. It should have PRO_SURFACE, PRO_QUILT and PRO_DATUM_PLANE values only. It is applicable for use quilt and thin types only. |
• | PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL—Specifies the trimming curves and is applicable for use curve only. |
• | PRO_E_TRIM_SILH_PLANE—Specifies silhouette plane and can be of type PRO_SURFACE or PRO_DATUM_PLANE only. |
• | PRO_E_MATERIAL_SIDE—Specifies material side options and has the following values:
• | PRO_E_PRIMARY_QLTSIDE—Specifies the primary quilt side options and they are listed as follows:
• | PRO_E_STD_USEQLT_SIDE—Specifies thickness direction options for thin trims and can only be as follows:
• | PRO_E_KEEP_TRIM_SURF_OPT—Specifies to keep trimming surface option and is valid only when the trimming quilt is a surface or quilt. It has the following
• | PRO_E_THICKNESS—Specifies thickness for thin trims. |
• | PRO_E_SRF_OFFS_METHOD—Specifies the types of offset for thin trims and are as follows:
• | PRO_E_SRF_OFFS_CTRLFIT—Specifies the control fit and is applicable for thin trims only. It offsets the surface by creating a best-fit offset that
is scaled with respect to a selected coordinate system. It allows you to define the axis for translation. It consists of the
following elements:
• | PRO_E_SRF_OFFS_HANDLINGS—Specifies an array of PRO_E_SRF_OFFS_HANDLING and is applicable for thin trims only. |
• | PRO_E_SRF_OFFS_HANDLING—Specifies special handling item and consists of PRO_E_SRF_OFFS_REF_SEL which are special handling faces which should be from the trimming quilt. |
Trim type
Element Id
Quilt Type
Use Curve
• | The thickness is between the design range. |
• | The thickness exceeds the maximum design value. |
• | The thickness is below the minimum design value. |
• | PRO_SRF_OFFS_METHOD—Offset method that can be enumerated as follows:
If you change the offset method for a particular feature, all children of this feature fail.
• | Patch—Replaces a portion of the surface with quilt. The quilt boundary must lie on the surface. |
• | Add Material—Fills a quilt with solid material. |
• | Remove Material—Removes material from inside or outside a quilt. Note
add material and remove material attributes are always available. Patch is available only if the selected quilt boundaries
lie on solid geometry.
• | PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_TYPE—Must be one of the following types—
• | PRO_E_FEATURE_FORM— Must be of the following types:
• | PRO_E_PATCH_QUILT— Specifies the reference quilt and is a mandatory element. A valid quilt or surface satisfies any of the following contexts: |
• | CASE 1
• | CASE 2
• | CASE 3
• | CASE 4
• | CASE 5
• | CASE 6
• | CASE 7
• | CASE 1
• | CASE 2
• | CASE 3
• | Surfaces, surface sets, or intent surfaces |
• | One closed loop chain of one-sided edges from a single quilt |
• | All surfaces that are extended or trimmed must be adjacent to the boundary defined by references. |
• | If an adjacent surface does not need to be extended, it will not be copied. |
• | Surfaces that are to be extended must be extendable. |
• | Extended surfaces must converge to form a defined volume. |
• | No new patches are created when the surfaces are extended. |
• | If the modified geometry cannot be attached as a solid, it can be manually attached as a quilt. |
• | Feature operations such as Suppress, Delete, Redefine, Reroute, Copy/Paste, and Pattern (limited to reference pattern if patterning by itself) are supported. |
• | Transformation of this feature by itself is not applicable and allowed. |
• | PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE—Specifies the feature type and should always have the value PRO_FEAT_RM_SURF. |
• | PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME—Specifies the name of the remove feature. |
• | PRO_E_RM_SURF_REF_TYPE—Specifies the reference type. This element decides the type of references that you can select for removal. It can have the
following values:
• | PRO_E_RM_SURF_ATTACH_TYPE—Specifies the attachment type. It can have the following values:
• | PRO_E_RM_SURF_SRF_REFS—Specifies the set of surface references. This element is required if PRO_E_RM_SURF_REF_TYPE is equal to PRO_RM_SURF_SRF_REF. It consists of the following elements:
• | PRO_E_RM_SURF_CRV_REFS—Specifies the set of curve references. This element is required if PRO_E_RM_SURF_REF_TYPE is equal to PRO_RM_SURF_CRV_REF. It consists of the following element:
• | PRO_E_RM_SURF_LEAVE_OPEN_OPT—Specifies if the hole that is created after surfaces are removed must be kept open. The solids are converted to quilts and closed quilts are converted to open quilts. |
• | PRO_E_RM_SURF_AUTO_SPLIT_SRF—Specifies if the extending surface for the selected shape surface must be automatically split when geometry is removed. The splitting surface is automatically selected. |
• | PRO_E_RM_SURF_MAINTAIN_TOPO—Specifies if the regeneration must fail when the model changes and the same solution type cannot be reconstructed. It is used to indicate if the topology in the model must be maintained. |
• | PRO_E_STD_EXCL_CNTR_SRF_REF—Specifies the surface reference for the excluded contour. |
• | PRO_E_STD_EXCL_CNTR_EDGE_REF—Specifies the edge reference for the excluded contour. This element can be any edge of the contour. |
• | PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE—Specifies the feature type and should be PRO_FEAT_FLXATTACH. |
• | PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME—Specifies the name of the feature. |
• | PRO_E_ATTACH_QLT_REFS—Specifies the open quilts you select for attachment. |
• | PRO_E_ATTACH_OPT_TYPE—Specifies the attachment type. It is given by the enumerated type ProFlexAttachOptType and is of the following types:
• | PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE—Specifies the feature type and should always have the value PRO_FEAT_UNIFYSRF. |
• | PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME—Specifies the name of the surface region feature. The default value is Unify_Surfaces. |
• | PRO_E_UNIFYSRF_TARGET—Specifies the target surface that can be any surface of a quilt or body, and has at least one split-edge or non-refinable-edge. This surface must be previously divided. |
• | PRO_E_UNIFYSRF_SRFS—Specifies the set of surfaces that are unified into the target. These multiple surfaces should be divided from the target
surface and should belong to the same quilt or body as the target surface. Note
If a surface is not previously divided, it cannot be used. In such a scenario, you have to select an alternate surface.
• | PRO_E_UNIFYSRF_UPD_SRF_REF_OPT—Use the option Update Surface References to transfer the references of the surfaces you selected to the target surface. If the value is PRO_B_TRUE, the consumed surface references is forwarded to the target surface. |