#ifndef PROPRINT_H
#define PROPRINT_H

#include <ProUtil.h>

typedef struct pro_print_size
  ProPlotPaperSize size;    /* A_SIZE_PLOT, VARIABLE_SIZE_PLOT, etc */
  double  width;            /* In inches, if size == VARIABLE_SIZE_PLOT */
  double  height;           /* In inches, if size == VARIABLE_SIZE_PLOT */
} ProPrintSize;

typedef enum
} ProPrintSaveMethod;
typedef enum
} ProPrintSheets;

/* ================================================================
 Printer Options : setup the printer
 ================================================================= */
typedef struct _prnprinter
  ProCharName printer_type;             /* POSTSCRIPT: generic postscript 
                                           COLORPOSTSC: color postscript 
                                           MS_PRINT_MGR: MS Print Manager 
                                           c.f. the list in Add Printer */ 
  /* --- File related options --- */
  ProBoolean         save_to_file;      /* save the plot to file */
  ProPrintSaveMethod save_method;       /* Append, single or multiple file */
  ProPath            filename;
  ProBoolean         delete_after;      /* file is deleted after print command
                                           is executed */
  /* --- Print command options --- */
  ProBoolean     send_to_printer;       /* Send the plot to printer directly */
  ProPath        print_command;         /* command to print */
  ProPath        pen_table;             /* file containing pen table */
  ProPrintSize   paper_size;            /* Size of the paper to be printed */
  int            quantity;              /* how many copies */
  /* --- Printer specific options --- */
  ProBoolean     sw_handshake;          /* TRUE: software, FALSE: hardware */
  ProBoolean     roll_media;            /* TRUE: roll-media, FALSE: cut sheet */
  ProBoolean     use_ttf;               /* TRUE: use TTF, FALSE: stroke text  */
  double         slew;                  /* velocity in x and y directions */
  ProBoolean     rotate_plot;           /* rotate plot 90 degrees */
} ProPrintPrinterOpts;
/* ================================================================
 Model Options : setup the model
 ================================================================= */
typedef struct _prnobject
  ProMdl         mdl;                   /* model to be printed */
  int            quality;               /* 0 (No line check)
                                           1 (No overlap check)
                                           2 (Simple overlap check)
                                           3 (Complex overlap check) */
  /* --- Options available only with solid objects --- */
  ProBoolean     use_solid_scale;       /* Print using solid scale */
  /* --- Options available only with drawing objects --- */
  ProBoolean     use_drawing_size;      /* override paper_size in
                                         with the size of the drawing */
  ProBoolean     draw_format;           /* Drawing format is also printed */
  ProBoolean     segmented;             /* Segmented plots of the drawing  
					   Allowed to be PRO_B_TRUE only if 
					   plotting a single page  */
  ProBoolean     layer_only;            /* Print only a particular layer */
  ProName        layer_name;            /* name of the layer */
  ProPrintSheets sheets;
  int            range[2];              /* start and end sheets of a drawing */
} ProPrintMdlOpts;
/* ================================================================
 Placement Options : setup the object placement
 ================================================================= */
typedef struct _prnplacement
  double     scale;
  double     offset[2];           /* Offset from lower-left corner of the plot
                                     (in inches) */
  ProBoolean keep_panzoom;        /* maintain window panzoom */
  /* --- options for clipping --- */
  ProBoolean clip_plot;           /* whether or not we want to clip the plot */
  ProBoolean shift_to_ll_corner;  /* shift the clip area to lower-left corner */
  double     clip_area[2][2];     /* range is from 0.0 to 1.0 */
  /* --- options for label --- */
  ProBoolean place_label;
  double     label_height;        /* in inches */
} ProPrintPlacementOpts;


extern ProError ProPrintPrinterOptionsGet(ProCharName printer_type,
                                          ProPrintPrinterOpts *options);
    Purpose: Get printer options for a specified printer

    Input Arguments:
        printer_type - Name of the printer type.

    Output Arguments:
        options - Initialized printer options

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function completed successfully.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more arguments is bad.
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - The printer type was not recognized


extern ProError ProPrintMdlOptionsGet(ProMdl model,
				      ProPrintMdlOpts *options);
    Purpose: Get model options for a specified model

    Input Arguments:
        model - Model

    Output Arguments:
        options - Initialized model options

    Return Values:


extern ProError ProPrintPlacementOptionsGet(ProPrintPlacementOpts *options);
    Purpose: Get the current print placement options

    Input Arguments:

    Output Arguments:
        options - Initialized placement options

    Return Values:


extern ProError ProPrintPCFOptionsGet(ProPath pcf_filename, ProMdl model,
				      ProPrintPrinterOpts *printer_options,
				      ProPrintMdlOpts *mdl_options,
				      ProPrintPlacementOpts *place_options);
    Purpose: Get the print options from a specified PCF file.

    Input Arguments:
        pcf_filename - The name of the PCF file
        model - Model to be printed

    Output Arguments:
        printer_options - The printer options
        mdl_options - The model options
        place_options - The placement options

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - The PCF file does not exist PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS


extern ProError ProPrintExecute(int window_id,
                                ProPrintPrinterOpts *printer_options,
			        ProPrintMdlOpts *mdl_options,
			        ProPrintPlacementOpts *place_options);
    Purpose: Print a window using the specified options 
             <P> The mdl in the window must match the mdl in mdl_options. 
             <P> All the options should be first initialized by the apropriate 
             ProPrintInit functions above. 
             <P> The filename must contain the full path or be the name of a 
             file in plot_dir or current directory. If file already exists 
             there, it will be overwritten. 
             <P> The mdl in the the mdl_options should be the object loaded to 
             the window to be printed. The window can be a non-graphics window. 
             <P> This function generates a wireframe plot of the object in 
             either vector or raster format. 
             <P> The correct ProPrintExecute printer_type is defined by the 
             plotter value on the first line of the plotter configuration file. 
             This file is available in the <Creo Parametric Load 
             Point>/text/plot_config folder. For the list of supported 
             printers, please refer to the list in "Add Printer" in Creo 
             Parametric's print dialog. </P>

    Input Arguments:
        window_id - The handle to the Creo Parametric window
        printer_options - The printer options
        mdl_options - The model options
        place_options - The placement options

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - Window printed successfully
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more arguments is bad
        PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXT - Print is not available in Design Test mode
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - Incomplete input data
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Problem during data conversion
        PRO_TK_INVALID_NAME - Wrong file name
        PRO_TK_CANT_WRITE - No write access for target file


#endif  /* PROPRINT_H */