#ifndef PRO_DATA_SHARE_FEAT_H #define PRO_DATA_SHARE_FEAT_H #include <ProToolkit.h> #include <ProAsmcomp.h> #include <ProDtmPln.h> #include <ProDtmAxis.h> #include <ProSrfcopyOpts.h> PRO_BEGIN_C_DECLS /*============================================================================*/ /* common Data Sharing declarations */ /*============================================================================*/ typedef enum Pro_Dsf_Ext_Local_Type { PRO_DSF_PLACE_LOCAL, PRO_DSF_PLACE_EXTERNAL } ProDsfExtLocalType; /* WARNING: This is an old type, left for toolkit compatibility only. Please do not use it in new development */ typedef enum Pro_Dsf_Dependency { PRO_DSF_DEPENDENT, PRO_DSF_INDEPENDENT } ProDsfDependency; typedef enum Pro_DSF_Dependency { PRO_DSF_UPDATE_AUTOMATICALLY = PRO_DSF_DEPENDENT, PRO_DSF_UPDATE_MANUALLY = PRO_DSF_INDEPENDENT, PRO_DSF_NO_DEPENDENCY } ProDSFDependency; typedef enum Pro_Dsf_Annot_Dependency { PRO_DSF_ANNOT_INDEPENDENT, PRO_DSF_ANNOT_DEPENDENT } ProDsfAnnotDependency; typedef enum Pro_Gcpy_Update_Control { PRO_DSF_NOTIFY_UPDATE_OFF = 0, PRO_DSF_NOTIFY_UPDATE_ON = 1 } ProDsfNotifyUpdate; typedef enum Pro_Dsf_Annot_Cpy_Status { PRO_DSF_ANNOT_DONT_COPY, PRO_DSF_ANNOT_COPY } ProDsfAnnotCpyStatus; typedef enum Pro_Cpy_Appearance { PRO_DSF_CPY_APPEARANCE_OFF = 0, PRO_DSF_CPY_APPEARANCE_ON = 1 } ProDsfCpyAppearance; typedef enum Pro_Cpy_Parameters { PRO_DSF_CPY_PARAMETERS_OFF = 0, PRO_DSF_CPY_PARAMETERS_ON = 1 } ProDsfCpyParameters; typedef enum Pro_Cpy_Names { PRO_DSF_CPY_NAMES_OFF = 0, PRO_DSF_CPY_NAMES_ON = 1 } ProDsfCpyNames; typedef enum Pro_Cpy_Layers { PRO_DSF_CPY_LAYERS_OFF = 0, PRO_DSF_CPY_LAYERS_ON = 1 } ProDsfCpyLayers; typedef enum Pro_Cpy_Materials { PRO_DSF_CPY_MATERIALS_OFF = 0, PRO_DSF_CPY_MATERIALS_ON = 1 } ProDsfCpyMaterials; typedef enum Pro_Cpy_BodyType { PRO_DSF_CPY_BODY_TYPE_OFF = 0, PRO_DSF_CPY_BODY_TYPE_ON = 1 } ProDsfCpyBodyType; /*============================================================================*/ /* Gen Merge Declarations and tree*/ /*============================================================================*/ /* Types Declarations */ typedef enum Pro_Gen_Merge_Type { PRO_GEN_MERGE_TYPE_MERGE, PRO_GEN_MERGE_TYPE_INHERITANCE, PRO_GEN_MERGE_TYPE_REF_LAMINATE } ProGenMergeType; typedef enum Pro_Gen_Merge_Material_Opt { PRO_GEN_MERGE_RMV_MATERIAL, PRO_GEN_MERGE_ADD_MATERIAL, PRO_GEN_MERGE_INT_MATERIAL, PRO_GEN_MERGE_RECREATE_BODIES_MATERIAL } ProGenMergeMaterialOpt; /*============================================================================ (1) Feature element tree PRO_E_FEATURE_TREE | |-PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE |-PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME |-PRO_E_GMRG_FEAT_TYPE |-PRO_E_DSF_REF_MDL | |--PRO_E_DSF_EXT_LOCAL_TYPE | |--PRO_E_DSF_SEL_REF_MDL | |--PRO_E_DSF_PLACEMENT | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_CONSTRAINTS | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_CONSTRAINT | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_CONSTR_TYPE | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_COMP_CONSTR_REF | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_ASSEM_CONSTR_REF | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_CONSTR_REF_OFFSET (Mate/align offset) | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_USER_DATA | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_CONSTR_ATTR | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_COMP_ORIENT | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_ASSM_ORIENT | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_CONSTR_SET_ID | |--PRO_E_COMPONENT_SLOT_EXTRA_CRV_REF |-PRO_E_GMRG_MATERIAL_OPT |-PRO_E_GMRG_VARIED_ITEMS |-PRO_E_GMRG_COPY_DATUMS |-PRO_E_DSF_PROPAGATE_ANNOTS | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_ALL | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPEND_ALL | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_AUTO_CPY_DTM | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTIONS | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTION | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SEL_ANNOTS | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_STATUS | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPENDENCY |--PRO_E_DSF_DTMS_FIT | |-PRO_E_DSF_DTM_FIT | |-PRO_E_DSF_DTM_SELECTION | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT | | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT_TYPE | | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT_REF If Fit Type is not Default or Fit | | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT_DTM_RAD If Fit Type = Fit Radius | | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT_OUTLINE If Fit Type = Fit Outline | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT_TYPE | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT_REF If FIT_TYPE = PRO_DTMAXIS_FIT_REFERENCE | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT_LEN If FIT_TYPE = PRO_DTMAXIS_FIT_LENGTH |-PRO_E_DSF_DEPENDENCY |-PRO_E_DSF_NOTIFY_UPDATE | |-PRO_E_IS_SMT_CUT | |-PRO_E_SMT_CUT_NORMAL_DIR =============================================================================== (2) Feature elements table --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Element Id Element Name Data Type Valid Values --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE Feature Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_FEAT_GEN_MERGE PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME Feature Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Any wstring PRO_E_GMRG_FEAT_TYPE Gen Merge feat type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT ProGenMergeType PRO_E_DSF_REF_MDL Reference Model compound PRO_E_DSF_EXT_LOCAL_TYPE DSF location Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT ProDsfExtLocalType PRO_E_DSF_SEL_REF_MDL Select Reference Model PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Any model PRO_E_DSF_PLACEMENT DSF placement compound if PRO_E_DSF_EXT_LOCAL_TYPE == PRO_DSF_PLACE_EXTERNAL PRO_E_COMPONENT_CONSTRAINTS Constraints Array See ProAsmcomp.h PRO_E_GMRG_MATERIAL_OPT Material option PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT ProGenMergeMaterialOpt PRO_E_GMRG_VARIED_ITEMS Inheritance Varied Items Dlg See Note 1 PRO_E_GMRG_COPY_DATUMS Copy datums opt PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_B_TRUE / PRO_B_FALSE PRO_E_DSF_PROPAGATE_ANNOTS Propagate Annotations compound PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_ALL Copy all p.a PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_B_TRUE / PRO_B_FALSE PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPEND_ALL Depend all p.a. PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_B_TRUE / PRO_B_FALSE PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_AUTO_CPY_DTM Copy datum an PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_B_TRUE / PRO_B_FALSE PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTIONS Select Annots array PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTION Select Annot compound PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SEL_ANNOTS Manual sel PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Any annotaion PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_STATUS Status PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_B_TRUE / PRO_B_FALSE PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPENDENCY Depend PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT ProDSFDependency PRO_E_DSF_DTMS_FIT Datums Fit array PRO_E_DSF_DTM_FIT Datum Fit compound PRO_E_DSF_DTM_SELECTION Select Axis/Srf PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION axis, srfs PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT Fit compound See ProDtmPln.h PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT Fit compound See ProDtmAxis.h PRO_E_DSF_DEPENDENCY Dependency PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT ProDSFDependency PRO_E_DSF_NOTIFY_UPDATE Upd Ctrl On/Off PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_IS_SMT_CUT Is Smt Cut PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT See Note 3 PRO_E_SMT_CUT_NORMAL_DIR Smt Cut Normal Dir PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT See Note 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 1. Inheritance feature varied items Varied items cannot be set or accessed directly through the element tree. To read varied items use the Visit functions available in ProVariantFeat.h. To set varied items (after the feature has been created), use the appropriate modification function (e.g. ProDimensionValueSet, ProParameterValueSet) on an item whose owner is the variant feature model handle (ProVariantfeatMdlGet). Note 2. For PRO_E_COMPONENT... types, please see ProAsmcomp.h. Note 3. This element is applicable only in sheetmetal parts. Controls cut type, SMT or SOLID. PRO_B_TRUE (1) for