#ifndef PROCORE_H
#define PROCORE_H

#include <ProConst.h>
#include <ProToolkit.h>
#include <ProComm.h>


typedef PeerIdx ProProcessHandle;

extern ProError ProAsynchronousMain( int argc, char **argv );
    Purpose: Called from an asynchronous program which will be started by a 
             Creo Parametric session. This function should be called from the 
             user-supplied main() as early as possible, to establish the 
             connection between the user application and the Creo Parametric 
             session which launched it.

    Input Arguments:
        argc - You cannot modify this argument in any way.
        argv - You cannot modify this argument in any way.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The connection succeeded.
        Other - The connection failed.


extern void ProToolkitMain( int argc, char** argv );
    Purpose: Enables you to write your own <i>main()</i> without using 
             asynchronous mode. 
             <p> The rules and restrictions for a user-supplied <i>main()</i> 
             are as follows: 
             <li> You can make other, non-Creo Parametric TOOLKIT calls before 
             <li> This process is spawned by Creo Parametric, and is therefore 
             a child process. The process operates like the standard 
             synchronous mode. 
             <li> The process terminates when you exit Creo Parametric. 

    Input Arguments:
        argc - You cannot modify this argument in any way.
        argv - You cannot modify this argument in any way.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:


extern ProError ProEngineerStart( char* proe_path,
				  char* prodev_text_path );
    Purpose: Causes the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT program to spawn and connect to 
             a new Creo Parametric session. It is intended for use in simple 
             and full asynchronous modes.

    Input Arguments:
        proe_path - The path and file name of the Creo Parametric executable, 
                    or a script that runs it. For Creo+ use string 
                    "creoplus.exe <args>" and set environment variable 
                    TK_ASYNC_CREO_AUTO_LOCATE=true This will auto locate Creo+ 
                    if installed and spawn it. Pass --profile <profile_name> 
                    --cwd <creo_work_directory> as args to automate launch of 
                    Creo+ Pass arguments to Creo using token ++creo_tk For 
                    example, <b>"creoplus.exe --profile profile1 ++creo_tk 
                    -g:no_graphics -i:rpc_input"</b> Above value will launch 
                    Creo+ with profile profile1 and Creo will receive arguments 
                    -g:no_graphics -i:rpc_input
        prodev_text_path - The path under which the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT 
                           message and menu files are held. This is used in 
                           full asynchronous mode only. Otherwise, pass a null 

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - Creo Parametric started successfully.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - There was a general error.
        PRO_TK_NO_LICENSE - Creo Parametric could not get a license to run.
        PRO_TK_APP_NO_LICENSE - Creo Parametric was run without the licenses 
                                needed to run this application.
        PRO_TK_INVALID_DIR - prodev_text_path is not a valid directory.
        other - Error status returned by the application's user_initialize(). 
                <p> <b>Special cases</b>: <ul> <li>if the application is 
                running in native mode instead of Unicode, PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS 
                may indicate that prodev_text_path could not be converted to or 
                from Unicode. <li>PRO_TK_APP_CREO_BARRED indicates that 
                <i>proe_path</i> pointed to a Creo application that does not 
                support Creo Parametric TOOLKIT.


extern ProError ProEngineerConnect( char *proe_session_id, char *display,
                                    char *user, char *textpath,
                                    ProBoolean allow_random,
                                    unsigned int timeout_sec,
                                    ProBoolean *random_choice,
                                    ProProcessHandle *p_handle );
    Purpose: Causes the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT program to connect to an 
             existing Creo Parametric process using a specified display. It is 
             intended for use in simple and full asynchronous modes.

    Input Arguments:
        proe_session_id - This argument can be either empty string or 
                          identification string returned by 
                          ProEngineerConnectIdExtract. If it is ID string, the 
                          Creo Parametric TOOLKIT application will try to 
                          connect to the specified Creo Parametric session; if 
                          this attempt fails, the application will try to 
                          connect to any Creo Parametric session.
        display - The name of the display Creo Parametric is using. If this is 
                  NULL, match any display. If this is an empty string, assume 
                  the local host.
        user - The name of the user running the Creo Parametric to connect to. 
               If this is NULL, match any user. If this is an empty string, 
               assume the current user.
        textpath - The path under which the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT message and 
                   menu files are held. This is used in full asynchronous mode, 
                   or in simple asynchronous mode if text files are read (e.g., 
                   ProMessageToBuffer() is called). Otherwise, pass a null 
        allow_random - If there is more than one Creo Parametric matching the 
                       constraints specified in arguments "display" and "user", 
                       choose one at random if this argument is PRO_B_TRUE; if 
                       it is PRO_B_FALSE, return an error.
        timeout_sec - The time, in seconds, to wait for Creo Parametric to 
                      respond to the connection request.

