• | When the Creo Parametric session is in the Creo Simulate user interface for a given model. |
• | When the application initializes the Creo Simulate environment for a given model. |
• | You cannot call the function ProMechanicaEnter() from user_initialize(). |
• | Models created in Creo Simulate Lite mode, in both Structure and Thermal, are not supported by the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT functions. If you access a Creo Simulate Lite model in the Creo Simulate environment, the function ProMechanicaEnter() returns an error PRO_TK_CANT_ACCESS. |
Item Type
ProSelect() Filter String
Model Item Type
Shell pair
typedef struct pro_model_item
ProType type;
int id;
ProMdl owner;
• | PRO_MECH_POINT—Specifies a point. |
• | PRO_MECH_EDGE—Specifies an edge. |
• | PRO_MECH_SURFACE—Specifies a surface. |
• | PRO_MECH_VERTEX—Specifies a vertex. |
• | PRO_MECH_QUILT—Specifies a quilt. |
• | PRO_MECH_BOUNDARY—Specifies a boundary. This type is valid for all surfaces. |
• | PRO_MECH_CURVE—Specifies a curve. |
• | PRO_MECH_MODEL—Specifies a model. This type is valid for all parts and assemblies. |
• | PRO_MECH_AXIS—Specifies the axis. |
• | PRO_MECH_COORD_SYSTEM—Specifies the coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_LAYER—Specifies a layer. |
• | PRO_MECH_VOLUME—Specifies a set of associated surfaces that visually represents an entity with volume. |
• | PRO_MECH_INT*—Specifies the datum reference features that store the design intent objects. Intent objects are families of associated points,
curves, edges, or surfaces that logically define boundaries of geometry created or modified by a feature. The types of datum
reference features available are:
• | PRO_MECH_FEAT—Specifies the references to a Weld Feature. The weld feature should be of type:
• | PRO_MECH_COSMETIC—Specifies a cosmetic entity that is created as a container for lattice beams or walls. The cosmetic entities are created by simplified lattice features, and also by features that intersect or copy the lattices, such as extrude and mirror features. |
• | PRO_MECH_BODY—Specifies a body. |
• | PRO_MECH_YDIR_VECTOR—Specifies a direction vector. |
• | PRO_MECH_YDIR_REF—Specifies a referenced coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_YDIR_CSYS—Specifies a world coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNC_UNIVERSAL—Specifies the default function type for the load. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNC_COORD—Specifies the load as a function of the current coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNC_TIME—Specifies the load as a function of time. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNC_TEMPERATURE—Specifies the load as a function of temperature. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNC_DEFLECTION—Specifies the load as a function of deflection. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNC_ARCLENGTH—Specifies the load as a function of arc length. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNC_COORDS_TIME—Specifies the load as a combination of spatial (function of current coordinate system) and temporal (function of time) functions. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNC_ARCLENGTH_TIME—Specifies the load as a combination of spatial (function of arc length) and temporal (function of time) functions. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNCTION_SYMBOLIC—Specifies a symbolic expression for a function. |
• | PRO_MECH_FUNCTION_TABLE—Specifies a function created using data from an interpolation table. |
• | PRO_MECH_TABLE_LINEAR—This method linearly interpolates the variable between the values. |
• | PRO_MECH_TABLE_LOGARITHMIC—This method linearly interpolates the log of the variable between values. |
• | PRO_MECH_INDEP_VAR_X—Specifies the value of the X-axis in the Cartesian coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_INDEP_VAR_Y—Specifies the value of the Y-axis in Cartesian coordinate system |
• | PRO_MECH_INDEP_VAR_Z—Specifies the value of the Z-axis in the Cartesian or cylindrical coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_INDEP_VAR_R—Specifies the value of the radius in a cylindrical or spherical coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_INDEP_VAR_THETA—Specifies the value of the angle in a cylindrical or spherical coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_INDEP_VAR_PHI—Specifies the value of the second angle in a spherical coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_INDEP_VAR_TIME—Specifies the value of the time variable (for a time-dependent function). |
Creo TOOLKIT Opaque Handle
Vectored value—Specifies a value applied in a specified direction.
Direction vector—Represents a defined direction.
Value—Specifies a scalar value potentially affected by a defined variation.
Variation—Specifies the components of a defined variation (either by function or by interpolation).
Interpolation point—Specifies an individual interpolation point used to define a variation.
