#ifndef PROMENU_H
#define PROMENU_H

   Internal Creo Parametric TOOLKIT declarations for ProMenu actions

#include <ProToolkit.h>

/* for ProMenuName, ProMenufileName, . . . */
#include <ProSizeConst.h>

/* for ProAppData */
#include <ProObjects.h>

/* for ProMode */
/* NO LONGER BELONGS HERE, but ~90 sample files don't build without it */
#include <ProMode.h>


typedef enum
} ProMenuType;

typedef enum
} ProMenuMode;


extern ProError ProMenuFileRegister(ProMenuName     menuname,
				    ProMenufileName filename,
				    int             *menu_id);
    Purpose: Defines a new Creo Parametric menu by reading in a menu file. This 
             function is executed only once during a Creo Parametric session 
             for each menu. Subsequent calls to this function for a previously 
             loaded menu are ignored.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu.
        filename - The name of the menu file.

    Output Arguments:
        menu_id - The identifier of the created menu. This argument can be 

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully defined the menu.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - The menu file was not found.


extern ProError ProMenuAuxfileRegister(ProMenuName menuname,
				       ProMenufileName filename,
				       int *menu_id);
    Purpose: Extends an existing Creo Parametric menu by reading in an 
             auxiliary menu file. This enables you to maintain additions to 
             standard Creo Parametric menus in separate files, but have them 
             appear as part of the Creo Parametric menu file.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> The recommended way of adding new items to the standard Creo 
             Parametric menus is as follows:
             <li>The menu <I>menuname</I> must have been loaded via 
             <B>ProMenuFileRegister()</B> before this function can be called, 
             and it cannot be active on the screen at the time of this call. 
             <li>The argument <I>filename</I> must be different from the 
             standard Creo Parametric menu name. 
             <li>The contents of <I>filename</I> must adhere to the Creo 
             Parametric menu standards. Specifically, the first three lines 
             must be the same as the Creo Parametric menu file, after which 
             this file need only contain your additions.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu.
        filename - The name of the auxiliary menu file.

    Output Arguments:
        menu_id - The identifier of the extended menu This argument can be 

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully extended the menu.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - The auxiliary menu file was not found.

    See Also:

typedef int (*ProMenubuttonAction)(ProAppData app_data,
				   int app_int);
    Purpose: This is the prototype for the callback functions attached to the 
             Creo Parametric menu buttons by a call to the function 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        app_data - General application data as provided by the call to 
                   <b>ProMenubuttonActionSet()</b> that defines this button
        app_int - Integer application data as provided by the call to 
                  <b>ProMenubuttonActionSet()</b> that defines this button

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:


extern ProError ProMenubuttonActionSet(ProMenuName menuname,
				       ProMenubuttonName button,
				       ProMenubuttonAction action,
				       ProAppData app_data,
				       int app_int);
    Purpose: Specifies the action to perform when the user selects a particular 
             menu button added by the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT application.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 
             <p> The action is defined by passing a pointer to a C function 
             (the callback function) in the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT application 
             that is to be called when the user selects that button.
             <p> If the button name supplied is the name of the menu, instead 
             of one of the buttons on it, the function defines the exit action 
             for the menu (the function to be called when the user selects a 
             command from a different menu).
             <p> The arguments <i>app_data</i> and <i>app_int</i> are passed as 
             input arguments to the command function whenever it is called. Use 
             the function <b>ProMenubuttonGenactionSet()</b> when you need to 
             pass more than two arguments.
             <p> NOTES:
             <li>The arguments <i>app_data</i> and <i>app_int</i> must be one 
             of the following types: 
             <li>Statically allocated variables. 
             <li>Dynamically allocated local variables, but only if a local 
             command loop is activated in the routine that contains the 
             declarations. The location of the variable is unknown if the 
             routine making the declaration is not on the stack. 
             <li>The menu must be loaded (via <b>ProMenuFileRegister()</b>) 
             before the actions are specified. 