    Output Arguments:
        random_choice - If this is PRO_B_TRUE, more than one Creo Parametric 
                        met the specified criteria (<i>allow_random</i> was 
                        TRUE) and the function arbitrarily chose one Creo 
                        Parametric session.
        p_handle - A pointer to a process handle to be used in subsequent calls 
                   to Creo Parametric.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The connection succeeded.
        PRO_TK_CANT_ACCESS - No network access.
        PRO_TK_NOT_EXIST - No Creo Parametric session exists.
        PRO_TK_E_IN_USE - Creo Parametric session did not respond to request 
                          for connection.
        PRO_TK_ABORT - Call to Creo Parametric interrupted.
        PRO_TK_CANT_MODIFY - Cannot register connection with name server. If 
                             the environment variable PRO_COMM_MSG_EXE is not 
                             set, this value is returned.
        PRO_TK_CANT_OPEN - Cannot process request for connection to Creo 
                           Parametric session.
        PRO_TK_E_DEADLOCK - The application and Creo Parametric deadlocked 
                            while trying to make a connection.
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - No Creo Parametric session with the specified 
                             characteristics could be found, or information on 
                             the session could not be read from the name 
        PRO_TK_E_BUSY - Creo Parametric session did not respond to request for 
                        initialization within <b>timeout_sec</b> seconds.
        PRO_TK_E_AMBIGUOUS - More than one Creo Parametric session with the 
                             specified characteristics was found and 
                             random_choice was PRO_B_FALSE, preventing a 
                             session from being chosen.
        PRO_TK_OUT_OF_MEMORY - There was insufficient memory to build a query 
                               to the name server.
        PRO_TK_COMM_ERROR - Creo Parametric session refused connection. (This 
                            can happen if application initialization fails.)
        PRO_TK_INVALID_DIR - textpath is not a valid directory.
        other - Error status returned by the application's user_initialize(). 
                <p> <b>Special cases</b>: <ul> <li>if the application is 
                running in native mode instead of Unicode, PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS 
                may indicate that prodev_text_path could not be converted to or 
                from Unicode. <li>PRO_TK_APP_CREO_BARRED indicates an attempt 
                to connect to a Creo application that does not support Creo 
                Parametric TOOLKIT.


extern ProError ProEngineerConnectWS( char *proe_session_id, char *display,
                                      char *user, wchar_t *workspace,
                                      char *textpath,
                                      ProBoolean allow_random,
                                      unsigned int timeout_sec,
                                      ProBoolean *random_choice,
                                      ProProcessHandle *p_handle );
             <P><B>NOTE:</B> This function is deprecated. Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 is 
             not supported. Please use ProEngineerConnect() to connect to Creo 
             Parametric process that has a Pro/INTRALINK 10.0 server 
             registered. </P> Causes the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT program to 
             connect to an existing Creo Parametric process running on a host 
             using a specified display. It is intended for use in simple and 
             full asynchronous modes.

    Input Arguments:
        proe_session_id - This argument can be either an empty string or an 
                          identification string returned by 
                          ProEngineerConnectIdExtract. If it is an ID string, 
                          the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT application will try to 
                          connect to the specified Creo Parametric session; if 
                          this attempt fails, the application will try to 
                          connect to any Creo Parametric session.
        display - The name of the display Creo Parametric is using. If this is 
                  NULL, match any display. If this is an empty string, assume 
                  the local host.
        user - The name of the user running the Creo Parametric to connect to. 
               If this is NULL, match any user. If this is an empty string, 
               assume the current user.
        workspace - The name of the workspace Creo Parametric is using. If this 
                    is NULL, match any workspace.
        textpath - The path under which the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT message and 
                   menu files are held. This is used in full asynchronous mode 
                   only. Otherwise, pass a null string.
        allow_random - If this is PRO_B_TRUE, and more than one Creo Parametric 
                       is running on the host using the specified display, 
                       choose one at random and connect to it. If this is 
                       PRO_B_FALSE, return an error in this case.
        timeout_sec - The time, in seconds, to wait for Creo Parametric to 
                      respond to the connection request.

    Output Arguments:
        random_choice - If this is PRO_B_TRUE, more than one Creo Parametric 
                        met the specified criteria (<i>allow_random</i> was 
                        TRUE) and the function arbitrarily chose one Creo 
                        Parametric session.
        p_handle - A pointer to a process handle to be used in subsequent calls 
                   to Creo Parametric.

    Return Values:
        Any value - See description of this return value from 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProEngineerConnectionStart( char* proe_path,
                                            char* prodev_text_path,
                                            ProProcessHandle *p_handle );
    Purpose: Causes the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT program to spawn and connect to 
             a new Creo Parametric session. ProEngineerDisconnect can be called 
             later to disconnect from created Creo Parametric session. It is 
             intended for use in full asynchronous mode.

    Input Arguments:
        proe_path - The path and file name of the Creo Parametric executable, 
                    or a script that runs it.
        prodev_text_path - The path under which the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT 
                           message and menu files are held. This is used in 
                           full asynchronous mode only. Otherwise, pass a null 

    Output Arguments:
        p_handle - A pointer to a process handle to be used in subsequent calls 
                   to Creo Parametric.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_INVALID_PTR - Could not get a valid handle to connect to the 
                             started Creo Parametric.
        Other - see returns for ProEngineerStart() and ProEngineerConnect()


typedef char ProConnectionId[PRO_CONNECTID_SIZE]; 

extern ProBoolean ProEngineerConnectIdExtract( ProProcessHandle p_handle,
                                               ProConnectionId proe_connect_id);
    Purpose: Extracts a connection identification string for the Creo 
             Parametric session represented by the given handle. Format of 
             identification string is the following: 
             where the flags are as follows: 
             <LI>H: name of host where Creo Parametric runs 
             <LI>A: address version 
             <LI>T: address type 
             <LI>R: RPC number 
             <LI>V: RPC version 
             <LI>N: net address 
             </UL> The identification string can be used in subsequent calls to 
             ProEngineerConnect to specify the Creo Parametric session it must 
             connect to.

