/* Include Files.
#include        <ProANSI.h>
#include        <ProMdl.h>
#include        <ProConst.h>


 Define New typdefs

typedef ProName * ProExtdataNamesList;
typedef int     * ProExtdataIdsList;

 Define New Structures for ProExtdata usage.

<p><b>Note: </b>
      Although class and slot names are individually limited to a length of 
      PRO_NAME_SIZE, they must also have a combined length shorter than 
      PRO_NAME_SIZE. Attempting to use combined names longer than 
      PRO_NAME_SIZE results in an error.
typedef struct pro_extdata_class 
  ProMdl   p_model;
  ProName  class_name;
  /* int   total_slots; */
} ProExtdataClass;

typedef struct pro_extdata_slot 
  ProExtdataClass *p_class;
  ProName         slot_name;
  int             slot_id;
} ProExtdataSlot;

 Define Error Codes.
/*14 Give error codes NEW names.
typedef enum proappdata_error_status
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR                     = -11,
} ProExtdataErr;

/* Maximum number of slots that can be added to a given model, in all
   ProExtdata classes.  Checked in ProExtdataSlotCreate() */

 Function prototyping for all the Pro/AppData Toolkit API.

extern	ProExtdataErr  ProExtdataInit ( ProMdl   p_model);
    Purpose: Performs the initial setup for the generic application data 

    Input Arguments:
        p_model - The model handle

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully performed the setup.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model is invalid.


extern	ProExtdataErr ProExtdataTerm ( ProMdl   p_model);
    Purpose: Cleans up the setup required for the generic application data 
             operations for the specified model.

    Input Arguments:
        p_model - The model handle

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully performed the 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model is invalid.


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataClassRegister
	ProMdl		p_model,
	ProName		class_name,
        ProExtdataClass *r_p_extclass
    Purpose: Registers a class for the specified model.
             <p><b>Note: </b> Although class and slot names are individually 
             limited to a length of PRO_NAME_SIZE, they must also have a 
             combined length shorter than PRO_NAME_SIZE. Attempting to use 
             combined names longer than PRO_NAME_SIZE results in an error.

    Input Arguments:
        p_model - The model handle
        class_name - The name of the class to register

    Output Arguments:
        r_p_extclass - The handle to the newly registered class

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully registered the 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model or class name 
                                             is invalid.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_CLASS_OR_SLOT_EXISTS - The specified class name already 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NAMES_TOO_LONG - The specified class name exceeds the 
                                       length PRO_NAME_SIZE.


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataClassUnregister
	ProExtdataClass *p_extclass
    Purpose: Unregisters the specified class, if it has been registered.

    Input Arguments:
        p_extclass - The class handle

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully unregistered the 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model or class name 
                                             is invalid.


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataSlotCreate
	ProExtdataClass *p_extclass,
	ProName         slot_name,
	ProExtdataSlot  *r_p_extslot
    Purpose: Creates a data slot for the specified class.
             <p><b>Note: </b> Although class and slot names are individually 
             limited to a length of PRO_NAME_SIZE, they must also have a 
             combined length shorter than PRO_NAME_SIZE. Attempting to use 
             combined names longer than PRO_NAME_SIZE results in an error.

    Input Arguments:
        p_extclass - The class handle
        slot_name - The name of the data slot to create. Pass NULL to 
                    automatically create a slot with a name related to the next 
                    available id.

    Output Arguments:
        r_p_extslot - The handle to the newly created data slot

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully created the data 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model or class name 
                                             is invalid.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_CLASS_OR_SLOT_EXISTS - The specified slot already exists 
                                             in the specified class.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NAMES_TOO_LONG - The specified slot or class name exceeds 
                                       the length PRO_NAME_SIZE.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_MAX_SLOTS_IN_MODEL - Model already contains 
                                           PRO_EXTDATA_MAX_SLOTS slots.


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataSlotWrite
	ProExtdataSlot  *p_extslot,
	int             key_by_flag,
	int             data_type,
	int             data_size,
	void            *p_data
    Purpose: Writes data to the specified data slot.

