Category Creo Parametric fundamentals, Object ProMdl

Callback ProMdlCreatePreAction

DEPRECATED: Since Creo 10.0
SUPERSEDED BY: ProModelCreatePreAction
Note: This function is deprecated. Use ProModelCreatePreAction instead. This is the notification function called before creating a model.

Users must supply this function by calling ProNotificationSet() with the notify type PRO_MDL_CREATE_PRE.

This function is invoked after the user specifies the type and subtype of a Creo Parametric model.

#include <ProMdl.h>
ProMdlType mdl_type
/* (In)
The model type (PRO_MDL_PART, PRO_MDL_ASSEMBLY, and so on)
int sub_type
/* (In)
The model subtype
ProName r_model_name
/* (Out)
The model name assigned by the callback.
ProBoolean* r_allow_override
/* (Out)
If this is PRO_B_FALSE, the supplied model name cannot be overridden by the user.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORSuccessful exit from this function.
OtherAn error was encountered. Model creation will be stopped.
See Also

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. Technical Summary of Changes for Creo Notification Functions