Object ProModel

Callback ProModelDbmsFailureAction

This is the notification function called whenever any file management functionality was invoked and failed.

Users must supply this function by calling ProNotificationSet() with the notify type PRO_MODEL_DBMS_FAILURE.

The general format for the action (the argument dbms_action_string) is as follows:


Therefore, the possible failures are as follows:

  • "menu_dbms_create_object" -- Creation failure
  • "menu_dbms_purge_object" -- Purge failure
  • "menu_dbms_rename_object" -- Rename failure
  • "menu_dbms_save_object" -- Save failure
  • "menu_dbms_copy_object" -- Copy failure
  • "dbms_save_object_all" -- Failure saving a list of models,
  • "dbms_copy_object_all" -- Failure copying a list of models,
  • "dbms_retrieve_object_all" -- Failure retrieving a list of models.
#include <ProMdl.h>
char* dbms_action_string
/* (In)
The file management action that failed.
ProPath mdl1_path
/* (In)
Path the main model.
ProMdlfileType mdl1_file_type
/* (In)
File type for the main model.
ProPath mdl2_path
/* (In)
Path to the auxiliary model. This is initialized only in cases like copy and rename.
ProMdlfileType mdl2_file_type
/* (In)
File type for the auxiliary model. This is initialized only in cases like copy and rename.
ProError status
/* (In)
The internal error generated.
Return values are not interpreted by Creo Parametric.
See Also

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. Event-driven Programming: Notifications: File Management Failure Events