Category 3D drawings and annotations, Object ProAnnotation

Function ProAnnotationDisplay

Sets an annotation to be temporarily displayed or repainted. This change is in effect only until the next window repaint. The target model (owner, comp_path->owner, or drawing) must be the current model. Note: Functions ProAnnotationDisplay and ProAnnotationUndisplay should be used together. To edit a shown annotation, it must be first undisplayed using ProAnnotationUndisplay, followed by the editing function calls, and finally must be redisplayed by calling ProAnnotationDisplay.
#include <ProAnnotation.h>
ProAnnotation* annotation
/* (In)
The annotation (note, gtol, surface finish, symbol, ref. dim., driven dim, dimension).
ProAsmcomppath* comp_path
/* (In)
The assembly component path. Pass NULL when not required.
ProDrawing drawing
/* (In)
The drawing where the annotation should be displayed or repainted. Pass NULL when not required.
ProView view
/* (In)
The drawing view. Pass NULL to when not required. Required if the annotation is not already shown in the target drawing (determines which view will house the temporary display).
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORThe target model is not the current model.
PRO_TK_INVALID_MATRIXThe annotation cannot be shown due to orientation conflicts in theview.
PRO_TK_NO_LICENSELicense check failure.
PRO_TK_NOT_DISPLAYEDAnnotation is present on hidden or blank layer and so can't be shown.

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. Annotations: Annotation Features and Annotations: Access to Annotations
  3. Annotations: Annotation Features and Annotations: Access to Annotations
  4. Technical Summary of Changes for Creo Functions superseded from Creo 1.0 to Creo 11.0

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_af_examples ( PTAFExNotesToPlane.c )
  2. pt_af_examples ( PTAFNotesUpdate.c )
  3. pt_examples ( TestDimension.c )
  4. pt_examples ( TestDimension.c )
  5. pt_examples ( TestDimension.c )
  6. pt_userguide ( UgFamtabUse.c )