• | PRO_MECH_DIRECTION_BY_VECTOR—The vector is defined by specifying a direction. |
• | PRO_MECH_DIRECTION_BY_2_POINTS—The direction of the vector is specified using two points. |
• | PRO_MECH_VARIATION_UNIFORM—Specifies that the variation of the load is uniform over the entity. |
• | PRO_MECH_VARIATION_INTERPOLATION—Specifies that the load varies along the entity as defined by the interpolation points. |
• | PRO_MECH_VARIATION_FUNCTION—Indicates that the variation is defined by specifying a function that is used to vary the property. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOAD_FORCE—Specifies a force load. Use the function ProMechloadForcedataGet() to access the data and contents of the force load structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOAD_PRESSURE—Specifies a pressure load. Use the function ProMechloadPressuredataGet() to access the data and contents of the pressure load structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOAD_BEARING—Specifies a bearing load. Use the function ProMechloadBearingdataGet() to access the data and contents of the bearing load structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOAD_CENTRIFUGAL—Specifies a centrifugal load. Use the function ProMechloadCentrifugaldataGet() to access the data and contents of the centrifugal load structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOAD_GRAVITY—Specifies a gravity load. Use the function ProMechloadGravitydataGet() to access the data and contents of the gravity load structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOAD_STRUCTURAL_TEMPERATURE—Specifies a temperature load. Use the function ProMechloadStructtempdataGet() to access the data and contents of the temperature load. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOAD_MECT_TEMPERATURE—Specifies a Mechanical temperature load. Use the function ProMechloadMecttempdataGet() to access the data and contents of the mechanical temperature load. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOAD_HEAT—Specifies a heat load. Use the function ProMechloadHeatdataGet() to access the data and contents of the heat load. |
1. | Create the load using ProMechitemCreate() |
2. | Set the load references using ProMechloadReferencesSet(). |
3. | Set the load type-specific data using one of the ProMechload*dataSet() functions. |
4. | Assign the load to a load set using ProMechloadLoadsetAssign(). |
5. | Check the status of the load using ProMechitemStatusGet(). |
6. | Complete the load set using ProMechitemUpdateComplete(). |
• | PRO_MECH_FORCE_AT_POINT—Specifies a total load applied to a single point. |
• | PRO_MECH_FORCE_TOTAL—Specifies a load distributed along the length or area of the entity such that the integral of the load over the selected entity equals the total prescribed value. |
• | PRO_MECH_FORCE_TOTAL_AT_POINT—Specifies a Total Load At Point (TLAP) load. |
• | PRO_MECH_FORCE_PER_UNIT—Specifies a load applied to each unit that makes up the selected entity. |
• | PRO_MECH_FORCE_TLAP_UNASSOCIATED—Specifies that the Total Load At Point (TLAP) loads are un-associated from the selected entities in the model. |
• | PRO_MECH_FORCE_TBLAP—Specifies a Total Bearing Load At Point (TBLAP) for cylindrical surfaces or curves. |
• | ProMechglobaltempdataAlloc() |
• | ProMechglobaltempdataReftempGet() |
• | ProMechglobaltempdataReftempSet() |
• | ProMechglobaltempdataValueGet() |
• | ProMechglobaltempdataValueSet() |
• | ProMechglobaltempdataFree() |
• | ProMechexttempdataAlloc() |
• | ProMechexttempdataReftempGet() |
• | ProMechexttempdataReftempSet() |
• | ProMechexttempdataFemneutralfileGet() |
• | ProMechexttempdataFemneutralfileSet() |
• | ProMechexttempdataFree() |
• | ProMechheatdataTimefunctionidGet() |
• | ProMechheatdataTimefunctionidSet() |
• | PRO_MECH_HEAT_TOTAL—Specifies that the heat load is distributed along the length or area of the entity such that the integral of the load over the selected entity equals the total prescribed value. |
• | PRO_MECH_HEAT_PER_UNIT—Specifies that the heat load is applied to each unit that makes up the selected load. |
• | PRO_MECH_HEAT_AT_POINT—Specifies that the heat load is applied to a single point, a feature, or a pattern of points. |
• | PRO_MECH_HEAT_NONE—No heat load type is assigned. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOADSET_STRUCTURAL—Specifies a structural load set. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOADSET_THERMAL—Specifies a thermal load set. |
• | PRO_MECH_CONSTR_CONVECTION—Specifies a linear convective heat exchange condition for one or more geometric or model entities for thermal mode. Use the function ProMechconstrConvectiondataGet() to access the data and contents of this constraint type. |
• | PRO_MECH_CONSTR_DISPLACEMENT—Specifies a displacement constraint for structural mode. Use the function ProMechconstrDisplacementdataGet() to access the data and contents of this constraint type. |
• | PRO_MECH_CONSTR_SYMMETRY—Specifies cyclic symmetry for structural mode. Use the function ProMechconstrSymmetrydataGet() to access the data and contents of this constraint type. |
• | PRO_MECH_CONSTR_RADIATION—Specifies a thermal radiation exchange between the model surface and the surroundings. Use the function ProMechconstrRadiationdataGet() to access the data and contents of radiation constraint type from the Creo Simulate item. The function ProMechconstrRadiationdataSet() sets the handle to the data and contents of radiation constraint type from the Creo Simulate item. |
• | PRO_MECH_CONSTR_TEMPERATURE—Specifies a temperature boundary condition for one or more geometric or model entities for thermal mode. Use the function to() to access the data and contents of this constraint type. |
• | PRO_MECH_CONSTR_SYMMETRY_THERM—Specifies a cyclic symmetry thermal constraint for thermal mode. Use the function ProMechconstrThermalsymmetrydataGet() to access the data and contents of this constraint type. |
