#include <ProToolkit.h>
#include <ProObjects.h>
#include <ProGeomitem.h>

typedef void   *ProCvLayoutRule; /* wrapper for Mopr_layout_info - 
                                    this comment will be removed */

typedef enum
} ProCvLayoutType;

typedef enum
} ProCvLayoutOrient;


/* Functions to initiate and manipulate data to the ProCvLayoutRule handle */

extern ProError ProCavlayruleAlloc (ProCvLayoutRule *cvlrule);
    Purpose: Allocates the handle of a new cavity layout rule structure and set 
             it to the PRO_CVLAYOUT_SINGLE type.

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:
        cvlrule - Pointer to the cavity layout rule handle

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The handle is successfully allocated.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot allocate the handle


extern ProError ProCavlayruleFree (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule);
    Purpose: Free the memory and handle of a cavity layout rule structure.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Pointer to the cavity layout rule handle

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The handle is successfully freed.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot free the handle


extern ProError ProCavlayruleFileWrite (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                        ProPath file_name);
    Purpose: Save the cavity layout rule to file. This file can be read both 
             from UI and Toolkit to set the rule.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Pointer to the cavity layout rule handle;
        file_name - name of the file to save.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The rule is successfully saved.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot save the rule.

extern ProError ProCavlayruleFileRead (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                       ProPath file_name);
    Purpose: Get the cavity layout rule from the previously saved file.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Pointer to the initiated cavity layout rule handle;
        file_name - name of the file to save.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The handle is successfully retrieved
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot retrieve the handle


extern ProError ProCavlayruleSingleSet (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule);
    Purpose: Reset the information in a cavity layout rule structure to the 
             PRO_CVLAYOUT_SINGLE type.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Cavity layout rule handle.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The handle is successfully reset,
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot inialize the handle


extern ProError ProCavlayruleRectSet (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                      ProCvLayoutOrient orient,
                                      int cavity_num_x, int cavity_num_y,
                                      double cavity_step_x,
                                      double cavity_step_y);
    Purpose: Reset the information in a cavity layout rule structure to the 
             PRO_CVLAYOUT_RECTANG type.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Cavity layout rule handle;
        orient - Layout orientation type;
        cavity_num_x - Number of columns in the layout;
        cavity_num_y - Number of rows in the layout;
        cavity_step_x - Displacement step in x direction;
        cavity_step_y - Displacement step in y direction.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The handle is successfully reset.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot inialize the handle

extern ProError ProCavlayruleCircSet (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                      ProCvLayoutOrient orient,
                                      int cavity_num,
                                      double cavity_step,
                                      double start_angle,
                                      double radius);
    Purpose: Reset the information in a cavity layout rule structure to the 
             PRO_CVLAYOUT_CIRCULAR type.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Cavity layout rule handle;
        orient - Layout orientation type;
        cavity_num - number of components in the layout;
        cavity_step - angular displacement;
        start_angle - angle for the first component;
        radius - raduis of the layout;

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The handle is successfully reset.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot inialize the handle


extern ProError ProCavlayruleVarSet  (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                      int cavity_num,
                                      double *increment1_arr,
                                      double *increment2_arr,
                                      double *increment3_arr);
    Purpose: Reset the information in a cavity layout rule structure to the 
             PRO_CVLAYOUT_VARIABLE type. The function will use the previously 
             set simple type (sinle, rectangular or circular) as a base for 
             variable type.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Cavity layout rule handle;
        cavity_num - Number of rows in Variable Layout Table;
        increment1_arr - <i>ProArray</i> of increments for the first table 
        increment2_arr - <i>ProArray</i> of increments for the second table 
        increment3_arr - <i>ProArray</i> of increments for the third table 

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The handle is successfully reset.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot inialize the handle


extern ProError ProCavlayruleTypeGet (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                      ProCvLayoutType *type, 
                                      ProCvLayoutType *basic_type);
    Purpose: Get the information about a cavity layout type from the Cavity 
             Layout Rule structure.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Cavity layout rule handle.

    Output Arguments:
        type - pointer to actual rule type;
        basic_type - pointer to basic rule type if actual rule type type as in 

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The information is successfully retrieved;
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot inialize the pointers.

extern ProError ProCavlayruleRectDataGet (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                          ProCvLayoutOrient *orient,
                                          int *cavity_num_x, 
                                          int *cavity_num_y,
                                          double *cavity_step_x,
                                          double *cavity_step_y);
    Purpose: Get the information about a rectangular rule from the Cavity 
             Layout Rule structure.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Cavity layout rule handle. It should be of rectangular or 
                  Variable built over rectangular type. A good programming 
                  style is to call first function ProCavlayruleRuleTypeGet() 
                  and make sure that one of the types it returns is 

    Output Arguments:
        orient - pointer to layout orientation type;
        cavity_num_x - pointer to number of columns in the layout;
        cavity_num_y - pointer to number of rows in the layout;
        cavity_step_x - pointer to displacement step in x direction;
        cavity_step_y - pointer to displacement step in y direction.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The information is successfully retrieved;
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - The Rule is of uncompatible type.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot inialize the pointers.

extern ProError ProCavlayruleCircDataGet (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                          ProCvLayoutOrient *orient,
                                          int *cavity_num,
                                          double *cavity_step,
                                          double *start_angle,
                                          double *radius);
    Purpose: Get the information about a circular rule from the Cavity Layout 
             Rule structure.

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Cavity layout rule handle. It should be of circular or 
                  Variable built over circular type. A good programming style 
                  is to call first function ProCavlayruleRuleTypeGet() and make 
                  sure that one of the types it returns is Circular.

    Output Arguments:
        orient - pointer to layout orientation type;
        cavity_num - pointer to number of components in the layout;
        cavity_step - pointer to angular displacement;
        start_angle - pointer to angle for the first component;
        radius - pointer to the radius of the rule.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The information is successfully retrieved;
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - The Rule is of uncompatible type.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot inialize the pointers.


extern ProError ProCavlayruleVarDataGet (ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule,
                                         int    *cavity_num,
                                         double **increment1_arr,
                                         double **increment2_arr,
                                         double **increment3_arr);
    Purpose: Get the information about a variable rule from the Cavity Layout 
             Rule structure. A good programming style is to call first 
             ProCavlayruleRuleTypeGet() make sure that the type it returns is 

    Input Arguments:
        cvlrule - Cavity layout rule handle;

    Output Arguments:
        cavity_num - pointer to number of rows in Variable Layout Table;
        increment1_arr - pointer to <i>ProArray</i> of increments for the first 
                         table dimension;
        increment2_arr - pointer to <i>ProArray</i> of increments for the 
                         second table dimension;
        increment3_arr - pointer to <i>ProArray</i> of increments for the third 
                         table dimension;

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The information is successfully retrieved;
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - The Rule is of uncompatible type.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Cannot inialize the pointers.


