Category Data sharing, Object ProVariantfeat

Function ProVariantfeatMdlGet

Obtains a special model pointer from an inheritance feature or flexible component. This pointer is for use in accessing properties that can be modified by the presence of an inheritance feature or flexible component. Other functions will return an error if provided with this pointer. To read or modify values not accessible from this pointer, retrieve the parent model using the model name and type using ProMdlRetrieve() or the equivalent. Consult the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT User's Guide for details on the functions that are supported by this pointer.
#include <ProVariantFeat.h>
ProFeature* feature
/* (In)
The variant feature.
ProMdl* mdl
/* (Out)
The inheritance feature model handle.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or arguments was invalid.

Manual References:

  1. Assembly: Data Sharing Features: Feature Element Tree
  2. Assembly: Data Sharing Features: Variant Feature Model
  3. Assembly: Data Sharing Features: Variant Feature Model