• | PRO_MECH_CONSTR_INIT_TEMP—Specifies the initial temperature boundary condition for one or more geometric entities for thermal mode. |
1. | Create the load using ProMechitemCreate(). |
2. | Set the constraint references using ProMechconstrReferencesSet(). |
3. | Set the constraint type-specific data using one of the ProMechconstr*dataSet() functions. |
4. | Assign the constraint to a constraint set using ProMechconstrConstrsetAssign(). |
5. | Check the status of the constraint using ProMechitemStatusGet(). |
6. | Complete the constraint using ProMechitemUpdateComplete(). |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_REGULAR—Specifies an external limit on the movement of a portion of the model. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_PLANE—This constraint type allows full planar movement, but constrains any off-plane displacement. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_PIN— Creates a constraint along a cylindrical surface for 3D models. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_BALL— Creates a constraint along a spherical surface for 3D models. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_FREE—Allows freedom of movement in the specified direction. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_FIXED—Constrains the entity, preventing movement in the specified direction. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_ENFORCED—Specifies an enforced displacement or rotation in the specified direction. |
• | An enforced displacement value in length units for the translational component |
• | An enforced rotation in radians for the rotational component |
• | Angular—Allows you to control the rotation about the axis of the selected cylindrical surface. |
• | Axial—Allows you to control translation along the axis of the selected cylindrical surface. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_FREE—Allows freedom of movement in the specified direction. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_FIXED—Constrains the entity, preventing movement in the specified direction. Note
The angular constraint cannot be of type PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_ENFORCED.
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_FREE—Allows freedom of movement in the specified direction. |
• | PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_FIXED—Constrains the entity, preventing movement in the specified direction. Note
The axial constraint cannot be of type PRO_MECH_DISPLACEMENT_ENFORCED.
• | PRO_MECH_SYMMETRY_CYCLIC—Specifies a cyclic symmetry |
• | PRO_MECH_SYMMETRY_MIRROR—Specifies a mirror symmetry |
• | PRO_MECH_LOADSET_STRUCTURAL—Specifies a structural constraint set. |
• | PRO_MECH_LOADSET_THERMAL—Specifies a thermal constraint set. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_BEAM—Specifies a beam. Use the function ProMechbeamBeamdataGet() to access the data structure for the beam. Use the function ProMechbeamBeamdataSet() to modify the beam. |
• | PROMECH_BEAM_TRUSS—Specifies a truss. Use the function ProMechbeamTrussdataGet() to access the data structure for the truss. Use the function ProMechbeamTrussdataSet() to modify the truss. |
/* ProMechSketchedSectionOrient (int) */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_SQUARE_DIMENSION = 3,
/* ProMechVector (4) [b, d, bi, di] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_CHANNEL_DIMENSION = 6,
/* ProMechVector (4) [b, t, di, tw] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_CHANNEL_SHEARFACTOR = 7,
/* ProMechVector (2) [Fy, Fz] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_IBEAM_DIMENSION = 8,
/* ProMechVector (4) [b, t, di, tw] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_LSECTION_DIMENSION = 9,
/* ProMechVector (4) [b, t, di, tw] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_LSECTION_SHEARFACTOR = 10,
/* ProMechVector (2) [Fy, Fz] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_AREA = 17,
/* ProMechExpression [Area] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_INERTIA = 18,
/* ProMechMatrix (2x2, symmetrical) [ Ixx Ixy ] [ Iyy ] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_TORSIONSTIFFNESS = 19,
/* ProMechVector (2) [Dy, Dz] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_1 = 22,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y1, z1] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_2 = 23,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y2, z2] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_3 = 24,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y3, z3] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_4 = 25,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y4, z4] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_5 = 26,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y5, z5] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_6 = 27,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y6, z6] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_7 = 28,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y7, z7] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_8 = 29,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y8, z8] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_GENERAL_POINT_9 = 30,
/* ProMechVector (2) [y9, z9] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_WARPCOEFFICIENT = 31,
/* ProMechExpression [Warp Coefficient] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_NONSTRUCTMASS = 32,
/* ProMechExpression [Non-Str Mass Moment] */ PRO_MECH_BEAMSECTION_CENTERGRAVITY = 34
/* ProMechVector (2) [cg:y, cg:z] */ } ProMechBeamsectionPropertyType;
