Advanced Licensing Options
This section describes the licensing requirements for advanced options in Creo TOOLKIT.
Advance Licensing Options for Creo Toolkit
To use some of the functionality in Pro/TOOLKIT you must have advanced development license options.
For each TOOLKIT function that requires an advanced license, theCreo TOOLKIT header file entry includes a note specifying the development license requirement. This note is also visible in the APIWizard description page for the function. Advanced licenses are required in the following situations:
•  To run a locked application, Creo Parametric requires the basic Creo TOOLKIT development option and any advanced toolkit options required by specific functions called by the application. If the application contains calls to such functions, Creo Parametric checks out the corresponding advanced license option on demand.
•  To unlock an application, the unlock utility requires the basic Creo TOOLKIT development option and any advanced toolkit options required by specific functions called by the application. The utility will not hold any of the advanced options, as it does the basic Creo TOOLKIT development option, after unlock is completed.
•  Creo Parametric does not require any of the Creo TOOLKIT licenses to run a properly unlocked application.
Applications are assigned requirements for advanced options based on whether the application is coded to use any functions requiring the advanced option. It does not matter if an application does not use the function requiring licensing during a particular invocation of the application. The licensing requirements are resolved the moment the application is started by or connects to Creo Parametric, not at the first time an advanced function is invoked.
For more information on how to unlock an application, refer to the section Unlocking a Creo Toolkit Application.