#include <ProObjects.h>
#include <ProParamval.h>
#include <ProWstring.h>
#include <ProMdlUnits.h>


typedef enum pro_relobj_types


 PRO_RELOBJ_PAT_DIR1    = PRO_PATREL_FIRST_DIR, /* rel set owner is a pattern */
                                      /* dimension in the 1st dir  */
                                      /* model_item.id ==              */
                                      /*  pat. leader's dim id     */
 PRO_RELOBJ_PAT_DIR2    = PRO_PATREL_SECOND_DIR,/* rel set owner is a pattern */
                                      /* dimension in the 2nd dir  */
                                      /* model_item.id ==          */
                                      /*  pat. leader's dim id     */
}	ProRelObjType;

#define RELOBJTYPE_TO_PROTYPE( rel_obj_type, pro_type ) \
   switch( rel_obj_type )                               \
   {                                                    \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_PART:                             \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_PART;                       \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_ASSEMBLY:                         \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_ASSEMBLY;                   \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_DRAWING:                          \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_DRAWING;                    \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_REPORT:                           \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_REPORT;                     \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_DIAGRAM:                          \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_DIAGRAM;                    \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_DWGFORM:                          \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_DWGFORM;                    \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_UDF:                              \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_UDF;                        \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_FEATURE:                          \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_FEATURE;                    \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_SURFACE:                          \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_SURFACE;                    \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_EDGE:                             \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_EDGE;                       \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_WELD_PARAMS:                      \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_WELD_PARAMS;                \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_BND_TABLE:                        \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_BND_TABLE;                  \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_EXTOBJ:                           \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_EXTOBJ;                     \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_PAT_DIR1:                         \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_PATREL_FIRST_DIR;           \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_PAT_DIR2:                         \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_PATREL_SECOND_DIR;          \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_QUILT:                            \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_QUILT;                      \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_CRV:                              \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_CURVE;                      \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_COMP_CRV:                         \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_COMP_CRV;                   \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_ANNOT_ELEM:                       \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_ANNOTATION_ELEM;            \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_MDO_CONN:                         \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_MDO_CONN;                   \
         break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_RP_MATERIAL:                      \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_RP_MATERIAL;                \
         break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_NC_STEP_OBJECT:                   \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_NC_STEP_OBJECT;             \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RELOBJ_NC_STEP_MODEL:                   \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_NC_STEP_MODEL;             \
	 break;                                         \
	 case PRO_RELOBJ_LAYOUT:                   \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_LAYOUT;             \
	 break;                                         \
     case PRO_RELOBJ_BODY:                              \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_BODY;                       \
         break;                                         \
      default:                                          \
	 ( pro_type ) = PRO_TYPE_UNUSED;                \
	 break;                                         \

#define PROTYPE_TO_RELOBJTYPE( pro_type, rel_obj_type ) \
   switch( pro_type )                                   \
   {                                                    \
      case PRO_PART:                                    \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_PART;            \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_ASSEMBLY:                                \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_ASSEMBLY;        \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_DRAWING:                                 \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_DRAWING;         \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_REPORT:                                  \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_REPORT;          \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_DIAGRAM:                                 \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_DIAGRAM;         \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_DWGFORM:                                 \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_DWGFORM;         \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_UDF:                                     \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_UDF;             \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_FEATURE:                                 \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_FEATURE;         \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_SURFACE:                                 \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_SURFACE;         \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_EDGE:                                    \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_EDGE;            \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_WELD_PARAMS:                             \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_WELD_PARAMS;     \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_BND_TABLE:                               \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_BND_TABLE;       \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_EXTOBJ:                                  \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_EXTOBJ;          \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_PATREL_FIRST_DIR:                        \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_PAT_DIR1;        \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_PATREL_SECOND_DIR:                       \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_PAT_DIR2;        \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_QUILT:                                   \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_QUILT;           \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_CURVE:                                   \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_CRV;             \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_COMP_CRV:                                \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_COMP_CRV;        \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_ANNOTATION_ELEM:                         \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_ANNOT_ELEM;      \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_MDO_CONN:                                \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_MDO_CONN;        \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_RP_MATERIAL:                             \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_RP_MATERIAL;     \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_NC_STEP_OBJECT:                          \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_NC_STEP_OBJECT;  \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_NC_STEP_MODEL:                          \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_NC_STEP_MODEL;  \
	 break;                                         \
	  case PRO_LAYOUT:                          \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_LAYOUT;  \
	 break;                                         \
      case PRO_BODY:                                    \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_BODY;            \
	 break;                                         \
      default:                                          \
	 ( rel_obj_type ) = PRO_RELOBJ_UNUSED;          \
	 break;                                         \