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SKETCHED—Specifies a cross section created using either the sketch solid beam or sketch thin beam type. Use the enumerated type ProMechBeamsectionPropertyType to get and set the properties of the sketched beam section. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SQUARE—Specifies a square beam section type. The cross section dimension is specified by the length of the sides of the square. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionExpressionGet() to get the square beam section data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionExpressionSet() to set the properties of the square beam section. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_RECTANGLE—Specifies a rectangular beam section type. The cross section dimension is specified by the height and width of the rectangle. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the rectangular beam section data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the rectangular beam section |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_HOLLOW_RECTANGLE—Specifies a hollow rectangular beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the Outer height and width, and the inner height and width of the rectangle. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the hollow beam section data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the hollow beam section. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_CHANNEL—Specifies a channel beam section type. The cross section dimension is specified by the flange width, flange thickness, web height, and web thickness. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the channel section data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the channel beam section. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_I_BEAM—Specifies an L-section beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the overall flange width, flange thickness, web height, and web thickness. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the L-section data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the L-section beam type. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_L_SECTION—Specifies an L-section beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the overall flange width, flange thickness, web height, and web thickness. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the L-section data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the L-section beam type. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_DIAMOND—Specifies a diamond beam section type. The cross section dimension is specified by the width and height of the sides. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the diamond beam section data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the diamond beam section. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SOLID_CIRCLE—Specifies a solid circle beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the radius of the circular beam cross-section. Use the function ProMechsectiondataCirclesectdataGet() to access the solid circle beam section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataCirclesectdataSet() to modify the solid circle beam section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_HOLLOW_CIRCLE—Specifies a hollow circle beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the outside radius and the inside radius of the hollow beam cross-section. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the hollow circle beam section data. Use the ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the hollow circle beam section. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SOLID_ELLIPSE—Specifies a solid ellipse beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the length of the major axis and the length of the minor axis. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the solid ellipse beam data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the solid ellipse beam section. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_HOLLOW_ELLIPSE—Specifies a hollow ellipse beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the length of the major axis, length of the minor axis, and the inside major axis. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorGet() to get the hollow ellipse beam data. Use the function ProMechBeamsectionVectorSet() to set the properties of the hollow ellipse beam section |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_GENERAL—Specifies a general beam section type. A general beam section type does not have a predefined shape. Use the enumerated type ProMechBeamsectionPropertyType to get and set the properties of the general beam data. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SKETCHED—Specifies a cross section created using either the sketch solid beam or sketch thin beam type. Use the function ProMechsectiondataSketchedsectdataGet() to access the sketched beam data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataSketchedsectdataSet() to set the properties of the sketched beam data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SQUARE—Specifies a square beam section type. The cross section dimension is specified by the length of the sides of the square. Use the function ProMechsectiondataSquaresectdataGet() to access the square section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataSquaresectdataSet() to set the properties of the square section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_RECTANGLE—Specifies a rectangular beam section type. The cross section dimension is specified by the height and width of the rectangle. Use the function ProMechsectiondataRectanglesectdataGet() to access the rectangular section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataRectanglesectdataSet() to access the rectangular section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_HOLLOW_RECTANGLE— Specifies a hollow rectangular beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the Outer height and width, and the inner height and width of the rectangle. Use the function ProMechsectiondataHollowrectsectdataGet() to access the hollow