Category Drawings and detail, Object ProDrawing

Callback ProDrawingWeldGroupsGetAction

This is the notification function called when Creo Parametric is preparing to set symbol group IDs.

This function is to be supplied by the user by calling ProNotificationSet() with the notify type PRO_DRAWING_WELD_GROUPS_GET

#include <ProWeld.h>
ProDrawing p_draw
/* (In)
the drawing in which the symbols will be used.
ProMdl p_model
/* (In)
the model on which the symbols will be used.
int feat_id
/* (In)
the feature (of p_model to which the symbols will be applied.
int sym_def_id
/* (In)
ID of the symbol definition
ProBoolean left_side
/* (In)
whether the symbol's leader comes from the left
int* group_ids
/* (In)
IDs of the symbol groups
ProName* group_names
/* (In)
names of the symbol groups
int n_groups
/* (In)
number of groups (size of arrays group_ids and group_names)
ProBoolean* include_groups
/* (Out)
Whether to include each of the groups listed in p_group_ids and p_group_names. This array is allocated and freed by Creo Parametric.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORUse the group ID info returned in include_groups.
PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUNDApplication did not supply group IDs for this symbol. (In this case Creo Parametric will proceed as usual.)
See Also

Manual References:

  1. Production Applications: Welding: Customizing Weld Drawing Symbols