typedef struct pro_model_item  ProRelset;  /* a Creo Parametric relation set         */

#define PRO_RELSET_POST_REGEN_ID  -2   /* Id to use for the "Post-Regeneration"
                                          relations set.  Use this id
				          in the modelitem handle passed to
				          ProModelitemToRelset() */

extern ProError ProModelitemToRelset (ProModelitem    *p_item,
                                      ProRelset       *p_relset);
    Purpose: Gets the relation set associated to the specified model item. 
             <p> NOTE: 
             <p> Only those model items whose types are specified by 
             <i>ProRelObjType</i> are supported.

    Input Arguments:
        p_item - The model item

    Output Arguments:
        p_relset - The associated relation set

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The relation set was found and returned.
        Other - The relation set does not exist.


extern ProError ProRelsetToModelitem (ProRelset      *p_relset,
			              ProModelitem   *p_item);
    Purpose: Gets the model item that owns the specified relation set. 
             <p> NOTE: 
             <p> Only those model items whose types are specified by 
             <i>ProRelObjType</i> are supported.

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The associated relation set

    Output Arguments:
        p_item - The model item

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The owner was found and returned.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid.
        PRO_TK_INVALID_ITEM - The input relation set was not valid.


typedef ProError (*ProSolidRelsetVisitAction) (ProRelset   	*p_relset,
					       ProAppData	 caller_data);
    Purpose: This is the user-supplied function invoked for each relation set 
             owned by the model.

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set
        caller_data - The user-supplied data

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - Continue visiting.
        Other - Stop visiting, and send this error up.


extern ProError ProSolidRelsetVisit (ProMdl			model,
       			             ProSolidRelsetVisitAction action,
                                     ProAppData		caller_data);
    Purpose: Visits all the relation sets owned by the specified model. 
             Currently, the supported model types are PRO_PART, PRO_ASSEMBLY 
             and PRO_DRAWING.

    Input Arguments:
        model - The model that owns the relations
        action - The supplied function to be invoked for each relation set
        caller_data - The user-supplied data

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully visited all the relation 
                          sets owned by the model.
        Other - Visiting stopped due to the error returned by user-supplied 
                visiting function, or some other internal error.


extern ProError ProRelsetRegenerate (ProRelset   *p_relset);
    Purpose: Regenerates the specified relation set.

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The relation set was regenerated successfully.
        Other - An error occurred and the function failed.


extern ProError ProRelsetCreate (ProModelitem    *p_item,
                                 ProRelset       *p_relset);
    Purpose: Creates a new relation set.

    Input Arguments:
        p_item - The model item for which to create the relation set

    Output Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully created the new relation 
        PRO_TK_E_FOUND - The relation set already exists.
        Other - There was an internal error, and the function did not create 
                the relation set.


extern ProError ProRelsetDelete (ProRelset   *p_relset);
    Purpose: Deletes all relations in specified relation set.

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set, containing relations to delete.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function deleted all relations from the set.
        Other - An error occurred and the function failed.

extern ProError ProRelsetRelationsGet (ProRelset    *p_relset,
                                       ProWstring  **p_line_array);
    Purpose: Returns the relation strings for the specified relation set.