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button
        action - The callback function
        app_data - The general application data passed to the callback function 
                   when it is called
        app_int - The integer application data passed to the callback function 
                  when it is called

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully defined the button action.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Either the menu or the button does not exist.


typedef int (*ProMenubuttonGenaction)(ProAppData app_data,
				      int        app_int);
    Purpose: This is the prototype for the callback functions attached to Creo 
             Parametric menu buttons by a call to the function 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        app_data - The general application data as provided by the call to 
                   <b>ProMenubuttonActionSet()</b> that defines this button
        app_int - The integer application data as provided by the call to 
                  <b>ProMenubuttonActionSet()</b> that defines this button

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:


extern ProError ProMenubuttonGenactionSet(ProMenuName menuname,
					  ProMenubuttonName button,
					  ProMenubuttonGenaction action,
					  ProAppData app_data1,
					  ProAppData app_data2,
					  ProAppData app_data3,
					  ProAppData app_data4,
					  ProAppData app_data5,
					  ProAppData app_data6);
    Purpose: Specifies the action to perform when the user selects a particular 
             menu button added by the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT application. This 
             function performs the same task as 
             <b>ProMenubuttonActionSet()</b>, but provides for more application 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> See the function <b>ProMenubuttonActionSet()</b> for more 
             information on these two functions.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button
        action - The callback function
        app_data1 - The general application data passed to the callback 
                    function when it is called
        app_data2 - The general application data passed to the callback 
                    function when it is called
        app_data3 - The general application data passed to the callback 
                    function when it is called
        app_data4 - The general application data passed to the callback 
                    function when it is called
        app_data5 - The general application data passed to the callback 
                    function when it is called
        app_data6 - The general application data passed to the callback 
                    function when it is called

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully defined the button action.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Either the menu or the button does not exist.

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenuProcess(ProMenuName menuname,
			       int *action);
    Purpose: Makes the specified menu active. Creo Parametric allows the user 
             to pick the buttons on it until the menu closes.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 
             <p> The function returns only when the menu is closed as a result 
             of a call to <b>ProMenuDelete()</b> or 
             <b>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</b>, in one of the actions defined 
             for that menu.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu.

    Output Arguments:
        action - If you used <b>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</b> to delete the 
                 menu, this is the status value passed to that function. If you 
                 used <b>ProMenuDelete()</b> to delete the menu, this value is 

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - You used <b>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</b> to delete 
                          the menu.
        PRO_TK_E_FOUND - You used <b>ProMenuDelete()</b> to delete the menu, so 
                         no status is set.

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenuDelete ( void );
    Purpose: Closes the currently active menu. The current menu is the menu 
             referenced from the last call to <B>ProMenuProcess()</B>. Control 
             returns from that call as a result of the call to 
             <B>ProMenuDelete()</B> or <B>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</B>.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 
             <p> The menu that becomes active after this one is closed is the 
             menu immediately above it in the menu hierarchy. This is also the 
             menu made active by the previous call to <B>ProMenuProcess()</B>.

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully closed the current menu.

    See Also:
        <b>NOTE:</b> Do not use this function for exit buttons on compound menus;()
        use <b>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus</b> instead.()

extern ProError ProMenuCreate(ProMenuType type,
			      ProMenuName menuname,
			      int *menu_id);
    Purpose: Displays the menu on the screen. A menu must be loaded before it 
             can be displayed; when a menu is redisplayed, all menu items are 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 
             <p> The menu type is almost always a main menu (type 
             PROMENUTYPE_MAIN). An example of a submenu (type PROMENUTYPE_SUB) 
             is the Done/Quit submenu below the Sketcher menu. Done/Quit has no 
             title and serves only as an extension of the Sketcher menu (the 
             PROMENUTYPE_MAIN menu).

    Input Arguments:
        type - The menu type (PROMENUTYPE_MAIN for a main menu, PROMENUTYPE_SUB 
               for a submenu).
        menuname - The name of the menu.

    Output Arguments:
        menu_id - The identifier of the menu displayed. This argument can be 

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully displayed the menu.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - The specified menu does not exist.

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenuHold (void);
    Purpose: Prevents the menu from being closed when the user selects from 
             another menu, if this function is defined as the exit action for a 
             menu. Use this function if you want the user to take some definite 
             action before leaving the current menu.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 
             <p> To use this function, you must ensure that at least one of the 
             buttons on the menu results in a call to either 
             <b>ProMenuDelete()</b> or <b>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</b>. 
             Otherwise, there will be no route out of the menu.

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function was successful.

