Category Manufacturing, Object ProMfg

Function ProMfgProctableWrite

Writes the CSV file containing the contents of the manufacturing process table.
Licensing Requirement
TOOLKIT for Advanced NC
#include <ProMfgproctable.h>
ProMfg mfg
/* (In)
The manufacturing model.
ProMfgproctableType table_type
/* (In)
The type of table to output.
ProLine view_name
/* (In)
The view name in the setup file; pass NULL to use the current view.
ProPath output_file
/* (In)
The full path and name of the output file.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXTThe process table is not initialized, see ProMfgProctableEnable().
PRO_TK_CANT_WRITECould not write the output file to the designated file name or path.

Manual References:

  1. Production Applications: NC Process Manager: Import and Export of Process Table Contents
  2. Production Applications: NC Process Manager: Import and Export of Process Table Contents