Functions introduced:
The function ProEngineerConnectIdGet() returns the asynchronous connection id of the Creo Parametric session that the application is running with. This function can be called from any synchronous (DLL or spawn mode) or asynchronous
application. It allows the application to send the connection id to any other asynchronous application that needs to connect
to this specific Creo Parametric session.
A simple asynchronous application can also connect to a Creo Parametric process that is already running on that machine. The function ProEngineerConnect() performs this function. It allows you to specify the name of the user who owns the Creo Parametric process to which you want to connect, and the name of the machine used for the display. If multiple Creo Parametric sessions meet this specification, ProEngineerConnect() can optionally choose one process at random or return an error status.
To disconnect from a Creo Parametric process, call ProEngineerDisconnect().
The connection to a Creo Parametric process uses information that is provided by the name service daemon. The name service daemon accepts and supplies information
about the processes running on the specified hosts. The application manager, for example, uses name service when it starts
up Creo Parametric and other processes. The name service daemon is set up as part of the Creo Parametric installation.
The function ProEngineerConnectIdExtract() returns a string connection identifier for the Creo Parametric process. This identifier can be used later to connect to the same process using a call to ProEngineerConnect(). Pass the connection id as the first argument to the connection function.
To use the functions in this section, and also the function ProEngineerConnectionStart(), you must link your application with the library pt_asynchronous.lib, which is in the following location:
Because this is a C++ library, you must use a C++ compiler to build your application. For sample makefiles containing C++
settings, see the makefiles under the directory <creo_toolkit_loadpoint>/<Machine>/obj
You do not have to link with pt_asynchronous.lib (or use a C++ compiler) if you do not use the functions just described or