   Creo Parametric TOOLKIT declarations related related to flat datum surface feature

#include <ProToolkit.h>



1. Feature Element Tree (Used for Pro/Engineer 2002 and onward)

     |--PRO_E_STD_SECTION   ( Sketch )
     |--PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME (Optional Element)
     |  ( Under SheetMetal mode : )
     |    |
     |    |--PRO_E_BODY_USE
     |    |
     |    |--PRO_E_BODY_SELECT


2. Feature elements table

Element Id             Element Name   Data Type            

PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE             Feature Type       PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT   
PRO_E_FEATURE_FORM             Feature Form       PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT   
PRO_E_STD_SECTION              Sketch             Compound Element. 
PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME         Feature Name       PRO_VALUE_TYPE_WSTRING (Optional)

PRO_E_IS_UNATTACHED_WALL       Is Smt wall        PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT     (Optional)
PRO_E_STD_DIRECTION            Material direction PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT     (Optional)
PRO_E_STD_SMT_THICKNESS        Wall thickness     PRO_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE  (Optional)
PRO_E_STD_SMT_SWAP_DRV_SIDE    Swap side          PRO_VALUE_TYPE_INT     (Optional)



Table 3  : elements used for Surface Fill and their values.
| Element Id                 |  Value                                 |
|                            |                                        |
| PRO_E_FEATURE_FORM         | Feature Form : PRO_FLAT                |
|                            |                                        |
|                            |                                        |
| PRO_E_FEATURE_TYPE         | Feature Type : PRO_FEAT_DATUM_SURF     |
|                            |                                        |
|                            |                                        |
| PRO_E_STD_SECTION          | Please refer to ProStdSection.h for    | 
|                            | more information.                      |
|                            |                                        |
|                            |                                        |
| PRO_E_STD_FEATURE_NAME     | Default given by application depending |
|                            | on feature type.                       |
|                            |                                        |

Table 4  : elements used for SMT first and unattached wall and their values.
| Element Id                     |  Value                                 |
|                                |                                        |
| PRO_E_IS_UNATTACHED_WALL       | Controls Flat Surface / SMT wall       |
|                                | PRO_B_TRUE / PRO_B_FALSE               |
|                                |                                        |
|                                |                                        |
| PRO_E_STD_DIRECTION            | Specify the wall material direction    |
|                                |                                        |
|                                |                                        |
| PRO_E_STD_SMT_THICKNESS        | The first wall thickness.              |
|                                |                                        |
|                                |                                        |
| PRO_E_STD_SMT_SWAP_DRV_SIDE    | Whether to Swap sides.                 |
|                                |                                        |
|                                |                                        |
| PRO_E_BODY                     |Compound element .                      |
|                                |                                        |
|                                |                                        |
|PRO_E_BODY_USE                  | PRO_BODY_USE_NEW: new body created     |
|                                | and created geometry added to it;      |
|                                | always marks first wall.               |
|                                | PRO_BODY_USE_SELECTED: Feature adds    |
                                 |  it's geometry to single selected body |
|                                |                                        |
|                                |                                        |
| PRO_E_BODY_SELECTED            | Reference to selected body             |
|                                | Mandatory if PRO_E_BODY_USE            | 
|                                |  is set to   PRO_BODY_USE_SELECTED     |
|                                | Ignored otherwise                      |
|                                | Single reference allowed               |
|                                |                                        |
|                                |                                        |
| PRO_E_SMT_NEW_BODY_LINKED      | PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_FALSE                |
|                                | whether created smt body is            |
|                                | linked to part                         |
|                                | Mandatory if PRO_E_BODY_USE is set to  |
|                                | PRO_BODY_USE_NEW                       |
|                                |                                        |


