Category Creo Parametric TOOLKIT fundamentals, Object ProToolkit

Function ProToolkitMain

Enables you to write your own main() without using asynchronous mode.

The rules and restrictions for a user-supplied main() are as follows:

  • You can make other, non-Creo Parametric TOOLKIT calls before ProToolkitMain().
  • This process is spawned by Creo Parametric, and is therefore a child process. The process operates like the standard synchronous mode.
  • The process terminates when you exit Creo Parametric.
#include <ProCore.h>
int argc
/* (In)
You cannot modify this argument in any way.
char** argv
/* (In)
You cannot modify this argument in any way.

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. Fundamentals: User-Supplied Main

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestMain.c )
  2. pt_install_cxx ( TestInstall.cxx )
  3. pt_install_test ( TestInstall.c )