    Input Arguments:
        p_extslot - The handle to the data slot.
        key_by_flag - The key-by flag -- either KEY_BY_ID or KEY_BY_NAME.
        data_type - The data type. The valid types are PRO_INTEGER_TYPE, 
                    PRO_CHAPTER_TYPE. PRO_CHAPTER_TYPE behaves similar to 
                    PRO_STREAM_TYPE but has no data length limit.
        data_size - The size of the data. This argument applies to 
                    PRO_STREAM_TYPE only.
        p_data - The handle to the data to be written in the specified slot.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully wrote data to the 
                                 data slot.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model or class name 
                                             is invalid.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_BAD_KEY_BY_FLAG - The specified <i>key_by_flag</i> is 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_SLOT_NOT_FOUND - The specified slot was not found.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_STREAM_TOO_LARGE - The stream data size is greater than 
                                         524288 bytes.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_BAD_DATA_ARGS - The specified <i>data_type</i> is 


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataSlotRead
	ProExtdataSlot *p_extslot,
	int            key_by_flag,
	int            *data_type,
	int            *data_size,
	void           **r_p_data
    Purpose: Reads the data from the specified slot.

    Input Arguments:
        p_extslot - The handle to the data slot.
        key_by_flag - The key-by flag -- either KEY_BY_ID or KEY_BY_NAME.

    Output Arguments:
        data_type - The data type. The valid types are PRO_INTEGER_TYPE, 
                    PRO_CHAPTER_TYPE. PRO_CHAPTER_TYPE behaves similar to 
                    PRO_STREAM_TYPE but has no data length limit.
        data_size - The size of the data. This argument applies to 
                    PRO_STREAM_TYPE only.
        r_p_data - The returned data handle.

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully read data from the 
                                 specified slot.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model or class name 
                                             is invalid.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_BAD_KEY_BY_FLAG - The specified <i>key_by_flag</i> is 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_SLOT_NOT_FOUND - The specified slot was not found.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_BAD_DATA_ARGS - The <i>data_size</i> is NULL.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_EMPTY_SLOT - No data exists in the slot.


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataSlotDelete
	ProExtdataSlot  *p_extslot,
	int             key_by_flag 
    Purpose: Deletes the specified data slot.

    Input Arguments:
        p_extslot - The handle to the data slot
        key_by_flag - The key-by flag -- either KEY_BY_ID or KEY_BY_NAME

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully deleted the slot.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model or class name 
                                             is invalid.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_BAD_KEY_BY_FLAG - The specified <i>key_by_flag</i> is 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_SLOT_NOT_FOUND - The specified slot was not found.


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataLoadAll
	ProMdl		p_model
    Purpose: Loads all the generic application data for the specified model.

    Input Arguments:
        p_model - The model handle

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully loaded all the 
                                 generic application data for the model.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model is invalid.


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataClassNamesList
	ProMdl			p_model,
	int			*r_num_of_classes,
	ProExtdataNamesList	*r_class_names
    Purpose: Generates a list of all the classes registered for the specified 

    Input Arguments:
        p_model - The model handle

    Output Arguments:
        r_num_of_classes - The number of classes in the generated list
        r_class_names - The list of all the registered classes

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully created a list of 
                                 all the classes.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model is invalid.


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataSlotIdsList
        ProExtdataClass 	*p_extclass,
	int			*r_num_of_slots,
	ProExtdataIdsList	*r_slot_ids
    Purpose: Generates a list of all the slot identifiers for the specified 

    Input Arguments:
        p_extclass - The class handle

    Output Arguments:
        r_num_of_slots - The number of slots in the class
        r_slot_ids - The list of slots identifiers for the class

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully created a list of 
                                 all the slot identifiers.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model is invalid.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_BAD_DATA_ARGS - The argument <i>r_slot_ids</i> is 


extern	ProExtdataErr	ProExtdataSlotNamesList
	ProExtdataClass		*p_extclass,
	int			*r_num_of_slots,
	ProExtdataNamesList	*r_slot_names
    Purpose: Generates a list of all the slot names for the specified class.

    Input Arguments:
        p_extclass - The class handle

    Output Arguments:
        r_num_of_slots - The number of slots in the class
        r_slot_names - The list of slot names

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully returned the 
        PROEXTDATA_TK_ERROR - The function failed.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_INVALID_OBJ_OR_CLASS - The specified model is invalid.
        PROEXTDATA_TK_BAD_DATA_ARGS - The argument <i>r_slot_names</i> is 


extern ProExtdataErr ProExtdataFree
 void **p_extdata
    Purpose: Frees the memory allocated by the <i>ProExtdata</i> API.

    Input Arguments:
        p_extdata - The handle to the external data

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PROEXTDATA_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully freed the memory.


#endif /* PROEXTDATA_H */