    Input Arguments:
        p_handle - A pointer to a process handle of Creo Parametric

    Output Arguments:
        proe_connect_id - Identification string to be used in subsequent calls 
                          to ProEngineerConnect.

    Return Values:
        PRO_B_TRUE - Identification string was created successfully
        PRO_B_FALSE - There was a general error and proe_connect_id is not 


extern ProError ProEngineerDisconnect( ProProcessHandle *p_handle,
                                       unsigned int timeout_sec );
    Purpose: Disconnects the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT program from a Creo 
             Parametric process to which it had previously connected using 

    Input Arguments:
        p_handle - The pointer to a process handle returned by 
                   <b>ProEngineerConnect()</b>. The handle itself will be 
                   invalidated as a result of the call.
        timeout_sec - The time, in seconds, to wait for Creo Parametric to 
                      respond to the disconnect request.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The disconnect request succeeded.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - The argument <i>p_handle</i> is NULL, or points to 
                            an invalid process handle.
        Other - An error occurred and the disconnect request failed.

    See Also:

extern ProError ProWorkspaceStatusUpdate( void );
             <P><B>NOTE:</B> This function is deprecated. Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 is 
             not supported.</P> Invalidates the object access status cache 
             resulting in access status being read from Workspace next time it 
             is needed.

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully updated the workspace 


extern void ProEventProcess( void );
    Purpose: Enables your process to respond to calls (functions within your 
             process) from Creo Parametric. You must call this function within 
             your control loop to let you readily process any Creo Parametric 

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:


extern ProError ProEngineerStatusGet( void );
    Purpose: Determines whether the application is currently connected to a 
             Creo Parametric session, and if that session is responding to 

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The Creo Parametric session is available.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - There was no Creo Parametric session available, 
                               or the session did not respond.


extern ProError ProEngineerEnd( void );
    Purpose: Terminates a Creo Parametric session. In synchronous mode, the 
             function also terminates any Creo Parametric TOOLKIT process 
             started by the current Creo Parametric session.

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - Creo Parametric was successfully terminated.
        PRO_TK_COMM_ERROR - The communications to Creo Parametric failed.


typedef ProError (*ProTerminationAction) ( ProeTerminationStatus term_type );
    Purpose: This is the user's termination function called when Creo 
             Parametric terminates normally.

    Input Arguments:
        term_type - The Creo Parametric termination status

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function was successful.


extern ProError ProTermFuncSet( ProTerminationAction term_function );
    Purpose: Binds the user function to be called when Creo Parametric 
             terminates normally (using Exit). To unbind the function, pass a 
             null pointer.
             <p> NOTES: 
             <li>The function is only valid while a Creo Parametric session 
             spawned through <b>ProEngineerStart()</b> is running. 
             <li>When it is outside the event loop, the application should 
             unbind the notification function to avoid blocking Creo Parametric 
             upon exit. 
             <li>If the application calls ProEngineerEnd, term_function will 
             <b>not</b> be called. 

    Input Arguments:
        term_function - A pointer to the user's function, or NULL

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function was successful.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - The function failed.


extern ProError ProAsynchronousEventLoop ( void );
    Purpose: Initiates an event loop which will call ProEventProcess 
             periodically(1sec) to handle events returned from Creo Parametric. 
             Applicable only for full asynchronous applications which are not 
             supposed to carry out any tasks while waiting for Creo Parametric 
             <P> IMPORTANT NOTE: This function will not return until 
             interrupted by ProAsynchronousEventLoopInterrupt() or an error 
             returns from ProEngineerStatusGet(). No separate application 
             processing is possible until that time, except within Creo 
             Parametric event callbacks.

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_USER_ABORT - The function was interrupted by 
        Any other value - ProEngineerStatusGet() returned this error.


extern ProError ProAsynchronousEventLoopInterrupt ( void );
    Purpose: Call this function from within a Creo Parametric callback function 
             to halt a loop currently running in ProAsynchronousEventLoop().

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.


extern ProError ProEngineerConnectIdGet (ProConnectionId proe_connect_id);
    Purpose: Returns the connection id for the Creo Parametric session that 
             this application is connected to. The identification string can be 
             passed to external asynchronous applications to allow them to 
             connect to this Creo Parametric session.

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:
        proe_connect_id - Identification string that can be used by an 
                          asynchronous process to connect to this Creo 
                          Parametric session.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - The argument was invalid.
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - Communications are not correctly established for 
                             this session of Creo Parametric, and asynchronous 
                             connection is not possible.



Format for Connection Id string is in the description for the 


