Category Mechanica, Object ProMechload

Function ProMechloadReferencesSet

Sets the load geomrefs.
Licensing Requirement
TOOLKIT for Mechanica
#include <ProMechLoad.h>
ProMechItem* load
/* (In)
The load.
ProMechGeomref* geomrefs
/* (In)
ProArray of load geomrefs. Multiple point references are not allowed for creating heat loads in Native mode.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments are invalid.
PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXTThe Creo Simulate session is not initialized.
PRO_TK_INVALID_PTRThe Input ProMechItem Solid pointer is invalid.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORA general error was encountered.
PRO_TK_CANT_ACCESSCannot access the object in the current mode.
PRO_TK_OUT_OF_MEMORYThere is not enough memory to perform the operation.
PRO_TK_CANT_MODIFYCannot modify the item.

Manual References:

  1. Creo Simulate: Items: Modifying the Creo Simulate Loads
  2. Creo Simulate: Items: Modifying the Creo Simulate Loads
  3. Creo Simulate: Items: Modifying the Creo Simulate Loads

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_mech_examples ( PTMechExLoadMenu.c )
  2. pt_mech_examples ( PTMechExLoadMenu.c )
  3. pt_mech_examples ( PTMechExLoadMenu.c )
  4. pt_mech_examples ( PTMechExLoadMenu.c )