#ifndef PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNTRAJCURVE_H #define PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNTRAJCURVE_H /* Creo Parametric TOOLKIT declarations related to specification of tool motion of type "Curve Cut" (PRO_TM_TYPE_CURVE_TRAJECTORY). */ #include <ProToolkit.h> PRO_BEGIN_C_DECLS /*============================================================================ (1) Element tree -- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_REF_ID | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_ARR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CRV | | | |-- PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL | |-- PRO_E_NCD_CURVE_POINT | | | |-- PRO_E_NCD_CURVE_POINT_REF | | | |-- PRO_E_NCD_CURVE_POINT_OFFSET_TYPE | | | |-- PRO_E_NCD_CURVE_POINT_OFFSET | |-- PRO_E_MFG_HELICAL_CUT_OPT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_START_HEIGHT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_HEIGHT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_OFFSET | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_OFFSET_CUT | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_MAT_TO_RMV | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_DRV_SRF_DIR | |-- PRO_E_CHECK_SURF_COLL | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_COMP | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_TYPE | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_PIVOT_REF | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_NORM_SRF_COMP | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_NORM_SRF | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXDEF_NORM_SURF_DIR | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_LOCATION_ARR | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_LOCATION | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_ORIGIN_REF | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_ORIENT_COMP | | | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_ORIENT_REF | | | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXES_DEF_ANGLE_X | | | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXES_DEF_ANGLE_Y | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_LOC_FLIP_OPT | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_LOC_ALIGN_Z | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_CURVE_COMP | | | | | |-- PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_ARR | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_COMP | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_PNT_1 | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_PNT_2 | | | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_FLIP_OPT | | | |-- PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_FLIP_OPT | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_COND | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_DFLT_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_ARR | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_PREV_ID | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_NEXT_ID | |-- PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_VAL =============================================================================== (2) Elements table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Element Id Element Name Data Type Valid Values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN Tool Motion Compound Note-1 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_REF_ID Tool Motion Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-2 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TYPE Tool Motion Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-3 PRO_E_MFG_PARAM_ARR Mfg Parameter Array Array Note-4 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CRV Trajectory Curve Compound Note-5 PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL Curve Collection Curve Collection Note-6 PRO_E_NCD_CURVE_POINT Curve Point Compound Note-7 PRO_E_NCD_CURVE_POINT_REF Curve Point Reference PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-8 PRO_E_NCD_CURVE_POINT_OFFSET_TYPE Curve Point Offset Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-9 PRO_E_NCD_CURVE_POINT_OFFSET Curve Point Offset PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-10 PRO_E_MFG_HELICAL_CUT_OPT Helical Cut PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-11 PRO_E_MFG_START_HEIGHT Start Height PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-12 PRO_E_MFG_HEIGHT Height PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-13 PRO_E_MFG_OFFSET Offset Compound Note-14 PRO_E_MFG_OFFSET_CUT Offset Cut PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-15 PRO_E_MFG_MAT_TO_RMV Material To Remove PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-16 PRO_E_MFG_DRV_SRF_DIR Flip Drive Surface Direction PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-17 PRO_E_CHECK_SURF_COLL Check Surfaces Compound Note-18 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_COMP Axis Definition Compound Note-19 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_TYPE Axis Definition Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-20 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_PIVOT_REF Pivot Reference PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-21 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_NORM_SRF_COMP Normal Surface Compound Compound Note-22 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_NORM_SRF Normal Surface PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-23 PRO_E_MFG_AXDEF_NORM_SURF_DIR Normal Surface Direction PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-24 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_LOCATION_ARR Location Array Array Note-25 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_LOCATION Location Item Compound Note-26 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_ORIGIN_REF Origin Reference PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-27 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_ORIENT_COMP Orientation Compound Note-28 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_ORIENT_REF Orientation Reference PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-29 PRO_E_MFG_AXES_DEF_ANGLE_X Lead angle PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-30 PRO_E_MFG_AXES_DEF_ANGLE_Y Tilt angle PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-31 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_LOC_FLIP_OPT Direction Flip PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-32 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_LOC_ALIGN_Z Align with the Z Axis PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-33 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_CURVE_COMP Pivot Curve Compound Note-34 PRO_E_STD_CURVE_COLLECTION_APPL Pivot Curve Collection Chain Collection Note-35 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_ARR Synchronization Array Array Note-36 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_COMP Synchronization Item Compound Note-37 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_PNT_1 Synchronization point 1 PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-38 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_PNT_2 Synchronization point 2 PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-39 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_SYNC_FLIP_OPT Direction Flip PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-40 PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_FLIP_OPT Direction Flip PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-41 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_COND Corner Condition Compound Note-42 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_DFLT_TYPE Default Corner Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-43 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_ARR Corner Condition Array Array Note-44 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER Corner Condition Item Compound Note-45 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE Corner Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-46 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_PREV_ID Previous Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-47 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_NEXT_ID Next Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-48 PRO_E_MFG_TRAJ_CORNER_VAL Corner Value PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-49 ======================================================================================================= (3) Notes Note-1 : Tool motion definition. PRO_E_TOOL_MTN is a member of PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_ARR array. Note-2 : Tool motion id. Internal use only. Should not be added or modified. Note-3 : Tool motion type - PRO_TM_TYPE_CURVE_TRAJECTORY Values defined by ProTmType. Mandatory. Note-4 : Array of manufacturing parameters. Please see ProMfgElemParam.h. Mandatory. Note-5 : Machining curves compound definition. Mandatory. Note-6 : Curve collection. Mandatory. Note-7 : Compound Start Point definition. Applicable for closed loops only. Optional. Note-8 : Start Point vertex definition to offset from. Optional. Note-9 : Start Point offset type definition. PRO_CURVE_POINT_OFFSET_TYPE_RATIO - offset by parameter. PRO_CURVE_POINT_OFFSET_TYPE_REAL - offset by length. Optional. Note-10 : Start Point offset definition. Optional. Note-11 : Helical cut option. PRO_B_TRUE - helical option and parameters will be applied. PRO_B_FALSE - helical option and parameters will not be applied. Optional. Note-12 : Selection of Start Height surface. Optional. Note-13 : Multiple selections of Height surfaces. Optional. Note-14 : Offset compound definition. Optional. Note-15 : Offset cut. PRO_B_TRUE - tool offset will be applied. PRO_B_FALSE - tool offset will not be applied. Optional. Note-16 : Material side. PRO_MAT_RMV_LEFT - Cut on left from curve. PRO_MAT_RMV_RIGHT - Cut on right from curve. Optional. Note-17 : Flip Drive Surface Direction. PRO_B_FALSE - default direction on the drive surface will be used. PRO_B_TRUE - opposite direction on the drive surface will be used . Optional. Note-18 : Check surfaces compound definition. Please see ProMfgElemCheckSurf.h. Optional. Note-19 : Axis definition compound element. Optional. Note-20 : Values defined by ProAxisDefType: PRO_AXIS_DEF_TYPE_UNDEF, PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_PIVOT_REF, PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_LOCATIONS, PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_TWO_CONTOURS, PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_NORM_SURF. Please see ProMfgOptions.h Mandatory. Note-21 : Single reference selection (point or axis ). Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_TYPE is set to PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_PIVOT_REF. Ignored in all other cases. Note-22 : Normal Surface compound element. Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_TYPE is set to PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_NORM_SURF. Ignored in all other cases. Note-23 : Multiple reference selection ( surface or quilt or feature. Quilt or feature must represent Mill Surface ). Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_TYPE is set to PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_NORM_SURF. Ignored in all other cases. Note-24 : Normal Surface Direction. PRO_B_TRUE - Direction opposite to the normal to the surface selected for PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_NORM_SRF. PRO_B_FALSE - Same direction as the normal to the surface selected for PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_NORM_SRF. Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_TYPE is set to PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_NORM_SURF. Ignored in all other cases. Note-25 : Array of locations. Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_TYPE is set to PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_LOCATIONS. Ignored in all other cases. Note-26 : Location compound element. Mandatory. Note-27 : Single reference selection (point on a curve or an edge). Mandatory. Note-28 : Orientation compound element. Mandatory. Note-29 : Single reference selection (point or axis ). Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXES_DEF_ANGLE_X/Y are not defined. Note-30 : Lead angle. Range -90 to +90. Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_ORIENT_REF is not defined. Note-31 : Tilt angle. Range -90 to +90. Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_ORIENT_REF is not defined. Note-32 : Direction flip at a location. PRO_B_TRUE - Reversed direction; PRO_B_FALSE - Same direction. Mandatory. Note-33 : Align with the Z Axis option. PRO_B_TRUE - Align the tool axis with the Z axis of the step coordinate system; Mandatory. Note-34 : Pivot Curve compound element. Mandatory if PRO_E_MFG_AXIS_DEF_TYPE is set to PRO_AXIS_DEF_BY_TWO_CONTOURS. Ignored in all other cases. Note-35 : Chain collection general compound element. Mandatory. Note-36 : Synchronization Array. Optional. Note-37 : Synchronization compound element. Optional. Note-38 : Single reference selection (point on the trajectory curve). Mandatory. Note-39 : Single reference selection (point on the pivot curve). Mandatory. Note-40 : Direction flip. PRO_B_TRUE - Reversed direction; PRO_B_FALSE - Same direction. Mandatory. Note-41 : Direction flip. PRO_B_TRUE - Reversed direction; PRO_B_FALSE - Same direction. Mandatory. Note-42 : Corner condition compound element. Optional. Note-43 : Values defined by ProTmTrajCornerType: PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_SHARP, PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_FILLET, PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_CHAMFER, PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_LOOP, PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_STRAIGHT. Please see ProMfgOptions.h Mandatory. Note-44 : Corner Condition Array. Optional. Note-45 : Corner Condition Item. Optional. Note-46 : Values defined by ProTmTrajCornerType: PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_SHARP, PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_FILLET, PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_CHAMFER, PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_LOOP, PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_STRAIGHT. Please see ProMfgOptions.h Mandatory. Note-47 : Previous id. Mandatory. Note-48 : Next id. Mandatory. Note-49 : Fillet radius or chamfer dimension. Range 0. to MAX_DIM_VALUE. Mandatory if corner type is PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_FILLET or PRO_TM_TRAJ_CORNER_TYPE_CHAMFER. ==============================================================================*/ PRO_END_C_DECLS #endif /* PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNTRAJCURVE_H */