#ifndef PROMFGFEAT2XCURVETRAJ_H #define PROMFGFEAT2XCURVETRAJ_H /* Creo Parametric TOOLKIT declarations related to mfg 2-axis curve trajectory sequence. */ #include <ProToolkit.h> PRO_BEGIN_C_DECLS /*============================================================================ (1) Feature element tree PRO_E_FEATURE_TREE | |-- PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME | |-- PRO_E_NCSEQ_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_MFG_OPER_REF | |-- PRO_E_NCSEQ_CSYS | |-- PRO_E_RETR_SURF | |-- PRO_E_MFG_SUB_SPINDLE_OPT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TOOL_REF_COMPOUND | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TOOL_ADAPTER_NAME | |-- PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_SITE_NAME | |-- PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_ARR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_LOOP_SURF_REF | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CRV | | | |-- PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL | |-- PRO_E_FF_TRAJ_FLIP_OPT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_OFFSET | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_OFFSET_CUT | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_MAT_TO_RMV | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_DRV_SRF_DIR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_START_HEIGHT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_HEIGHT | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_ARR | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN | |-- PRO_E_MFG_START_PNT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_END_PNT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_PREREQUISITE_ARR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_PROCESS_REF | |-- PRO_E_MFG_FEAT_VIEW_NAME | |-- PRO_E_MFG_SIMP_REP_NAME | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TIME_ESTIMATE | |-- PRO_E_MFG_COST_ESTIMATE | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TIME_ACTUAL | |-- PRO_E_MFG_COMMENTS =============================================================================== (2) Elements table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Element Id Element Name Data Type Valid Values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE Feature Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-1 PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME Feature Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-2 PRO_E_NCSEQ_TYPE Sequence Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-3 PRO_E_MFG_OPER_REF Operation PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-4 PRO_E_NCSEQ_CSYS Sequence Csys PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-5 PRO_E_RETR_SURF Retract Surface Compound Note-6 PRO_E_MFG_TOOL_REF_COMPOUND Tool Compound Note-7 PRO_E_MFG_TOOL_ADAPTER_NAME Tool Attachment PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-8 PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_SITE_NAME Site Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-9 PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_ARR Mfg Parameter Array Array Note-10 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CRV Curve Compound Compound Note-11 PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL Curve Collection Curve Collection Note-12 PRO_E_MFG_OFFSET Offset Compound Compound Note-13 PRO_E_MFG_OFFSET_CUT Offset Cut Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-14 PRO_E_MFG_MAT_TO_RMV Material To Remove PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-15 PRO_E_MFG_DRV_SRF_DIR Flip Drive Surface Direction PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-16 PRO_E_MFG_START_HEIGHT Start Height Ref PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-17 PRO_E_MFG_HEIGHT Height Ref PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-18 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_ARR Tool Motion Array Array Note-19 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN Tool Motion Compound Note-20 PRO_E_MFG_START_PNT Start Point PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-21 PRO_E_MFG_END_PNT End Point PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-22 PRO_E_MFG_PREREQUISITE_ARR Prerequisite Array Array Note-23 PRO_E_MFG_PROCESS_REF Process Reference PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-24 PRO_E_MFG_FEAT_VIEW_NAME View Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-25 PRO_E_MFG_SIMP_REP_NAME Simp Rep Name PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-26 PRO_E_MFG_TIME_ESTIMATE Time Estimate PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-27 PRO_E_MFG_COST_ESTIMATE Cost Estimate PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-28 PRO_E_MFG_TIME_ACTUAL Actual Time PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-29 PRO_E_MFG_COMMENTS Comments PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-30 PRO_E_MFG_SUB_SPINDLE_OPT Sub-spindle Option PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-31 PRO_E_MFG_LOOP_SURF_REF Loop Surfaces PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-32 PRO_E_FF_TRAJ_FLIP_OPT Flip Direction PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-33 =============================================================================== (3) Notes Note-1 : PRO_FEAT_MILL Mandatory. Note-2 : Sequence feature name. Optional. Note-3 : PRO_NCSEQ_FF_TRAJ_MILL Mandatory. Note-4 : Operation feature selection. Mandatory. Note-5 : Coordinate system datum feature. To be used as a sequence coordinate system. Mandatory. Note-6 : Retract compound definition. Please see ProMfgElemRetract.h. Mandatory. Note-7 : Tool reference compound definition. Please see ProMfgElemToolRef.h. Mandatory. Note-8 : Tool adapter model name. Optional. Note-9 : Name of site with default values for manufacturing parameters. Name is going to be ignored if site doesn't exist in the mfg model. Optional. Note-10 : Array of manufacturing parameters. Please see ProMfgElemParam.h. Mandatory. Note-11 : Machining curves compound definition. Mandatory. Note-12 : Curve collection. Mandatory. Note-13 : Offset compound definition. Optional. Note-14 : Offset cut. PRO_B_TRUE - tool offset will be applied. PRO_B_FALSE - tool offset will not be applied. Optional. Note-15 : Material side. PRO_MFG_DIR_SAME - default side will be used. PRO_MFG_DIR_OPPOSITE - the default side will be flipped. Optional. Note-16 : Flip Drive Surface Direction. PRO_B_FALSE - default direction on the drive surface will be used. PRO_B_TRUE - opposite direction on the drive surface will be used . Optional. Note-17 : Selection of the plane where machining will begin. Optional. Note-18 : Single selection of the plane for tool tip to follow. Optional. Note-19 : Array of tool motions. Optional. Note-20 : Tool motion compound specification. Optional. Note-21 : Datum point selection. Allows to start machining at the specified position. Optional. Note-22 : Datum point selection. Allows to end machining at the specified position. Optional. Note-23 : Array of ids of prerequisite sequences. For information purpose only. Please see ProMfgElemPrerequisite.h. Optional. Note-24 : Reference selections (part, feature, curve, surface, edge, datum plane, axis, point, datum csys). Allows to create additional geometry references to be used only in special process application. Element supports multiple selections. Optional. Note-25 : View name. Allows to associated specific view with a machining step. Used only in special process application. Optional. Note-26 : Simplified representation name. Allows to associated specific simplified representation with a machining step. Used only in special process application. Optional. Note-27 : Time estimate. Allows to specify time estimate for the machining step. Used only in special process application. Optional. Note-28 : Cost estimate. Allows to specify cost estimate for the machining step. Used only in special process application. Optional. Note-29 : Actual time. Allows to specify actual time for the machining step. Used only in special process application. Optional. Note-30 : Sequence comments. Note-31 : Type of spindle assigned to the sequence. Values are defined by ProSubSpindleOpt. Optional (if not defined - PRO_MFG_MAIN_SPINDLE is set by default) Note-32 : Selection of surface with loops to machine. Optional. Note-33 : Flip Machining Direction. PRO_B_FALSE - default direction on the curve will be used. PRO_B_TRUE - opposite direction on the curve will be used . Optional. =============================================================================*/ PRO_END_C_DECLS #endif /* PROMFGFEAT2XCURVETRAJ_H */