#ifndef PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNGROOVETURN_H #define PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNGROOVETURN_H /* Creo Parametric TOOLKIT declarations related to specification of tool motion of type "Groove Turning" (PRO_TM_TYPE_GROOVE_TURNING). */ #include <ProToolkit.h> PRO_BEGIN_C_DECLS /*============================================================================ (1) Element tree -- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_REF_ID | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_ARR | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_REF | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_S_VAL | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_E_VAL | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_S_REF | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_E_REF | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_S_ORIENT | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_E_ORIENT | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_DFLT_CORNER_TYPE | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_CORNER_ARR | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_CORNER | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_CORNER_TYPE | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PREV_ENT_ID | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_NEXT_ENT_ID | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_CORNER_VAL | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_PROF_ARR | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLOWANCE | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_FIRST_ENT_ID | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_LAST_ENT_ID | | | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLOWANCE_VAL | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_ROUGH_ARR | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLOWANCE | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_FIRST_ENT_ID | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_LAST_ENT_ID | | | |-- PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLOWANCE_VAL | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_STK_BND_REF | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_EXT | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_S_EXT | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_E_EXT =============================================================================== (2) Elements table --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Element Id Element Name Data Type Valid Values --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN Tool Motion Compound Note-1 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_REF_ID Tool Motion Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-2 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TYPE Tool Motion Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-3 PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_ARR Mfg Parameter Array Array Note-4 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF Turning Profile Compound Note-5 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_REF Turning Profile Refrence PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-6 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_S_VAL Start Point Offset PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-7 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_E_VAL End Point Offset PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-8 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_S_REF Start Point Ajustment Refrence PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-9 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_E_REF End Point Ajustment Refrence PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-10 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_S_ORIENT Start Orientation PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-11 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PROF_E_ORIENT End Orientation PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-12 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_DFLT_CORNER_TYPE Default Corner Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-13 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_CORNER_ARR Corner Conditions Array Array Note-14 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_CORNER Corner Conditions Compound PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_CORNER_TYPE Corner Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-15 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_PREV_ENT_ID Previous Entity Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-16 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_NEXT_ENT_ID Next Entity Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-17 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_CORNER_VAL Corner Value PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-18 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_STK_BND_REF Stock Boundary Reference PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-19 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_EXT Extensions Compound Note-20 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_S_EXT Start Extension PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-21 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TURN_E_EXT End Extension PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-22 PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_PROF_ARR Profile Stock Allowance Array Note-23 PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_ROUGH_ARR Rough Stock Allowance Array Note-24 PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLOWANCE Stock Allowance Compound PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_FIRST_ENT_ID Segment First Entity Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-25 PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLW_LAST_ENT_ID Segment Last Entity Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-26 PRO_E_TURN_STK_ALLOWANCE_VAL Stock Allowance Value PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-27 ========================================================================================================= (3) Notes Note-1 : Tool motion definition. PRO_E_TOOL_MTN is a member of PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_ARR array. Note-2 : Tool motion id. Internal use only. Should not be added or modified. Note-3 : Tool motion type - PRO_TM_TYPE_GROOVE_TURNING Values defined by ProTmType. Mandatory. Note-4 : Array of manufacturing parameters. Please see ProMfgElemParam.h. Mandatory. Note-5 : Turning profile definition. Note-6 : Turning profile refrence. Mandatory. Note-7 : Start point offset. Range -MAX_DIM_VALUE to MAX_DIM_VALUE. Optional. Note-8 : End point offset. Range -MAX_DIM_VALUE to MAX_DIM_VALUE. Optional. Note-9 : Start point ajustment refrence. Optional. Note-10 : End point ajustment refrence. Optional. Note-11 : Orientation of axis if csys is selected as start point ajustment. PRO_TM_TURN_CSYS_X; PRO_TM_TURN_CSYS_Y; PRO_TM_TURN_CSYS_Z. Mandatory if csys is selected for cylindrical retract reference. Ingnored in all other cases. Note-12 : Orientation of axis if csys is selected as end point ajustment: PRO_TM_TURN_CSYS_X; PRO_TM_TURN_CSYS_Y; PRO_TM_TURN_CSYS_Z. Mandatory if csys is selected for cylindrical retract reference. Ingnored in all other cases. Note-13 : Default corner type: PRO_TM_TURN_CORNER_TYPE_SHARP; PRO_TM_TURN_CORNER_TYPE_FILLET; PRO_TM_TURN_CORNER_TYPE_CHAMFER. Mandatory. Note-14 : Corner Conditions Array. Optional. Note-15 : Corner type: PRO_TM_TURN_CORNER_TYPE_SHARP; PRO_TM_TURN_CORNER_TYPE_FILLET; PRO_TM_TURN_CORNER_TYPE_CHAMFER. Mandatory. Note-16 : Previous entity id. Mandatory. Note-17 : Next entity id. Mandatory. Note-18 : Fillet radius or chamfer dimension. Range -MAX_DIM_VALUE to MAX_DIM_VALUE. Mandatory if corner type is PRO_TM_TURN_CORNER_TYPE_FILLET or PRO_TM_TURN_CORNER_TYPE_CHAMFER. Note-19 : Reference to workpiece or stock boundary. Mandatory. Note-20 : Extensions. Mandatory. Note-21 : Start extension: EXT_POS_Z; EXT_NEG_Z; EXT_POS_Y; EXT_NEG_Y; EXT_NONE. Mandatory. Note-22 : End extension: EXT_POS_Z; EXT_NEG_Z; EXT_POS_Y; EXT_NEG_Y; EXT_NONE. Mandatory. Note-23 : Profile Stock Allowance Array. Optional. Note-24 : Rough Stock Allowance Array. Optional. Note-25 : Id of the first entity of the turn profile segment with stock allowance. Mandatory. Note-26 : Id of the last entity of the turn profile segment with stock allowance. Mandatory. Note-27 : Stock allowance value Mandatory. ==============================================================================*/ PRO_END_C_DECLS #endif /* PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNGROOVETURN_H */