section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataHollowrectsectdataSet() to access the hollow section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_CHANNEL—Specifies a channel beam section type. The cross section dimension is specified by the flange width, flange thickness, web height, and web thickness. Use the function ProMechsectiondataChannelsectdataGet() to access the channel section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataChannelsectdataSet() to access the channel section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_I_BEAM—Specifies an I-beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the flange width, flange thickness, web height, and web thickness. Use the function ProMechsectiondataIbeamsectdataGet() to access the I-beam section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataIbeamsectdataSet() to access the I-beam section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_L_SECTION—Specifies an L-section beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the overall flange width, flange thickness, web height, and web thickness. Use the function ProMechsectiondataLsectionsectdataGet() to access the L-section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataLsectionsectdataSet() to access the L-section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_DIAMOND—Specifies a diamond beam section type. The cross section dimension is specified by the width and height of the sides. Use the function ProMechsectiondataDiamondsectdataGet() to access the diamond beam section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataDiamondsectdataSet() to modify the diamond beam section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SOLID_CIRCLE—Specifies a solid circle beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the radius of the circular beam cross-section. Use the function ProMechsectiondataCirclesectdataGet() to access the solid circle beam section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataCirclesectdataSet() to modify the solid circle beam section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_HOLLOW_CIRCLE—Specifies a hollow circle beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the outside radius and the inside radius of the hollow beam cross-section. Use the function ProMechsectiondataHollowcirclesectdataGet() to access the hollow circle beam section data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataHollowcirclesectdataSet() to modify the hollow circle beam section data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SOLID_ELLIPSE—Specifies a solid ellipse beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the length of the major axis and the length of the minor axis. Use the function ProMechsectiondataEllipsesectdataGet() to access the solid ellipse beam data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataEllipsesectdataSet() to modify the solid ellipse beam data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_HOLLOW_ELLIPSE—Specifies a hollow ellipse beam section type. The cross section dimension for this beam type is specified by the length of the major axis, length of the minor axis, and the inside major axis. Use the function ProMechsectiondataHollowellipsesectdataGet() to access the hollow ellipse beam data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataHollowellipsesectdataSet() to access the hollow ellipse beam data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_GENERAL—Specifies a general beam section type. A general beam section type does not have a predefined shape. Use the function ProMechsectiondataGeneralsectdataGet() to access the general beam data structure. Use the function ProMechsectiondataGeneralsectdataSet() to access the general beam data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SKET_XY_AS_YZ—The beam section X and Y coordinates correspond to the beam Y and Z directions, respectively. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_SECTION_SKET_XY_AS_ZY—The beam section X and Y coordinates correspond to the beam Z and Y directions, respectively. |
typedef enum
PRO_MECH_BEAM_ORIENT_OFFSET_TYPE = 0, /* ProMechBeamOrientType (int) */
PRO_MECH_BEAM_ORIENT_ANGLE = 1, /* ProMechExpression */
PRO_MECH_BEAM_ORIENT_OFFSET = 2 /* ProMechVector (3)
[ Dx Dy Dz ]
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_ORIENT_OFFSET_SHAPE_ORIGIN— Specifies the point of origin of the beam shape coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_ORIENT_OFFSET_CENTROID— Specifies the origin of the principal coordinate system which is at the centroid of the section. For general sections and all standard sections, it is coincident with PRO_MECH_BEAM_ORIENT_OFFSET_SHAPE_ORIGIN. |
• | PRO_MECH_BEAM_ORIENT_OFFSET_SHEAR_CENTER— Specifies the point on a beam section about which the section rotates under deflection. |
• | PRO_MECH_SPRING_SIMPLE—Specifies a simple spring. This type of spring connects two points, two vertices, a point to an edge, a point to a surface,
a point to a pattern of points, a point to a single point feature. The extensional and torsional stiffness properties will
be defined for this spring. Use the function ProMechspringSimpledataGet() to provide access to the data structure containing the simple spring data. Use the function ProMechspringSimpledataSet() to modify the data structure containing the simple spring data.
• | PRO_MECH_SPRING_GROUND—Specifies a To Ground spring. This type of string connects a point, a single point feature, or a single pattern of points
to ground. The spring stiffness properties and the orientation are defined for this spring. A separate properties object can be defined for this type of spring.
Use the function ProMechspringGrounddataGet() to provide access to the data structure containing the ground spring data. Use the function ProMechspringGrounddataSet() to modify the data structure containing the ground spring data.
