Object ProMfgprocitem

Function ProMfgprocitemReorderlimitsGet

Identifies the range of predecessor items in the manufacturing process table to which the input item may potentially be reordered. Optionally you can determine this range for only the parent/child relationships or for those relationships plus other limiting factors.

NOTE: This function does not reorder the steps. Use ProMfgprocitemReorder() to accomplish that task.

Licensing Requirement
TOOLKIT for Advanced NC
#include <ProMfgproctable.h>
ProMfgprocItem* target_items
/* (In)
ProArray of steps which are potentially to be reordered.
ProMfgprocReorderCheckOptions options
/* (In)
Bitmask containing one or more types of checks to use in this determination.
ProMfgprocItem* first_predecessor
/* (Out)
The first possible predecessor item for the reorder operation.
ProMfgprocItem* last_predecessor
/* (Out)
The last possible predecessor item for the reorder operation.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_CANT_MODIFYThe indicated set of items cannot be reordered to any other location in the process table.
PRO_TK_CANT_ACCESSThe manufacturing process table has not been initialized, see ProMfgProctableEnable().

Manual References:

  1. Production Applications: NC Process Manager: Accessing the Properties of Manufacturing Process Items
  2. Production Applications: NC Process Manager: Accessing the Properties of Manufacturing Process Items