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenuDeleteWithStatus(int exit_status);
    Purpose: Closes the currently active menu. The current menu is the menu 
             referenced from the last call to <B>ProMenuProcess()</B>, and 
             control returns from that call as a result of the call to 
             <B>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</B>. The integer value supplied as an 
             argument is returned from the call to <B>ProMenuProcess()</B>. 
             This can be used to distinguish several possible ways of closing a 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 
             <p> The menu that becomes active after this one is closed is the 
             menu immediately above it in the menu hierarchy. This is also the 
             menu made active by the previous call to <b>ProMenuProcess()</b>.

    Input Arguments:
        exit_status - The value to be returned from the call to 
                      <b>ProMenuProcess()</b> for the current menu

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully closed the currently active 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProCompoundmenuCreate(char **menus,
				      int *n_submenus);
    Purpose: Takes an array of previously loaded menus and appends them into 
             one menu.

    Input Arguments:
        menus - An array of menu names, terminated by an empty string

    Output Arguments:
        n_submenus - The number of menus in the compound menu

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully created the compound menu. 
                          <b>NOTE</b>: use <b>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</b> as 
                          the action to perform when the user selects an exit 
                          button from a compound menu, rather than 


extern ProError ProMenubuttonPreactionSet(ProMenuName menuname,
					  ProMenubuttonName button,
					  ProMenubuttonAction action,
					  ProAppData app_data,
					  int app_int);
    Purpose: Enables you to interpose your own function into an existing Creo 
             Parametric menu button. When the user selects that button, your 
             function is called first, instead of the Creo Parametric function. 
             The Creo Parametric function may or may not get called afterwards, 
             depending on what value your functions returns (0 for success and 
             1 for failure).
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 
             <p> Note that this has the same arguments as 
             <b>ProMenubuttonActionSet()</b>, and, like that function, modifies 
             the Creo Parametric definition of the menu. Therefore, you must 
             call this function after <b>ProMenuFileRegister()</b>, which loads 
             the menu into memory.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button
        action - The callback function to be called before the Creo Parametric 
        app_data - The general application data passed to the callback function 
                   when it is called
        app_int - The integer application data passed to the callback function 
                  when it is called

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully set the pre-action.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - There was a general error and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenubuttonPostactionSet(ProMenuName menuname,
					   ProMenubuttonName button,
					   ProMenubuttonAction action,
					   ProAppData app_data,
					   int app_int);
    Purpose: Binds a user function so it is called after Creo Parametric has 
             finished executing the action associated with the specified 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu.
        button - The name of the menu button.
        action - The callback function to be called before the Creo Parametric 
                 command. This function must return a value of 0 to return 
                 control to Creo Parametric.
        app_data - The general application data passed to the callback function 
                   when it is called.
        app_int - The integer application data passed to the callback function 
                  when it is called.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully set the post-action.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - There was a general error and the function 


extern ProError ProMenubuttonLocationSet(ProMenuName menuname,
					 ProMenubuttonName button,
					 int location);
    Purpose: Enables you to determine where in the menu the new button is 
             placed, relative to the existing entries, which are referenced by 
             their sequence number. You can also use this to move existing Creo 
             Parametric menu buttons.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> The possible location positions are as follows:
             <li>-1 -- After the last item in the menu 
             <li>0 -- Before the first item in the menu 
             <li>1 -- Before the second item 
             <li>n -- Before the <i>n</i>th + 1 item
             <p> All other items in the menu stay in the same order as before. 
             You can call this function after creating a menu name with 
             <b>ProMenuFileRegister()</b>, but before it appears on the screen. 
             Otherwise, this function fails.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button
        location - The new location

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully set the location.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - There was a general error and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenubuttonVisibilitySet(ProMenuName menuname,
					   ProMenubuttonName button,
					   ProBoolean visible);
    Purpose: Controls the display status by removing a menu item from a menu. 
             This function must be called after the menu was created 
             (<b>ProMenuFileRegister()</b>) and before the menu is displayed 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> The function cannot be used for menus created by Creo 
             Parametric, only those defined by the Pro/TOOKIT application.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button
        visible - Specifies whether to make the menu item visible or invisible

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully set the visibility.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - There was a general error and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenubuttonDelete(ProMenuName menuname,
				    ProMenubuttonName button,
				    int* result);
    Purpose: Permanently disables a menu item by removing a specified button 
             from a menu. It can be called only after the menu has been read in 
             by <b>ProMenuFileRegister()</b> and while the menu is not active.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu.
        button - The name of the menu button.

