Category Parameters and relations, Object ProParameter

Callback ProParameterModifyWithUnitsPreAction

This is the notification function called before a parameter is modified.

This function is to be supplied by the user by calling ProNotificationSet() with the notify type PRO_PARAM_MODIFY_W_UNITS_PRE.

#include <ProParameter.h>
ProParameter* new_param
/* (In)
The modified parameter.
ProParamvalue* new_value
/* (In)
The value of the new parameter.
ProUnititem* new_units
/* (In)
The units of the new value.
ProParamvalue* old_value
/* (In)
The value of the parameter before it was modified.
ProUnititem* old_units
/* (In)
The units of the value before it was modified.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORProceed with the parameter modification.
OtherError encountered. Abort parameter modifiction.
See Also

Manual References:

  1. Event-driven Programming: Notifications: Model and Feature Modification Events
  2. Core: Parameters: Notification Functions
  3. Core: Parameters: Notification Functions