Element Trees: Edit Menu Features
This section describes how to construct and access the element tree for some Edit Menu features in Creo TOOLKIT. It also shows how to redefine, create and access the properties of these features.
Unify Surfaces Feature
The Unify Surfaces feature is created by unifying multiple surfaces that were previously divided and have the same geometry or have same surface definition.
The Feature Element Tree for Unify Surface feature in Creo Parametric
The element tree for a datum unify surface feature is documented in the header file ProUnifySurf.h, and has a simple structure. Apart from the usual elements for the tree root and feature type, a datum unify surface contains the unified surface target and surfaces to unify. The following figure shows the basic structure of the element tree:
The following list details special information about the elements in this tree:
•  PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE—Specifies the feature type and should always have the value PRO_FEAT_UNIFYSRF.
•  PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME—Specifies the name of the surface region feature. The default value is Unify_Surfaces.
•  PRO_E_UNIFYSRF_TARGET—Specifies the target surface that can be any surface of a quilt or body, and has at least one split-edge or non-refinable-edge. This surface must be previously divided.
•  PRO_E_UNIFYSRF_SRFS—Specifies the set of surfaces that are unified into the target. These multiple surfaces should be divided from the target surface and should belong to the same quilt or body as the target surface.
If a surface is not previously divided, it cannot be used. In such a scenario, you have to select an alternate surface.
•  PRO_E_UNIFYSRF_UPD_SRF_REF_OPT—Use the option Update Surface References to transfer the references of the surfaces you selected to the target surface. If the value is PRO_B_TRUE, the consumed surface references is forwarded to the target surface.