Category 3D drawings and annotations, Object ProAnnotation

Function ProAnnotationIsAssociative

Identifies if the given annotation is associative.
Licensing Requirement
TOOLKIT for 3D Drawings
#include <ProAnnotation.h>
ProAnnotation* annotation
/* (In)
The shown annotation.
ProDrawing drawing
/* (In)
The drawing.
ProBoolean* assoc_position
/* (Out)
PRO_B_TRUE if the position of the annotation is associative, PRO_B_FALSE otherwise. Pass NULL if not interested in this property.
ProAnnotationAttachmentAssociativity* assoc_attach
/* (Out)
The attachment associativity. Pass NULL if not interested in this property.
ProBoolean* future_use
/* (Out)
This argument is for future use. Pass NULL.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUNDThe annotation is not shown in the drawing.

Manual References:

  1. Annotations: Annotation Features and Annotations: Annotation Associativity
  2. Annotations: Annotation Features and Annotations: Annotation Associativity