• | PRO_MECH_SPRING_ADVANCED—Specifies an Advanced spring. This type of spring connects two points, a point to an edge, a point to a surface, a point to a pattern of points, or a point to a single point feature. The stiffness properties, orientation properties, and an additional rotation are defined for this spring. Use the function ProMechspringAdvanceddataGet() to provide access to the data structure containing the advanced spring data. Use the function ProMechspringAdvanceddataSet() to modify the data structure containing the advanced spring data. |
• | Extensional coefficients (Kxx,Kyy,Kzz,Kxy,Kxz,Kyz) |
• | Torsional coefficients (Txx,Tyy,Tzz,Txy,Txz,Tyz) |
• | Coupling coefficients (KTxx, KTxy, KTxz, KTyx, KTyy, KTyz, KTzx, KTzy, KTzz) |
• | PRO_MECH_MASS_DISTR_AT_POINT—Specifies that the mass is added to a point, vertex, multiple single points, point features, and point patterns. |
• | PRO_MECH_MASS_DISTR_TOTAL—Specifies the total distribution of mass along a surface or curve. |
• | PRO_MECH_MASS_DISTR_PER_UNIT—Specifies the distribution of mass along a curve or surface per unit length or per unit area respectively. |
• | PRO_MECH_MASS_SIMPLE—Specifies a simple mass type. Specify an integer as the mass value and points, single point, multiple single points, point features, point patterns, edges, curves, or surfaces as the reference for the simple mass type. Use the function ProMechmassSimpledataGet() to access the simple mass data structure. Use the function ProMechmassSimpledataSet() to modify the simple mass data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_MASS_ADVANCED—Specifies the advanced mass type. Specify the coordinate system and the mass property object for a single point, multiple single points, point features, and point patterns. Use the function ProMechmassAdvanceddataGet() to access the advanced mass data structure. Use the function ProMechmassAdvanceddataSet() to modify the advanced mass data structure. |
• | PRO_MECH_MASS_COMP_AT_POINT—Specifies the component mass data for a part or subassembly of an assembly. For this type of mass, the mass definition is specified using the component's mass, moment of inertia, and center of gravity. This mass type can be created using points, edges or curves, or Surfaces as the reference. Use the function ProMechmassComponentdataGet() to access the component mass data structure. Use the function ProMechmassComponentpointdataSet() to modify the component at point mass data structure. |
• | This mass type is applicable only for the assembly mode. |
• | PRO_MECH_MASS_COMP_DISTRIBUTED—Specifies the component distributed mass data for a part or subassembly of an assembly. For this type of mass, only the component’s mass is used to specify the mass definition. This mass type can be created using points, edges or curves, or surfaces as the reference. Use the function ProMechmassComponentdataGet() to access the component mass data structure. Use the function ProMechmassComponentdistributeddataSet() to modify the component distributed mass data structure. |
• | This mass type is applicable only for the assembly mode. |
int matl_id;
int matl_orient_id;
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_MODEL—Specifies a model. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_SURFACE—Specifies a surface. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_COORD_SYSTEM—Specifies that the material orientation direction is determined by the reference coordinate system. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_1_DIR—Specifies that the material orientation direction is determined by the first parametric direction of the material. Use the function ProMechmaterialorientdataFirstdirectionSet() to set the first direction of the material as the orientation type. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_2_DIR—Specifies that the material orientation direction is determined by the second parametric direction of the material. Use the function ProMechmaterialorientdataSeconddirectionSet() to set the second direction of the material as the orientation type. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_PROJ_VECTOR—Specifies that the material orientation direction is determined by the projection vector. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_PROJ_XYZ—Specifies the values for the X, Y, and Z components to define the projection vector for the material orientation. Use the function ProMechmaterialorientprojXyzvectorGet() to access the projection vector. Use the function ProMechmaterialorientprojXyzvectorSet() to set the projection vector for the material orientation. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_PROJ_POINTS—Specifies the two points used to define the projection vector for the material orientation. Use the function ProMechmaterialorientprojPointsGet() to access the two points. Use the function ProMechmaterialorientprojPointsSet() to set the two points used for projection. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_CSYS_PROJ_CLOSEST—Specifies the material Direction 1 through a series of calculations. |
• | PRO_MECH_MATLORI_CSYS_PROJ_X—Specifies that the material direction 1 is along the direction of the X axis of the referenced coordinate system projected onto the surface. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHELL_SIMPLE—Specifies a simple shell of uniform thickness. Use the function ProMechshellSimpledataGet() to access the data structure for the simple shell. Use the function ProMechshellSimpledataSet() to modify the data structure for the simple shell. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHELL_ADVANCED—Specifies an advanced shell that uses specified shell properties. Use the function ProMechshellAdvanceddataGet() to access the data structure for the advanced shells. Use the function ProMechshellAdvanceddataSet() to modify the data structure for the advanced shell. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHLPROP_HOMOGENEOUS—Assigned to homogenous shells. A homogeneous shell consists of a single material whose properties do not vary through the thickness of the shell. Use the function ProMechshellpropsHomogeneousdataGet() to access the data structure for homogeneous shell property. Use the function ProMechshellpropsHomogeneousdataSet() to set the homogeneous shell property. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHLPROP_LAMINATE_STIFFNESS—Assigned to laminate shells to specify their degree of stiffness. Laminate shells consists of one or more materials whose properties may vary through the thickness of the shell. Use the function ProMechshellpropsLaminatestiffdataGet() to access the data structure for the laminate stiffness shell property. Use the function ProMechshellpropsLaminatestiffdataSet() to set the laminate stiffness shell property. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHLPROP_LAMINATE_LAYUP—Assigned to laminate shells to define them as layers of shells. Use the function ProMechshellpropsLaminatelayupdataGet() to access the data structure for the laminate layup shell property. Use the function ProMechshellpropsLaminatelayupdataSet() to set the laminate layup shell property. |
• | PRO_MECH_LAMLAYUP_SYMMETRIC—Specifies that the layers are repeated in reverse order. |
• | PRO_MECH_LAMLAYUP_ANTISYMMETRIC—Specifies that the layers are repeated in reverse order, and the orientation is also changed. |
• | PRO_MECH_LAMLAYUP_NEITHER—Specifies that the layers are not repeated. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHELL_PAIR_CONSTANT—Specifies a shell pair with constant thickness. All opposing surfaces parallel to each other and equidistant from the opposing surface for a constant-thickness shell pair. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHELL_PAIR_VARIABLE—Specifies a variable thickness shell pair. Both opposing surfaces are neither parallel nor concentric for a variable thickness
shell pair. Note
From Creo Parametric onwards, the shell type PRO_MECH_SHELL_PAIR_VARIABLE is also supported in the Native mode of Creo Simulate .