SMT cut type. Note 4. This element is applicable only in sheetmetal parts. SMT Cut geometry driving surface. This element can be PRO_SMT_CUT_DRVSIDE_GREEN for normal to Driven Surface or PRO_SMT_CUT_DRVSIDE_WHITE for normal to Offset Surface. See ProExtrude.h for ProSmtCutNormDir. */ /*============================================================================*/ /* Copy Geometry, Publish Geometry and Shrinkwrap declarations and tree */ /*============================================================================*/ /* Types Declarations */ typedef enum Pro_Gcpy_Place_Type { PRO_CG_PLC_UNDEFINED, PRO_CG_PLC_DEFAULT, PRO_CG_PLC_CSYS_CSYS, PRO_CG_PLC_CURRENT } ProGcpyPlaceType; typedef enum Pro_Gcpy_Refs_Type { PRO_CG_PG_REFS, PRO_CG_COLL_REFS } ProGcpyRefsType; typedef enum Pro_Gcpy_Sub_Type { PRO_CG_COPY_GEOM, /* Copy Geometry */ PRO_CG_SHRINKWRAP, /* ShrinkWrap */ PRO_CG_PUB_GEOM, /* Publish Geometry */ PRO_CG_CMPST_LAYUP = 11 /* Composite Layup */ } ProGcpySubType; #define PRO_MAX_SHRINKWRAP_QUALITY_LVL 10 typedef enum Pro_Shrinkwrap_Collection_Order { PRO_SW_SHRINKWRAP_AND_SELECT, PRO_SW_SELECT_AND_SHRINKWRAP } ProShrinkwrapCollectionOrder; typedef enum Pro_Shrinkwrap_Result_Geom_Type { PRO_SW_RESULT_GEOM_QUILTS, PRO_SW_RESULT_GEOM_BODIES } ProShrinkwrapResultGeomType; typedef enum Pro_Shrinkwrap_Copy_Type { PRO_SW_COPY_TYPE_SEPARATE, PRO_SW_COPY_TYPE_MERGE } ProShrinkwrapCopyType; typedef enum Pro_Shrinkwrap_Merge_Option { PRO_SW_MERGE_OPT_PER_PART, PRO_SW_MERGE_OPT_ALL } ProShrinkwrapMergeOption; typedef enum Pro_Shrinkwrap_Collection_type { PRO_SW_OUTER_SHELL, PRO_SW_ALL_SOLID_SURFS, PRO_SW_MANUAL } ProShrinkwrapCollectionType; typedef enum Pro_Shrinkwrap_ResGeom_opt { PRO_SW_RES_GEOM_QUILT, PRO_SW_RES_GEOM_SOLID, PRO_SW_RES_GEOM_ASM_QUILT } ProShrinkwrapResGeomOpt; typedef enum Pro_Shrinkwrap_FailedSld_opt { PRO_SW_FAILED_SLD_FAIL, PRO_SW_FAILED_SLD_TO_QUILT } ProShrinkwrapFailedSldOpt; /*============================================================================ (1) Feature element tree PRO_E_FEATURE_TREE | |-PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE |-PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME |-PRO_E_CG_FEAT_SUB_TYPE |-PRO_E_CG_REFS_TYPE |-PRO_E_CG_LOCATION | |-PRO_E_DSF_EXT_LOCAL_TYPE | |-PRO_E_DSF_SEL_REF_MDL | |-PRO_E_CG_PLACEMENT | |-PRO_E_CG_PLACE_TYPE | |-PRO_E_CG_CSYS_PLACE | | |-PRO_E_CG_PLC_LOCAL_CSYS | | |-PRO_E_CG_PLC_EXT_CSYS | |-PRO_E_CG_FOLLOW_SRF_OPT |-PRO_E_CG_PG_OR_REFS | |-PRO_E_CG_PUBD_GEOM | |-PRO_E_CG_REFS_COLL | |-PRO_E_STD_SURF_COLLECTION_APPL | |-PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL | |-PRO_E_CG_OBJS_COLL | |-PRO_E_CG_BODY_COLL | |-PRO_E_SW_COLLECTION_TYPE |-PRO_E_SW_OPTIONS | |-PRO_E_SW_QUALITY | |-PRO_E_SW_FILL_HOLES | |-PRO_E_SW_COLLECT_QUILTS | |-PRO_E_SW_SKIP_SURF_SIZE | |-PRO_E_SW_COLLECT_ORDER | |-PRO_E_SW_RES_GEOM_OPT | |-PRO_E_SW__FAILED_SLD_OPT | |-PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_ARR | | |-PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS | | |-PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_SRF_SEL | |-PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_DISP_CRV |-PRO_E_SW_COMP_SUBSET | |-PRO_E_SW_COMPONENT | |-PRO_E_SW_INCLUDE_COMP | |-PRO_E_SW_SEL_COMPONENT |-PRO_E_SW_REFS_COLL | |-PRO_E_STD_SURF_COLLECTION_APPL | |-PRO_E_SW_EXCLUDE_SURF_COLL_APPL | |-PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL | |-PRO_E_CG_OBJS_COLL |-PRO_E_DSF_PROPAGATE_ANNOTS | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_ALL | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPEND_ALL | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_AUTO_CPY_DTM | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTIONS | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTION | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SEL_ANNOTS | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_STATUS | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPENDENCY |-PRO_E_CG_SRFS_COPY | |-PRO_E_SRF_COPY_TYPE | |-PRO_E_SRF_COPY_EXCL | |-PRO_E_SRF_COPY_FILL | |-PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL |--PRO_E_DSF_DTMS_FIT | |-PRO_E_DSF_DTM_FIT | |-PRO_E_DSF_DTM_SELECTION | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT | | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT_TYPE | | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT_REF If Fit Type is not Default or Fit Radius | | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT_DTM_RAD