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set.

    Output Arguments:
        p_line_array - The address to a user-allocated array of 
                       <i>ProWstring</i>. Use the functions 
                       <b>ProArrayAlloc()</b> and 
                       <b>ProWstringproarrayFree()</b> to allocate and free 
                       this array. Do not reuse the array.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully returned the relations.
        Other - An error occurred and the function failed.

    See Also:
extern ProError ProRelsetRelationsSet (ProRelset     *p_relset,
                                       ProWstring    *line_array,
                                       int            n_lines);
    Purpose: Sets new values for existing relations of the relation set.

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set
        line_array - The relations assigned to this relation set
        n_lines - The number of lines in the relations

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully set the new values.
        Other - There was an error and the function failed.


extern ProError ProRelationEvalWithUnits( ProRelset        *p_relset,
                                          ProLine           rhs_expr,
                                          ProParamvalue    *p_value,
                                          ProUnititem      *units,
                                          ProBool           consider_units );
    Purpose: Evaluates the supplied right-hand side of a typical expression 
             (lhs = rhs) and returns the value in the form of a parameter 

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set
        rhs_expr - The right-hand side of any relation line in the relation set
        consider_units - Specifies if units should be considered

    Output Arguments:
        p_value - The evaluated result in the form of a parameter value
        units - The units of the evaluated result

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully evaluated the expression.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more inputs is invalid
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - An error occurred and the function failed.


extern ProError ProRelationEvalWithUnitsRefResolve ( ProRelset        *p_relset,
                                                     ProLine           rhs_expr,
                                                     ProParamvalue    *p_value,
                                                     ProUnititem      *units,
                                                     ProBool           consider_units );
    Purpose: Evaluates the supplied right-hand side of typical expressions with 
             symbols (lhs = rhs) and returns the value in the form of a 
             parameter value

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set
        rhs_expr - The right-hand side of any relation line in the relation set
        consider_units - Specifies if units should be considered

    Output Arguments:
        p_value - The evaluated result in the form of a parameter value
        units - The units of the evaluated result

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully evaluated the expression.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more inputs is invalid
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - An error occurred and the function failed.


typedef enum rel_func_arg_attr
   PRO_RELF_ATTR_NONE     = 0,
   PRO_RELF_ATTR_OPTIONAL = 1<<0   /* Argument is optional */
}  ProRelfuncAttr;

typedef struct rel_func_arg
   ProParamvalueType   type;
   ProRelfuncAttr      attributes;
}  ProRelfuncArg;

typedef ProError (*ProRelationReadFunction) (ProRelset      *pro_relset, 
					  ProMdl          pro_model, 
					  char           *extfunc_name, 
					  ProParamvalue  *pro_args,
					  ProAppData     app_data,
					  ProParamvalue  *pro_result );
    Purpose: This is the function called to evaluate a custom relation function 
             invoked on the right hand side of a relation.

    Input Arguments:
        pro_relset - The relation set.
        pro_model - The model that owns the relation set.
        extfunc_name - The name of the external function.
        pro_args - ProArray of argument values.
        app_data - The application data passed to registration function.

    Output Arguments:
        pro_result - The result of the relation function calculation.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The calculation succeeded.
        Any other error - The calculation failed; the relation has an error.



typedef ProError (*ProRelationWriteFunction) (ProRelset      *pro_relset, 
					      ProMdl          pro_model, 
					      char           *extfunc_name, 
					      ProParamvalue  *pro_args, 
					      ProParamvalue  *pro_input,
					      ProAppData     app_data);
    Purpose: This is the function called to evaluate a custom relation function 
             invoked on the left hand side of a relation.

