#ifndef PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNCLCMD_H #define PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNCLCMD_H /* Creo Parametric TOOLKIT declarations related to specification of tool motion of type "CL Command" (PRO_TM_TYPE_CL_COMMAND). */ #include <ProToolkit.h> PRO_BEGIN_C_DECLS /*============================================================================ (1) Element tree -- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_REF_ID | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TYPE | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_STR | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_PARAM | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_GEOM_REF | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_SRF_OPT | | | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_ON_EXIST_PNT | |-- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_PARENT_REF_ID =============================================================================== (2) Elements table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Element Id Element Name Data Type Valid Values ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO_E_TOOL_MTN Tool Motion Compound Note-1 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_REF_ID Tool Motion Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-2 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_TYPE Tool Motion Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-3 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD Cl Command Compound PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE CL Command Location Type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-4 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_STR CL Command String PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING Note-5 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_PARAM CL Command Parameter PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE Note-6 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_GEOM_REF CL Command Geometry Reference PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION Note-7 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_SRF_OPT CL Command Surface Option PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-8 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_ON_EXIST_PNT CL Command On Existing Point PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-9 PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_PARENT_REF_ID Parent Reference Id PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT Note-10 ======================================================================================== (3) Notes Note-1 : Tool motion definition. PRO_E_TOOL_MTN is a member of PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_ARR array. Note-2 : Tool motion id. Internal use only. Should not be added or modified. Note-3 : Tool motion type - PRO_TM_TYPE_CL_COMMAND Values defined by ProTmType. Mandatory. Note-4 : CL command location types: PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_SEL - CL command position is on tool path (PRO_E_TOOL_MTN_CL_CMD_PARAM must be assigned); PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_BEGIN - CL command position is at the beginning of tool path; PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_CURR - CL command position at the last point of the previous motion. PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_DTM_PNT - CL command position is at the projection of given point on tool path (NCL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_DTM_PNT must be defined); PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_ON_SURFACE - CL command positions are at intersections of given surface and tool path (PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_ON_SURFACE must be defined). Mandatory. Note-5 : User specified string. Mandatory. Note-6 : Range [0., 1.]. Mandatory for PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_SEL location type. Note-7 : Reference to a datum point or a surface. Mandatory for NCL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_DTM_PNT and PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_ON_SURFACE location types. Note-8 : CL command surface options: PRO_CL_COMMAND_ON_FIRST_PASS - only the first pass is considered for surface/tool path intersection; PRO_CL_COMMAND_ON_LAST_PASS - only the last pass; PRO_CL_COMMAND_ON_ALL_PASSES - all passes. Mandatory for NCL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_ON_SURFACE. Note-9 : PRO_B_TRUE - place the cl command at the nearest existing point of the tool path; PRO_B_FALSE - new point will be added. Mandatory for PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_DTM_PNT. Note-10 : Tool motion id of the tool motion referred by this cl command tool motion. Mandatory for PRO_CL_CMD_LOC_TYPE_SEL. ==============================================================================*/ PRO_END_C_DECLS #endif /* PROMFGELEMTOOLMTNCLCMD_H */