If Fit Type = Fit Radius | | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT_OUTLINE If Fit Type = Fit Outline | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT_TYPE | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT_REF If FIT_TYPE = PRO_DTMAXIS_FIT_REFERENCE | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT_LEN If FIT_TYPE = PRO_DTMAXIS_FIT_LENGTH |-PRO_E_DSF_DEPENDENCY |-PRO_E_DSF_NOTIFY_UPDATE |-PRO_E_CMPST_DESIGN_SURF_DIR --------------------------------------------------------------------- Element Id Element Name Data Type --------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE Feature Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME Feature Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_STRING PRO_E_CG_FEAT_SUB_TYPE Sub feature Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_CG_REFS_TYPE Refs or PG type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_CG_LOCATION Location Method compound PRO_E_DSF_EXT_LOCAL_TYPE Location Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_DSF_SEL_REF_MDL External Model PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_CG_PLACEMENT Copy Geom placement compound PRO_E_CG_PLACE_TYPE Copy Geom Location PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_CG_CSYS_PLACE Csys-Csys Location compound PRO_E_CG_PLC_LOCAL_CSYS Local Csys PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_CG_PLC_EXT_CSYS External Csys PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_CG_FOLLOW_SRF_OPT Follow Surface PRO_ELEM_TYPE_OPTION PRO_E_CG_PG_OR_REFS Pub.Geom or Refs compound PRO_E_CG_PUBD_GEOM Select Pub. Geom PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_CG_REFS_COLL Select Refs compound PRO_E_STD_SURF_COLLECTION_APPL Selected surfaces Surface collection PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL Curves or/and edges Chain collection PRO_E_CG_OBJS_COLL Misc Refs PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_CG_BODY_COLL Body Selections Multivalue PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_SW_COLLECTION_TYPE Shrinkwrap collection types PRO_VALUE_TYPE_OPTION PRO_E_SW_RES_GEOM_OPT Shrinkwrap result geomtery options PRO_VALUE_TYPE_OPTION PRO_E_SW_FAILED_SLD_OPT Shrinkwrap failed solidification options PRO_VALUE_TYPE_OPTION PRO_E_SW_REFS_COLL Select Refs compound PRO_E_SW_OPTIONS Shrinkwrap options compound PRO_E_SW_QUALITY Shrinkwrap quality level PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_SW_FILL_HOLES Shrinkwrap auto fill holes PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_SW_COLLECT_QUILTS Shrinkwrap collect quilts PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_SW_SKIP_SURF_SIZE Shrinkwrap skip surfaces size PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_SW_COLLECT_ORDER Shrinkwrap collect order PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_SW_COMP_SUBSET Shrinkwrap components subset array PRO_E_SW_COMPONENT Shrinkwrap one component compound PRO_E_SW_INCLUDE_COMP Include comp. to collection PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_SW_SEL_COMPONENT Select component PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_SW_EXCLUDE_SURF_COLL_APPL Excluded surfaces Surface collection PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_ARR Internal countours to be filled prior to surface collection array PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS Internal countours to be filled prior to surface collection compound PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_SRF_SEL Surface selection to fill countours PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_DISP_CRV Display curve in place of filled contour PRO_ELEM_TYPE_OPTION PRO_E_DSF_PROPAGATE_ANNOTS Propagate Annots compound PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_ALL Copy all p.a PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPEND_ALL Depend all p.a. PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_AUTO_CPY_DTM Copy datum an PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTIONS Select Annots array PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTION Select Annot compound PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SEL_ANNOTS Manual sel PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_STATUS Status PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPENDENCY Depend PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_CG_SRFS_COPY