Object ProCavlayrule

Function ProCavlayruleVarSet

Reset the information in a cavity layout rule structure to the PRO_CVLAYOUT_VARIABLE type. The function will use the previously set simple type (sinle, rectangular or circular) as a base for variable type.
#include <ProCavlayrule.h>
ProCvLayoutRule cvlrule
/* (In)
Cavity layout rule handle;
int cavity_num
/* (In)
Number of rows in Variable Layout Table;
double* increment1_arr
/* (In)
ProArray of increments for the first table dimension;
double* increment2_arr
/* (In)
ProArray of increments for the second table dimension;
double* increment3_arr
/* (In)
ProArray of increments for the third table dimension;
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe handle is successfully reset.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORCannot inialize the handle

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestCavityLayout.c )