Category Asynchronous mode, Object ProEngineer

Function ProEngineerConnectIdExtract

Extracts a connection identification string for the Creo Parametric session represented by the given handle. Format of identification string is the following: "host:H:addr_ver:A:addr_type:T:rpcnum:R:rpcversion:V:netaddr:N" where the flags are as follows:
  • H: name of host where Creo Parametric runs
  • A: address version
  • T: address type
  • R: RPC number
  • V: RPC version
  • N: net address
The identification string can be used in subsequent calls to ProEngineerConnect to specify the Creo Parametric session it must connect to.
#include <ProCore.h>
ProProcessHandle p_handle
/* (In)
A pointer to a process handle of Creo Parametric
ProConnectionId proe_connect_id
/* (Out)
Identification string to be used in subsequent calls to ProEngineerConnect.
PRO_B_TRUEIdentification string was created successfully
PRO_B_FALSEThere was a general error and proe_connect_id is not valid

Manual References:

  1. Core: Asynchronous Mode: Simple Asynchronous Mode