Surfaces Copy compound PRO_E_SRF_COPY_TYPE Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_SRF_COPY_EXCL Exclude Loop PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_SRF_COPY_FILL Fill Loop array of selections PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL Boundary Chain collection PRO_E_DSF_DTMS_FIT Datums Fit array PRO_E_DSF_DTM_FIT Datum Fit compound PRO_E_DSF_DTM_SELECTION Select Axis/Srf PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT Fit compound PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT Fit compound PRO_E_DSF_DEPENDENCY Dependency PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_DSF_NOTIFY_UPDATE Notif Upd On/Off PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT PRO_E_CMPST_DESIGN_SURF_DIR stacking direction of layup surface PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1 : Elements for all types of Copy Geometry features and sub feature types for whose it is visible. ===================================================================== CG : Copy Geometry feature (internal placement type) PG : Publish Geometry feature SW : Shrinkwrap feature (internal placement type) ECG : External CG (see note below) ESW : External SW (see note below) note : when PRO_E_DSF_EXT_LOCAL_TYPE == PRO_DSF_PLACE_EXTERNAL CMPST_LAYUP : Composite Layup All Copy Geom. feats : CG, ECG, SW, ESW, PG, CMPST_LAYUP All CG or SW features : CG, ECG, SW, ESW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Element Id | Value | Is Visible For | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE | PRO_FEAT_GEOM_COPY | All Copy Geom. feats | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME | Any wstring | All Copy Geom. feats | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_CG_FEAT_SUB_TYPE | ProGcpySubType | All Copy Geom. feats | | | Mandatory step | | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_CG_REFS_TYPE | ProGcpyRefsType | CG or ECG | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_CG_LOCATION | compound | All CG or SW features except CMPST_LAYUP| | |-PRO_E_DSF_EXT_LOCAL_TYPE | ProDsfExtLocalType | All CG or SW features| | |-PRO_E_DSF_SEL_REF_MDL | Any model | All CG or SW features| | |-PRO_E_CG_PLACEMENT | compound | ECG or ESW | | |-PRO_E_CG_PLACE_TYPE | ProGcpyPlaceType | ECG or ESW | | | |-PRO_E_CG_CSYS_PLACE | compound | ECG or ESW | | | |-PRO_E_CG_PLC_LOCAL_CSYS| local coord. system| ECG or ESW | | | |-PRO_E_CG_PLC_EXT_CSYS | external coord. sys | ECG or ESW | | |-PRO_E_CG_FOLLOW_SRF_OPT | follow sheet metal | ECG | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_CG_PG_OR_REFS | compound | CG,ECG,CMPST_LAYUP | | |-PRO_E_CG_PUBD_GEOM | Any Copy Geom feat. | CG,ECG | | |-PRO_E_CG_REFS_COLL | compound | CG, ECG, PG, CMPST_LAYUP| | |-PRO_E_STD_SURF_COLLECTION_APPL Surface collect | CG, ECG, PG, CMPST_LAYUP| | |-PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL Chain collect | CG, ECG, PG | | |-PRO_E_CG_OBJS_COLL | Datums, Axes, etc. | CG, ECG, PG | | |-PRO_E_CG_BODY_COLL | Bodies | CG, ECG, PG | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_SW_COLLECTION_TYPE | ProShrinkwrapCollectionType | SW, ESW | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_SW_REFS_COLL | compound | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_STD_SURF_COLLECTION_APPL Surface collect | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_SW_EXCLUDE_SURF_COLL_APPL Surface collect | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL Chain collect | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_CG_OBJS_COLL | Datums, Axes, etc. | SW, ESW | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_SW_OPTIONS | compound | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_SW_QUALITY | [1-PRO_MAX_SHRINKWRAP_QUALITY_LVL]| SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_SW_FILL_HOLES | PRO_B_TRUE/FALSE | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_SW_COLLECT_QUILTS | PRO_B_TRUE/FALSE | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_SW_SKIP_SURF_SIZE | 0 - do not skip [1-100] % | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_SW_COLLECT_ORDER | ProShrinkwrapCollectionOrder| SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_SW_COMP_SUBSET | array | SW, ESW | | | |-PRO_E_SW_COMPONENT | compound | SW, ESW | | | |-PRO_E_SW_INCLUDE_COMP | PRO_B_TRUE/FALSE | SW, ESW | | | |-PRO_E_SW_SEL_COMPONENT| Any component from | SW, ESW | | | | ref model | | | |-PRO_E_SW_RES_GEOM_OPT | ProShrinkwrapResGeomOpt | SW, ESW | | |-PRO_E_SW_FAILED_SLD_OPT | ProShrinkwrapFailedSldOpt | SW, ESW | | |- PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_ARR | array | SW, ESW | | | |-PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS | compound | SW, ESW | | | |-PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_SRF_SEL | face | SW, ESW | | |- PRO_E_SW_FILL_CNTRS_DISP_CRV | PRO_B_TRUE/FALSE | SW, ESW | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_DSF_PROPAGATE_ANNOTS | compound | All Copy Geom. feats except CMPST_LAYUP| | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_ALL | PRO_B_TRUE/FALSE | All Copy Geom. feats | | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPEND_ALL| PRO_B_TRUE/FALSE | All Copy Geom. feats | | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_AUTO_CPY_DTM| PRO_B_TRUE/FALSE | All Copy Geom. feats | | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTIONS| array | All Copy Geom. feats | | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SELECTION| compound | All Copy Geom. feats | | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_SEL_ANNOTS | Any annotaion | All Copy Geom. feats | | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_CPY_STATUS | PRO_B_TRUE/FALSE | All Copy Geom. feats | | |-PRO_E_DSF_ANNOT_DEPENDENCY | ProDSFDependency | All Copy Geom. feats | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_CG_SRFS_COPY | compound | CG or ECG | | |-PRO_E_SRF_COPY_TYPE | PRO_SRFCOPY_AS_IS, | CG or ECG | | | | PRO_SRFCOPY_EXCLD_FILL,| | | | | PRO_SRFCOPY_INSIDE_BNDRY| | | |-PRO_E_SRF_COPY_EXCL | Surfaces | CG or ECG | | |-PRO_E_SRF_COPY_FILL | Loops | CG or ECG | | |-PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL| Chain collection | CG or ECG | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_DSF_DTMS_FIT | array | All CG or SW features except CMPST_LAYUP| | |-PRO_E_DSF_DTM_FIT | compound | All CG or SW features| | |-PRO_E_DSF_DTM_SELECTION | axis, srfs | All CG or SW features| | |-PRO_E_DTMPLN_FIT | compound | All CG or SW features| | | | See ProDtmPln.h | | | |-PRO_E_DTMAXIS_FIT | compound | All CG or SW features| | | See ProDtmAxis.h | | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_DSF_DEPENDENCY | ProDSFDependency | Copy Geom. feats | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_DSF_NOTIFY_UPDATE | ProDsfNotifyUpdate | Notify Update On/Off | |.............................|.....................|......................| | PRO_E_CMPST_DESIGN_SURF_DIR | 0,1,-1 | CMPST_LAYUP only | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern ProError ProDatasharingfeatureIsQuerydriven (ProFeature* feature, ProBoolean* is_query_driven); /* Purpose: Identifies if the copy geometry or publish geometry's references are wholly or partially driven by a saved query. Input Arguments: feature - The data sharing feature. Output Arguments: is_query_driven - PRO_B_TRUE if the feature's references are query driven, PRO_B_FALSE otherwise. Return Values: PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded. PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid. PRO_TK_INVALID_TYPE - The feature is not a copy geometry or publish geometry feature. PRO_TK_NO_LICENSE - License check failure. See Also: ProDatasharingfeatureQueryUpdate() */ extern ProError ProDatasharingfeatureQueryUpdate (ProFeature* feature, ProBoolean allow_fix_ui); /* Purpose: Updates the results of the saved query stored within the references of the copy geometry or publish geometry' feature. Input Arguments: feature - The data sharing feature. allow_fix_ui - PRO_B_TRUE to show the Fix Model UI if regeneration fails due to this update, PRO_B_FALSE to recover from the failure automatically. Output Arguments: none Return Values: PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded. PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid. PRO_TK_INVALID_TYPE - The feature is not a copy geometry or publish geometry feature. PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - The feature is not query driven. PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - The feature query update is failed. PRO_TK_NO_LICENSE - License check failure. PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXT - The feature is query driven, but is set as independent of the parent model. See Also: ProDatasharingfeatureIsQueryDriven() */ PRO_END_C_DECLS #endif /*PRO_DATA_SHARE_FEAT_H*/