• | PRO_MECH_SHELL_PAIR_MULTI_CONSTANT—Specifies a shell pair with multiple pairs of surfaces. For a pair of surfaces, each surface is parallel to and equidistant
from the opposing surface. However, the distance between the surfaces for each of the multiple pairs may vary. Note
From Creo Parametric onwards, the thickness type PRO_MECH_SHELL_PAIR_MULTI_CONSTANT has been deprecated and the function ProMechshlpairrefsTypeSet() will return an error type PRO_TK_UNSUPPORTED.
• | PRO_MECH_SHELL_PAIR_PLACEMENT_TOP—Specifies that the placement uses the top surface of the surface pair. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHELL_PAIR_PLACEMENT_BOTTOM— Specifies that the placement uses the bottom surface of the surface pair. |
• | PRO_MECH_SHELL_PAIR_PLACEMENT_MIDDLE— Specifies that the placement uses the mid surface of the surface pair. |
• | — Specifies that the placement uses an arbitrary selected surface, which can be a datum surface. |
• | Structural—Specifies the default for the interfaces created between the geometry in a structural model for meshing and running.
• | Thermal—Specifies the default for the interfaces created between the geometry in a thermal model for meshing and running.
• | PRO_MECH_INTERFACE_FRICTION_INFINITE—Specifies that infinite friction exists at the contact interface that is, the two components or surfaces cannot slide relative to each other. |
• | PRO_MECH_INTERFACE_FRICTION_FINITE—Specifies that finite friction exists at the contact interface that is, that is, the two components or surfaces are able to slide relative to each other. |
• | PRO_MECH_GAP_DISTR_TOTAL—Specifies the sum of stiffness of all the contact elements. |
• | PRO_MECH_GAP_DISTR_PER_UNIT—Specifies that the stiffness value is calculated using the area of the first selected surface. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_AGEM_EDGE_DISTR—Specifies the edge distribution data for AutoGEM. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemedgedistrdataGet() to access the AutoGEM edge distribution data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemedgedistrdataSet() to modify the AutoGEM edge distribution data for the mesh control item. Note
If you are creating a new mesh control using this type of data, you should assign the model as a reference using the function
• | PRO_MECH_MC_AGEM_MIN_EDGE—Specifies the minimum edge and face angles for AutoGEM. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemminedgedataGet() to access the AutoGEM minimum edge data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemminedgedataSet() to modify the AutoGEM minimum edge data for the mesh control item. Note
If you are creating a new mesh control using this type of data, you should assign the model as a reference using the function
• | PRO_MECH_MC_AGEM_MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE—Specifies the maximum element size for the AutoGEM mesh. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemelemsizedataGet() to access the AutoGEM maximum element data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemelemsizedataSet() to modify the AutoGEM maximum element data for the mesh control item. Note
If you are creating a new mesh control using this type of data, you should assign the model as a reference using the function
• | PRO_MECH_MC_AGEM_EDGE_LEN_CRV—Specifies the ratio of edge lengths of mesh elements adjacent to concave surfaces to the radius of curvature of the concave surfaces. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemedgelencrvdataGet() to access the edge length by curvature data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemedgelencrvdataSet() to set the edge length by curvature ratio. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_EDGE_DISTRIBUTION—Specifies the number of nodes on one or more edges of the curves in the model. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlEdgedistrdataGet() to access the edge distribution data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlEdgedistrdataSet() to set the edge distribution data. Note
If you are creating a new mesh control using this type of data, you should assign the model as a reference using the function
• | PRO_MECH_MC_DISPL_CSYS—Specifies the displacement coordinate system used for displaying results for nodes associated with points, edges, curves, or surfaces. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE—Specifies the maximum element size for the mesh. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlElemsizedataGet() to access the maximum element size data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlElemsizedataSet() to set the maximum element size for the mesh. Note
If you are creating a new mesh control using this type of data, you should assign the model as a reference using the function
