Category Menu manager menus, Object ProMenu

Function ProMenuHold

Prevents the menu from being closed when the user selects from another menu, if this function is defined as the exit action for a menu. Use this function if you want the user to take some definite action before leaving the current menu.

This function affects Menu-Manager (mode-specific) menus only.

To use this function, you must ensure that at least one of the buttons on the menu results in a call to either ProMenuDelete() or ProMenuDeleteWithStatus(). Otherwise, there will be no route out of the menu.

#include <ProMenu.h>
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function was successful.
See Also

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. User Interface: Menus, Commands, and Popupmenus: New Menus
  3. User Interface: Menus, Commands, and Popupmenus: New Menus

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestMenu.c )