    Input Arguments:
        pro_relset - The relation set.
        pro_model - The model that owns the relation set.
        extfunc_name - The name of the external function.
        pro_args - ProArray of argument values.
        pro_input - The value of the right hand side of the relation 
        app_data - The application data passed to registration function.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The calculation succeeded.
        Any other error - The calculation failed; the relation has an error.


typedef ProError (*ProRelationArgscheckFunction) (ProRelset      *pro_relset,
					       ProMdl          pro_model,
					       char           *extfunc_name,
					       ProParamvalue  *pro_args,
					       ProAppData     app_data);
    Purpose: This is the function called to validate the arguments of a custom 
             relation function before it is invoked.

    Input Arguments:
        pro_relset - The relation set.
        pro_model - The model that owns the relation set.
        extfunc_name - The name of the external function.
        pro_args - ProArray of argument values.
        app_data - The application data passed to registration function.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The arguments are valid.
        Any other error - The arguments are invalid;the relation has an error.


extern ProError ProRelationFunctionRegister( char             *extfunc_name,
					     ProRelfuncArg     *arg_descr_arr,
					     ProRelationReadFunction read_func,
					     ProRelationWriteFunction write_func,
					     ProRelationArgscheckFunction check_func,
					     ProBoolean        dis_type_ctrl,
					     ProAppData        app_data);
    Purpose: Register an external function to be used in relations.

    Input Arguments:
        extfunc_name - name of new relation function used in the relations.
        arg_descr_arr - argument description ProArray. Can be NULL if: <OL> 
                        <LI>no arguments should be supplied to the new 
                        function. <LI>you don't want Creo Parametric to check 
                        the validity of arguments (in conjunction with 
                        'dis_type_ctrl' = PRO_B_TRUE). </OL>
        read_func - function that implements read-access of external function; 
                    can be NULL;
        write_func - function that implements write-access of external 
                     function; can be NULL;
        check_func - function to check arguments of external function; can be 
        dis_type_ctrl - PRO_B_TRUE to disable type checking for arguments. 
                        PRO_B_FALSE indicates that the arguments will be 
        app_data - application data passed to the relation callbacks. Can be 

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more inputs was invalid.
        PRO_TK_E_FOUND - Function with the given name was already found.


extern ProError ProRelsetConstraintsGet (ProRelset    *relset,
                                         wchar_t    ***constraints);
    Purpose: Obtains the constraints applied to a given relation set. 
             Constraints may be assigned when one or more parameters of the set 
             is governed by an external parameter file. They act as read-only 

    Input Arguments:
        relset - The relation set.

    Output Arguments:
        constraints - ProArray of constraints assigned to the parameters in the 
                      given relation set.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid.


extern ProError ProRelsetPostregenerationInit (ProMdl           pro_model,
                                               ProRelset       *p_relset);
    Purpose: Initializes a <i>ProRelset</i> data structure for 
             post-regeneration relations. 
             <p><b>Note:</b> This function complements ProModelitemToRelset, 
             which is not applicable for post-regeneration relations. The 
             obtained post regeneration ProRelset data can be used in 
             ProRelsetRelationsGet, ProRelsetRelationsSet, ProRelsetRegenerate 
             and ProRelsetDelete.

    Input Arguments:
        pro_model - The model

    Output Arguments:
        p_relset - The post regeneration relation set

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - The post regeneration relation set was not found.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid.


extern ProError ProRelsetIsUnitsSensitive (ProRelset  *p_relset,
                                           ProBool    *p_is_units_sensitive);
    Purpose: Gets the p_is_units_sensitive attribute of the given relation set.

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set.

    Output Arguments:
        p_is_units_sensitive - A Boolean stating if the relation set should be 
                               set as units sensitive.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - The post regeneration relation set was not found.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid.


extern ProError ProRelsetUnitsSensitiveSet (ProRelset  *p_relset,
                                            ProBool     p_is_units_sensitive);
    Purpose: Sets the p_is_units_sensitive attribute of the given relation set.

    Input Arguments:
        p_relset - The relation set.
        p_is_units_sensitive - A Boolean stating if the relation set should be 
                               set as units sensitive.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - The post regeneration relation set was not found.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid.


#endif /* PRORELSET_H */