• | PRO_MECH_MC_MIN_ELEMENT_SIZE—Specifies the minimum element size for the mesh. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlElemsizedataGet() to access the minimum element size data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlElemsizedataSet() to set the maximum element size for the mesh. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_SHELL_CSYS—Specifies the coordinate system used for displaying results for nodes associated with shell or quilt surfaces. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlShellcsysGet() to access the shell coordinate system for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlShellcsysSet() to set the shell coordinate system for the mesh control item. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_HARD_POINT—Specifies a datum point that is defined as a hard point. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlHardpointGet() to access the hard point data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlHardpointSet() to set the hard point data for the mesh control item. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_HARD_CURVE—Specifies a datum curve that is defined as a hard curve. This type has no data, only references. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlHardcurveSet() to set the mesh control item to be of the type hard curve. The reference for the item will be used for the control. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_IDS_OFFSET—Specifies the offset for the node IDs and element IDs for a component. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlIdsoffsetGet() to access the offset data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlIdsoffsetSet() to set the offset data. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_MESH_NUMBERING—Specifies a node and an element ID range for a component. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlNumberingGet() to access the numbering data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlNumberingSet() to set the numbering data for the mesh control item. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_SUPPRESS—Specifies the components that must be ignored while applying the mesh control to the assembly level. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlSuppressGet() to access the suppress data for the mesh control item. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlSuppressSet() to set the suppress data for the mesh control item. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_AGEM_SUPPRESS—Specifies the type of AutoGEM controls that you want the mesh generator to ignore at the assembly level. Use the function
ProMechmcautogemsuppressTypeGet() to access the types of AutoGEM control suppressed by this AutoGEM control data. Use the function ProMechmcautogemsuppressTypeSet() to set the type of AutoGEM control suppressed by this AutoGEM control data. The functions ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemsuppressGet() and ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemsuppressSet() access and set the suppress data for the AutoGEM control items.
These functions support only the following AGEM mesh control types:
• | PRO_MECH_MC_AGEM_ISOLATE_EXCLUDE—Specifies points, edges, curves, and surfaces from the model to isolate during analysis. The function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemisolateexcludedataGet() returns the list of entities that AutoGEM can detect and isolate using mesh refinement. Use the function ProMechmeshcntrlAutogemisolateexcludedataSet() to set the entities for AutoGEM isolation using mesh refinement. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_AGEM_HARD_POINT—Specifies points, point features, or point patterns on the model to guide the AutoGEM mesh creation process. This control type has only references and no data associated with it. Use the function ProMechmcautogemHardpointSet() to set the AutoGEM mesh control item as hard point. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_AGEM_HARD_CURVE—Specifies the datum curves on the model to guide the AutoGEM mesh creation process. This control type has only references and no data associated with it. Use the function ProMechmcautogemHardcurveSet() to set the AutoGEM mesh control item as hard curve. |
• | PRO_MECH_MC_ALL—Specifies all the types of mesh controls. Note
If you are creating a new mesh control using this type of data, you should assign the model as a reference using the function
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_PERIMETER—Specifies a perimeter weld. Perimeter welds are used to connect parallel plates along the perimeter of one of the plates in an assembly model. |
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_END—Specifies an end weld. End welds are used to connect plates in assembly models. |
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_SPOT—Specifies a spot weld. Spot welds are used to connect two parallel surfaces at the specified datum point. |
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_FEAT—Specifies a Weld Feature. This weld connection can be used to select Fillet and Groove types of weld connections for inclusion in a mid-surface compressed model. |
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_MTL_BASE—Specifies the base surface to which the weld extends. |
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_MTL_DOUBLER—Specifies the doubler surface on which the Perimeter weld is placed. |
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_END_SINGLE_TO_SINGLE—Specifies a weld defined between a side surface and a shell or shell paired surface. |
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_END_MANY_TO_SINGLE—Specifies a weld defined from a solid surface to a solid surface. |
• | PRO_MECH_WELD_END_SINGLE_TO_MANY—Specifies a weld surface defined from a solid surface to a shell surface. |