    Output Arguments:
        result - The result. The possible values are as follows: <ul> <li>1 -- 
                 Everything worked. <li>0 -- The menu has not been created (see 
                 the function <b>ProMenuFileRegister()</b>). <li>-1 -- The menu 
                 is already active. <li>-2 -- The specified button does not 
                 exist in the specified menu. </ul>

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully deleted the menu button.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - There was a general error and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenuModeSet(ProMenuName menuname,
			       ProMenuMode mode);
    Purpose: Sets the mode of the specified menu. You must call this function 
             after <b>ProMenuFileRegister()</b>, but before 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu.
        mode - The menu mode. The possible values are PROMENUMODE_OPERATIONAL 
               (the selected button remains highlighted only during the action 
               of the command) and PROMENUMODE_DATA (the menu buttons are 
               alternately highlighted and unhighlighted on selection).

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully set the mode.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenuDatamodeSet(ProMenuName menuname,
				   ProBoolean checkmark);
    Purpose: Sets the mode of a data menu to use either normal highlighting, or 
             check-mark highlighting. Call this function before calling 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        checkmark - Specifies whether to use a check mark or ordinary 

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully set the mode.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - There was a general error and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenubuttonHighlight(ProMenuName menuname,
				       ProMenubuttonName button);
    Purpose: Makes the specified button active and highlighted. Use this to 
             show a default choice to the user. This function must be called 
             after <b>ProMenuFileRegister()</b>, but before 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully highlighted the button.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenubuttonUnhighlight(ProMenuName menuname,
				         ProMenubuttonName button);
    Purpose: Makes the specified button inactive, and removes the highlighting.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully made the button inactive.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 


extern ProError ProMenubuttonActivate(ProMenuName menuname,
				      ProMenubuttonName button);
    Purpose: Sets a menu item to be accessible.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only. 
             <p> Only items of menus currently displayed on the screen can be 
             set to accessible. You cannot make accessible a menu item that 
             Creo Parametric itself has made inaccessible.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully made the button accessible.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 


extern ProError ProMenubuttonDeactivate(ProMenuName menuname,
				        ProMenubuttonName button);
    Purpose: Sets a menu item to be inaccessible. Only items of menus currently 
             displayed on the screen can be set to be inaccessible.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu
        button - The name of the menu button

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully made the button 
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 


extern ProError ProMenuVisibilityGet (ProMenuName menuname,
				      ProBoolean *visible);
    Purpose: Determines whether the specified menu is currently displayed.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

    Input Arguments:
        menuname - The name of the menu

    Output Arguments:
        visible - Specifies whether the menu is visible

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully retrieved the information.


extern ProError ProMenuPush(void);
    Purpose: Temporarily hides the last menu created, even though it is 
             strictly still in context, to make room for lower-level menus. The 
             functions <b>ProMenuPush()</b>, <b>ProMenuPop()</b>, and 
             <b>ProMenuVisibilityGet()</b> let you push a menu, pop a menu, and 
             ask whether a menu is currently visible.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> An example of this is when you select Make Datum during 
             feature creation. This is called pushing menus because they are 
             put on a LIFO stack from which they can be popped to make them 
             <p> It is the responsibility of the application developer to use 
             the correct sequence of calls to <b>ProMenuCreate()</b>, 
             <b>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</b>, <b>ProMenuPush()</b>, and 
             <p> If a main menu has submenus, they are treated as one and are 
             pushed together with one call to <b>ProMenuPush()</b>.

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully pushed the menu.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenuPop(void);
    Purpose: Puts the menu last pushed onto the stack back onto the screen. You 
             can only pop the menu back to the same position from which it was 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> It is the responsibility of the application developer to use 
             the correct sequence of calls to <b>ProMenuCreate()</b>, 
             <b>ProMenuDeleteWithStatus()</b>, <b>ProMenuPush()</b>, and 
             <p> If a main menu has submenus, they are treated as one and are 
             popped together with one call to <b>ProMenuPop()</b>.
             <p> If there is more than one menu in a frame (a compound menu), 
             all the menus in the frame are popped by one call to 

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully popped the menu.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMenuStringsSelect(ProName title,
				     wchar_t **strings,
				     int max_count,
				     wchar_t **help,
				     wchar_t ***selected,
				     int *n_selected);
    Purpose: Sets up a menu containing buttons defined by an array of strings. 
             The function makes the menu active, closes it after a specified 
             number of selections (or quit), and returns a list of the selected 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> This function is intended for menus that depend on run-time 
             data. You do not need to define a menu file for this type of menu, 
             and you do not attach actions to its buttons using 

    Input Arguments:
        title - A wide string containing the menu title to be displayed.
        strings - A list of wide strings defining the menu buttons, terminated 
                  by an empty string. Individual strings can be no longer than 
        max_count - The maximum number of selections allowed. Use the value 
                    PRO_VALUE_UNUSED for an unlimited number of selections.
        help - A list of wide strings defining the one-line help strings for 
               the menu buttons.

