Category Geometry items, Object ProContour

Function ProContourBoundbox3dCompute

Finds the 3d bounding box for the inside surface of the specified outer contour, taking into account internal voids.

Note: The outline returned by the function ProContourBoundbox3dCompute() represents the outline box used by Creo Parametric embedded algorithms, and hence it can be slightly bigger than the outline computed directly from the surface parameters.

Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: wfcWContour::Eval3DOutline
#include <ProContour.h>
ProSurface p_srf_handle
/* (In)
The surface handle
ProContour p_cntr_handle
/* (In)
The contour handle
Pro3dPnt r_outline_points[2]
/* (Out)
The contour 3d bounding box
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully found the 3d bounding box.
PRO_TK_BAD_SRF_CRVOne or more of the input arguments are invalid.

Manual References:

  1. Core: 3D Geometry: Measurement
  2. Core: 3D Geometry: Measurement