Object ProModel

Callback ProModelRetrievePreAction

This is the notification function called before retrieving a model.

Users must supply this function by calling ProNotificationSet() with the notify type PRO_MODEL_RETRIEVE_PRE.

NOTE: This function is not called on retrieval of models using drag or double click in browser window. It gets called only when user clicks File -> Open button.

Warning: This notification blocks Creo Parametric's standard file open dialog. It is developer's responsibility to substitute it with his own dialog through this function.

Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: wfcBeforeModelRetrieveListener::OnBeforeModelRetrieve
#include <ProMdl.h>
ProPath path
/* (Out)
Specify the full path to the model file to be retrieved. This must be a valid path that includes the filename, extension, and version of the model.Do not use this argument if you do not want the Creo Parametric Toolkit application to retrieve any model.
ProFileRetrieveOpt** p_retr_options_arr
/* (Out)
ProArray that contains the options to retrieve the model. The Creo Parametric Toolkit application should allocate the memory for the retrieval options.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe Toolkit application will send a request to Creo Parametric to retrieve the model specified by the arguments.
OtherCreo Parametric will not retrieve the model.
See Also

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. Event-driven Programming: Notifications: File Management Events