#ifndef PROMFGFEATWCELLLATHE_H #define PROMFGFEATWCELLLATHE_H /* Creo Parametric TOOLKIT declarations related to mfg lathe workcell. */ #include <ProToolkit.h> PRO_BEGIN_C_DECLS /*============================================================================ (1) Feature element tree PRO_E_FEATURE_TREE | |-- PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME | |-- PRO_E_WCELL_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_NUM_HEADS | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_NUM_SPINDLES | |-- PRO_E_MFG_LATHE_DIR_OPT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_ENABLE_CMM_OPT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_ENABLE_SWISS_TURN_OPT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_ARR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_HEAD_1 | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_TOOL_SETUP_ARR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_HEAD_2 | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_TOOL_SETUP_ARR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CMM_HEAD | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_CMM_TOOL_SETUP_ARR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CUST_CYCLE_ARR | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CUST_CYCLE_COMP | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CUST_CYCLE_NAME | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_ASSEM_COMPOUND | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_ASSEMBLY_NAME | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_LOCAL_CSYS_REF | |-- PRO_E_MFG_COMMENTS =============================================================================== (2) Elements table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Element Id Element Name Data Type Valid Values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE Feature Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-1 PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME Feature Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-2 PRO_E_WCELL_TYPE Workcell Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-3 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_NUM_HEADS Number of Heads PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-4 PRO_E_MFG_LATHE_DIR_OPT Lathe Orientation PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-5 PRO_E_MFG_ENABLE_CMM_OPT Enable CMM PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-6 PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_ARR Mfg Parameter Array Array Note-7 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_HEAD_1 Tool Head 1 Compound Note-8 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_HEAD_2 Tool Head 2 Compound Note-9 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_TOOL_SETUP_ARR Tool Setup Array Array Note-10 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CMM_HEAD CMM Tool Head Compound Note-11 PRO_E_MFG_CMM_TOOL_SETUP_ARR CMM Tool Setup Array Array Note-12 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CUST_CYCLE_ARR Custom Cycles Array Array Note-13 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CUST_CYCLE_COMP Cycle Name Compound Compound Note-14 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CUST_CYCLE_NAME Cycle Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-15 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_ASSEM_COMPOUND Assembly Compound Compound Note-16 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_ASSEMBLY_NAME Assembly Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-17 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_LOCAL_CSYS_REF Csys reference PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-18 PRO_E_MFG_COMMENTS Comments PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-19 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_NUM_SPINDLES Num Spindles PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-20 PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_ENABLE_SWISS_TURN_OPT Swiss Turning PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-21 =============================================================================== (3) Notes Note-1 : PRO_FEAT_WORKCELL Mandatory. Note-2 : Feature name. Optional. Note-3 : PRO_WCELL_LATHE Mandatory. Note-4 : Number of tool heads (turrets) - one head/two heads. Values defined by ProMfgWcellNumHeads. Optional (if not defined - PRO_MFG_ONE_HEAD_WCELL is set by default) Note-5 : Lathe orientation (horizontal/vertical). Values defined by ProWcellLatheDir. Optional (if not defined - PRO_WCELL_LATHE_HORIZONTAL is set by default) Note-6 : PRO_B_TRUE - enables tool head with CMM probes and allows creation of CMM sequences. PRO_B_FALSE - disables CMM tool head and creation of CMM sequences. Optional (if not defined - CMM tool head is disabled). Note-7 : Array of applicable manufacturing parameters. Optional. For new features: if the parameter array is not specified - default values are going to be assigned to the corresponding manufacturing parameters of the created feature. Please see ProMfgElemParam.h. Note-8 : Tool head 1 compound. Optional. Note-9 : Tool head 2 compound. Optional. Ingnored if PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_NUM_HEADS set to PRO_MFG_ONE_HEAD_WCELL. Note-10 : Tool setup array. Please see ProMfgElemToolSetup.h Optional. Note-11 : CMM probes head compound. Optional. Ingnored if PRO_E_MFG_ENABLE_CMM_OPT set to PRO_B_FALSE. Note-12 : CMM probes setup array. Please see ProMfgElemToolSetupCmm.h Optional. Note-13 : Array of custom cycle names (to be used by holemaking sequences). Optional. Note-14 : Compound definition of a custom cycle name. Optional. Note-15 : Custom cycle name. Mandatory child of PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_CUST_CYCLE_COMP element. Note-16 : Simulation assembly compound definition. Optional. Note-17 : Simulation assembly model name. Mandatory child of PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_ASSEM_COMPOUND element. Note-18 : Coordinate system datum feature. It will be alligned with simulation assembly coordinate system during machining simulation. Mandatory child of PRO_E_MFG_WCELL_ASSEM_COMPOUND element. Note-19 : Workcell comments. Note-20 : Number of spindles. Values defined by ProMfgWcellNumSpindles. Optional (if not defined - PRO_MFG_ONE_SPINDLE_WCELL is set by default) Note-21 : PRO_B_TRUE - enables Swiss turning. if SWISS_TURN param defined at sequence level is YES then it output MODE/ZAXIS, ON. command in .ncl file. PRO_B_FALSE - disables swiss turning. No changes in system behaviour. Optional. If not defined - Swiss turning is disabled. =============================================================================*/ PRO_END_C_DECLS #endif /* PROMFGFEATWCELLLATHE_H */