Category Notifications, Object ProNotification

Function ProNotificationSet

Sets the notification function to be called for the specified action. NOTE: If you call ProNotificationSet() more than once with the same event type, the existing callback is overwritten with the one supplied in the later call.
Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: wfcWSession::AddModelRetrievePreListener
#include <ProNotify.h>
ProNotifyType type
/* (In)
The action for which you want to be notified
ProFunction notify_function
/* (In)
The function to be called for the action
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully set the function.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORThere was a general error.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more of the arguments are invalid.

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. User Interface: Menus, Commands, and Popupmenus: Manipulating Existing Commands
  3. User Interface: Menus, Commands, and Popupmenus: Registering Notifications to Create and Destroy Popup Menus
  4. User Interface: Menus, Commands, and Popupmenus: Registering Notifications to Add and Destroy Content to a New Pane
  5. User Interface: Menus, Commands, and Popupmenus: Registering Notifications to Add and Destroy Content to a New Pane
  6. Event-driven Programming: Notifications: Using Notify
  7. Event-driven Programming: Notifications: Using Notify
  8. Core: Parameters: Notification Functions
  9. Core: Parameters: Notification Functions
  10. Model-Based Definition and Drawing Tables: Notification Functions
  11. Model-Based Definition and Drawing Tables: Notification Functions
  12. User Interface: Ribbon Tabs, Groups, and Menu Items: Tab Switching Events
  13. User Interface: Ribbon Tabs, Groups, and Menu Items: Tab Switching Events
  14. User Interface: Selection: Reading the Contents of the Selection Buffer
  15. Data Management: Windchill Operations: CheckIn
  16. Data Management: Windchill Operations: CheckIn

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_async ( TestAsync.c )
  2. pt_examples ( TestMultiCADFile.c )
  3. pt_examples ( TestMultiCADFile.c )
  4. pt_examples ( TestMultiCADFile.c )
  5. pt_examples ( TestMoldLayout.c )
  6. pt_examples ( TestMoldLayout.c )
  7. pt_examples ( TestMoldLayout.c )
  8. pt_examples ( TestMoldLayout.c )
  9. pt_examples ( TestMoldLayout.c )
  10. pt_examples ( TestMoldLayout.c )
  11. pt_examples ( TestMisc.c )
  12. pt_examples ( TestNotify.c )
  13. pt_examples ( TestNotify.c )
  14. pt_udf_examples ( PTUDFExMain.c )
  15. pt_udf_examples ( PTUDFExMain.c )
  16. pt_userguide ( UgPopupmenus.c )
  17. pt_userguide ( UgNcseq.c )
  18. pt_userguide ( UgNcseq.c )
  19. pt_userguide ( UgWeld.c )
  20. pt_userguide ( UgWeld.c )