    Output Arguments:
        selected - The wide strings selected by the user. The function 
                   allocates memory for these strings, and reuses the memory on 
                   subsequent calls.
        n_selected - The number of strings selected.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully set up the menu.
        PRO_TK_USER_ABORT - The user selected no strings (selected Quit, or 
                            Done with no strings selected, or some other menu).

    See Also:

extern ProError ProMacroLoad (wchar_t* macro);
    Purpose: Loads a sequence of Creo Parametric commands. A command sequence 
             is placed on the stack and is executed once control returns to 
             Creo Parametric.
             <p> The sequence correctness is the user's responsibility; it is 
             not guaranteed that a sequence will be valid from one revision of 
             Creo Parametric to another. It may be possible that a certain 
             macro cannot be executed because a command specified in the macro 
             is currently inaccessible in the menus (dimmed).
             <p> This function only uses the "original" menu item name in a 
             command sequence. The alternate item name, if present, is not 
             recognized by this function.

    Input Arguments:
        macro - A wide string representation of the command macro

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully loaded the command 
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 


extern ProError ProMenuCommandPush (ProMenubuttonName command);
    Purpose: Puts the specified menu button in the command input buffer for 
             Creo Parametric, so that command will be executed as soon as 
             control returns to Creo Parametric from the Creo Parametric 
             TOOLKIT application, exactly as if the user has selected that 
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> The button must be one that is currently selectable -- that 
             is, on a menu currently being displayed.

    Input Arguments:
        command - The command to be pushed

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully pushed the command.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 


extern ProError ProMenuFromStringsRegister( ProMenuName menu_name, 
                                            ProName     alt_name,
                                            wchar_t    *item_names[],
                                            wchar_t    *alt_names[],
                                            wchar_t    *short_help[],
                                            int        *menu_id );
    Purpose: Defines a new Creo Parametric menu by creating a menu on-the-fly. 
             This function is executed only once during a Creo Parametric 
             session for each menu. Subsequent calls to this function for a 
             previously loaded menu are ignored.
             <p> This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.
             <p> NOTE:
             <p> If <i>short_help</i> or <i>alt_names</i> is not NULL, the 
             number of elements in the array should be the same as the number 
             of menu items in <i>item_names</i>.

    Input Arguments:
        menu_name - The name of the menu. If <i>alt_name</i> is NULL, 
                    <i>menu_name</i> is used as the menu title when the menu is 
                    displayed. You should use <i>menu_name</i> to set button 
        alt_name - An alternate name for the menu. This is used for foreign 
        item_names - The menu item names. This list is terminated by a NULL 
                     string. If <i>alt_names</i> is NULL, the function uses 
                     <i>item_names</I> as menu items.
        alt_names - The alternate names for the menu items.
        short_help - The one-line help for each menu item. This list is 
                     terminated by a NULL string. This can be NULL if no short 
                     help is needed.

    Output Arguments:
        menu_id - The identifier of the created menu. This argument can be 

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully created the menu.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - A general error occurred and the function 


extern ProError ProMacroExecute ( void );
    Purpose: Executes a macro from within a Creo Parametric TOOLKIT 
             application, and returns the control back to Creo Parametric 
             TOOLKIT. It executes the macros previously loaded using the 
             function ProMacroLoad().
             <p> Note that this function is not supported for the following 
             situations and tasks <OL START=1 TYPE="1"> 
             <LI>Activating windows or setting the current model 
             <LI>Erasing the current model 
             <LI>Completing dialog commands ending with an "OK" button press. 
             It will cancel some dialogs after showing them. 
             <LI>Executing macros during a trail file replay. 

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully loaded the command 
        PRO_TK_NOT_VALID - The specified macro is not valid.



#endif /* PROMENU_H */