Category Data sharing, Object ProVariantfeat

Function ProVariantfeatItemCopySet

Assigns the copy flag for a given item in the inheritance feature or flexible component. After making a change using this function, you should regenerate the feature's owner to completely update the status of the item.
#include <ProVariantFeat.h>
ProFeature* feature
/* (In)
The variant feature
ProModelitem* item
/* (In)
The item. If the item is not currently varied in the feature this will force it to become varied.
ProBoolean copy
/* (In)
Whether or not to copy the item into the variant feature. If set, this overrides the "copy all" setting for the feature.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments was invalid.
See Also

Manual References:

  1. Assembly: Data Sharing Features: Variant Model Items
  2. Assembly: Data Sharing Features: Variant Model Items