Object ProMechsolid

Mechanica solid

The following objects are attributes of this object:

ProMechedge, ProMechsurface, ProMechvertex

This object is an attribute of the following objects:


A solid model extracted from Pro/Mechanica geometry. Typically this represents an assembly member, although several Creo Parametric assembly components may be merged into a single ProMechSolid object.

ProMechsolid Functions:

ProMechsolidAsmcomppathGet(), ProMechsolidEdgeVisit(), ProMechsolidFilterAction(), ProMechsolidIdGet(), ProMechsolidModelGet(), ProMechsolidSurfaceVisit(), ProMechsolidTypeGet(), ProMechsolidVertexVisit(), ProMechsolidVisitAction()

Manual References:

  1. Creo Simulate: Geometry: Accessing Creo Simulate ProMechSurface