#include <ProDtlitem.h>
#include <ProView.h>
#include <ProSelection.h>
#include <ProGtol.h>

typedef struct prodtl_attach_new *ProDtlattach;

typedef enum pro_dtlattach_type
} ProDtlattachType;


extern ProError ProDtlattachAlloc(
    ProDtlattachType type, 
    ProView    view, 
    ProVector   location, 
    ProSelection   attach_point, 
    ProDtlattach   *attachment);
    Purpose: Allocate and initialize the memory for a detail attachment. User 
             must release the memory by ProDtlattachFree.

    Input Arguments:
        type - The attachment type (FREE, PARAMETRIC or OFFSET).
        view - The view. Use only if the attachment type is set to 
               PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE, to make an attachment relative to a 
               drawing view. Use NULL to attach to a point unconnected to a 
               drawing view and for solid model annotations.
        location - The attachment location. Use if the attachment type is set 
                   drawing objects and symbols and surface finish on 
                   flat-to-screen annotation planes, this should be in screen 
                   coordinates. For symbols and surface finish on 3D model 
                   annotation planes, this should be in model coordinates.
        attach_point - The attachment point. Use if the attachment type is 
                       PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_PARAMETRIC or 
                       PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_OFFSET. For drawing attachments, the 
                       drawing view and attachment reference must be specified 
                       as a part of this structure created using ProSelect(), 
                       or by using ProSelectionAlloc () plus 
                       ProSelectionViewSet() and ProSelectionPoint3dSet().

    Output Arguments:
        attachment - The new detail attachment.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully allocated memory.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - Bad one or more input arguments.
        PRO_TK_INVALID_TYPE - Bad type.
        PRO_TK_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Not enough memory.


extern ProError ProDtlattachSet(
    ProDtlattach   attachment,
    ProDtlattachType type,
    ProView    view,
    ProVector   location,
    ProSelection   attach_point);
    Purpose: Modifies the contents of a ProDtlattach. The arrow type of the 
             existing ProDtlattach will be preserved.

    Input Arguments:
        attachment - The detail attachment to be modified.
        type - The attachment type (FREE, PARAMETRIC or OFFSET).
        view - The view. Use only if the attachment type is set to 
               PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE, to make an attachment relative to a 
               drawing view. Use NULL to attach to a point unconnected to a 
               drawing view and for solid model annotations.
        location - The attachment location. Use if the attachment type is set 
                   drawing objects and symbols and surface finish on 
                   flat-to-screen annotation planes, this should be in screen 
                   coordinates. For symbols and surface finish on 3D model 
                   annotation planes, this should be in model coordinates.
        attach_point - The attachment point. Use if the attachment type is 
                       PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_PARAMETRIC or 
                       PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_OFFSET. For drawing attachments, the 
                       drawing view and attachment reference must be specified 
                       as a part of this structure created using ProSelect(), 
                       or by using ProSelectionAlloc () plus 
                       ProSelectionViewSet() and ProSelectionPoint3dSet().

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully allocated memory.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - Bad one or more input arguments.
        PRO_TK_INVALID_TYPE - Bad type.


extern ProError ProDtlattachFree(
    ProDtlattach attachment);
    Purpose: Release the memory that was allocated by ProDtlattachAlloc.

    Input Arguments:
        attachment - The detail attachment.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully released memory.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - Bad input argument.


extern ProError ProDtlattachGet(
    ProDtlattach attachment,
    ProDtlattachType *type,
    ProView    *view,
    ProVector   location,
    ProSelection   *attach_point);
    Purpose: Gets a detail attachment data.

    Input Arguments:
        attachment - The detail attachment.

    Output Arguments:
        type - The attachment type (FREE, PARAMETRIC, OFFSET or UNIMPLEMENTED).
        view - The view if type == PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE or type == 
        location - The attachment location if type == PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE, 
                   For drawing objects and symbols and surface finish on 
                   flat-to-screen annotation planes, this should be in screen 
                   coordinates. For symbols and surface finish on 3D model 
                   annotation planes, this should be in model coordinates.
        attach_point - The attachment point if type == 
                       PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_PARAMETRIC or 

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function successfully retrieved data.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - Bad one or more input arguments.
        PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR - Can't get data.
        PRO_TK_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Not enough memory.


extern ProError ProDtlattachArrowtypeGet (ProDtlattach attach,
                                            ProLeaderType* arrow_type);
    Purpose: Returns the type of arrowhead used for this particular detail item 
             attachment. Valid only for ProDtlattach which were obtained from 
             ProDtlsyminstdataLeadersCollect and ProDtlnotedataLeadersCollect. 
             Other types of detail attachments would not have arrows. 

    Licensing Requirement:

    Input Arguments:
        attach - The leader attachment structure.

    Output Arguments:
        arrow_type - The type of arrowhead used for the attached leader.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid.
        PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND - This attachment is not a leader and does not 
                             include an arrow.


extern ProError ProDtlattachArrowtypeSet (ProDtlattach attach, 
                                          ProLeaderType arrow_type);
    Purpose: Sets the type of arrowhead to be used for this particular detail 
             item attachment. Valid only for ProDtlattach which were obtained 
             from ProDtlsyminstdataLeadersCollect and 
             ProDtlnotedataLeadersCollect. Other types of detail attachments 
             would not have arrows. 

    Licensing Requirement:

    Input Arguments:
        attach - The leader attachment structure.
        arrow_type - The type of arrowhead to be used for the attached leader.

    Output Arguments:

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid.


extern ProError ProDtlattachIsSuppressedGet (ProDtlattach attach, 
                                             ProBoolean *is_supp);
    Purpose: Returns if the attachment is suppressed

    Input Arguments:
        attach - The leader attachment structure.

    Output Arguments:
        is_supp - true if the attachment is suppressed.

    Return Values:
        PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
        PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more input arguments was invalid.



#endif  /* PRODTLATTACH_H */